chapter 10

Shivani's pov

Next day

Arjun picked me up...we went to barista and had coffee...

We spoke for nearly 2 hrs we didnt realize how the time flew. ....

I enjoy talking to him...I dont even realize how time flies with his company....

He spent all day with me and I laughed after a long time.... it was a great day....he tried and insisted me to start going to hospital. ...

At around 6 he dropped me home

After I reached home....

My mom sitting in front of the tv and watching her daily serials. ..

"Beta how was your day? "

"It was good mom"

" you seem soo much better than yesterday ...I think arjun is a good person.... he takes good care of u "

"Hahaha maybe ma"

We spoke for long....then I decided to go to bed as I didnt want to get late for work tomorrow. ...

" I m tired mom ill sleep I have to wake up early tomorrow. ..I have decided to go to hospital fron tomorrow"

" oh!!..beta m very happy!!  "

Arjun's pov

Today I spent nearly all day with usual had lot of fun...

I tried and insisted her to start going tp hospital. ...hopefully it helps and miss dum dum understands....

After about 2 hrs from dropping her my phone tinked...msg from shivani's mom...

Shivani going to hospital from tomorrow. ..thank you beta!

Wow!!! very happy....proud of you shivani...

I texted shivani

Hello miss
Proud of you...m very happy that you deided to go to hospital again...
I'll drop you to hospital tomorrow. ..I'll pick you up at 7 am... :)

She texted again

Thank you...okay... :) :)


Sorry for the late update....hope you like it.... pls comment and turn the star orange you all....!!! ♡
