chapter twenty two

˚ β‚Š β™‘ ❰ chapter 22 ❱ ⋆ ✰ β‚ŠΛš.ΰΌ„
˚ β‚Š β™‘ ❰  πš‚πšƒπ™°πšπ™Άπ™Έπšπ™»Β  ❱ ˖⋆࿐໋ ⋆
⋆⋅ ━━━━ ‧ ༻✩༺ ‧ ━━━━ ⋅⋆
β€” in which elena's new youtube
video basically confirms hers
and jude's relationship.

(if you're dry this chapter then nisa'a gonna do a WHOLE lot more damage to elena them i already have planned xx)

(ur lucky i'm gifting u with 3 chapters today so don't be dry this chapter. feel like everyone usually ghosts over the youtube videos but i love them sm)

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*cba to put a thumbnail, imagine your own*

WEEKLY VLOG πŸŽ€πŸŒΈ | elena hamiltom

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Elena HamiltonΒ  Β  Β  Β  Β  14,637,728 subscribers



Published on 15 Nov, 2023

don't read this, watch the videoπŸ™„

FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: elenahamilton
FOLLOW ME ON INSTA: elenahamilton
FOLLOW ME ON TIKTOK: elenahamilton




the screen went from pitch black to visible as elena turned on her bedside lamp. she hastily turned off her alarm before she turned the camera around to show off her morning glow, which demonstrated mascara from the day before drying under her eyes as well as her hair being crazier and curlier than a piece of swirly pasta.

"hey," she grinned at the camera, before pulling a face and groaning at her morning breath.


"i want to kill myself."

elena stood in her bathroom, applying her skincare after just brushing her teeth. her hair was shoved into a bun, however it was still hectic.

"it's seven am on a monday morning and i have to get to work early because i've got a photoshoot for my new album," she explained. "and then i've gotta go in the studio for a bit to finish up recording this last song. after that i only have two more to record and one more to finish up writing, mums i'm on a roll with this fucking album."

she cleared her throat. "but the thing is, i've gotta hang out with mason, rico, and declan for the day 'cause we're going out to eat lunch after. trust me when i say they're more annoying than emily and trent together, and that's saying something."

the screen cut to a clip of emily and trent running towards jude who stood in front of a pool. the clip then paused on jude's panicked face as the iconic meme "lemme tell you something! lemme tell you something!" played before it went back to normal and jude was shoved into the pool by them both, clothes fully on.

"yeah, they haunt me."


"look who i'm here with!" elena said as she held up her camera high, displaying the squashed frame of her, rico, declan, and mason all stood together.

"elena was just ranting to us about BLEEP!" elena edited over the video to cut off the name rico said with a loud bleeping noise.

mason put a hand to his mouth, gasping, as declan widened his eyes in shock: elena slowly turned her head towards a smug rico as edited jaws music played over the video.

"shut the fuck up, dwarf."


elena was currently talking to her vlog about her day out with the boys as she stepped out her car, locking it up behind her before making her way up her driveway.

"and then-" she froze when she placed her hand on the door-handle and the front door opened without her having to unlock it. she froze as edited crickets sounded over her silence. "mums i locked this shit up before i left."

elena threw her bag on the floor and ran inside her house, camera secured in her grip. "if something happens to me i need to get proof."

she paused when a loud bang was heard from her kitchen. tense music from a horror movie played over the clip as she turned her camera to face the direction she was walking in.

the video paused when a figure rounded the next corner, directly in front of her. it was jobe. a look filled with pure terror made its way on his face as elena edited over the video. goofy's laughter from mikey mouse played as a text popped up on the screen, saying: 'to the boys gc he goes 🀣🀣🀣' whilst she zoomed in on his face.

the video went back to normal at the sound of their screams blending in together. they screamed at the same time for around five seconds as elena stopped first, gaping at him in shock.



she deadpanned at him. "you're rich! buy your own food! why raid my house?" she froze. "hold on... you don't have a key... WHAT THE FUCK?! HOW DID YOU GET IN MY HOUSE?"

"oh! i picked your lock with this hair pin left on the floor," he held it up with a bright smile.

"...i'm calling my lawyer."


"hey baes!" elena grinned at the camera, stood with jobe and dominik who were currently scranning a pack of maryland cookies. "jobe refuses to go home and dom popped up out of nowhere and we're all really bored-!"

"-so we decided to make slime because i'm pretty sure that dom had a fucked up childhood and has therefore never made it before so we wanted to be the first to do it with him!"

elena awkwardly smiled, slowly turning to side-eye jobe as edited crickets played over the video.

"that is not true!" denied dom.






elena's kitchen was currently covered in blue slime whilst her, jobe, and dominik had glitter spilt all over them. of course, jobe was the one who had put the slime in the microwave and forgot about it - resulting in it exploding everywhere.

"wait until denise hears about this," elena shook her head and grabbed her phone from her back pocket, starting to dial a number.

jobe froze. "you wouldn't dare."

"oh yeah?" elena held the phone up to her ear. "try me, hoe."



"my kitchen is still fucked up and so i'm staying at lottie's house until i can be bothered to clean it up," elena explained, turning and pointing the camera at the friend group gathered around in lottie's living room. "and we're playing just dance."

"i fuckin' hate this game," trent grumbled from his position, sprawled out across the the floor. he was laid in a starfish pose, his face stuffed against the fabric of lottie's rug.

elena turned the camera to show jack and mason who were currently playing hips don't lie as they pretended to have massive body costumes on. it seemed as if mason was winning - but then jack suddenly fell as the sound of an exploding bomb edited over the clip. a cabinet fell on top of him, causing everyone to gasp.

"is he okay?"

"put him in rice, he'll be fine."

"that is so going on my snap story."

"bro just died."

"man city are gonna kill us.."

"he doesn't get play time anymore anyways. pep could care less."

"he need some milk-"


everyone sighed in relief at trent's yell as mason helped jack up off the floor. "you good, bro?" he asked, patting him on the shoulder. "you hurt?"

"the only thing hurt is my ego," jack joked whilst sending the camera a wink. the video froze as the text 'be fucking fr 😐' popped up next to his face before going back to normal.

"if it's anything like mine, those are the worst blows," jude nodded along.

emily cringed. "that wasn't even funny."

he threw a spatula at her.


"i'm literally babysitting," elena said as she turned the camera toward ronnie foden and hope lingard who both waved. she grinned at them. "we're off to go get some ice-cream because they're bored and it's the only thing that'll shut them up," she whispered the last part up close to the camera, before showing off the two kids who were skipping in front of her, their hands intertwined. elena then bumped into a lamp post. "OW! fuck off!"

the two kids gasped.

"that's a bad word," ronnie whispered, putting a hand to his mouth and shaking his head.

"okay so?" elena frowned, walking into the shop as ronnie and hope ran over to the counter to take a look at the flavours. "you're daddies aren't here to tell us off."

"okay. fuc-"

elena slapped a hand over hope's mouth, silencing her from saying anything further. "shut up. only i can swear, not you."


jude took over to film as phil opened his door, elena practically shoving ronnie into the man's hands as she pointed at the grinning child.

"you're child is evil!" she seethed, holding up her hand for phil to inspect. "he bit me!"

"lena taught me a swear word!" ronnie was quick to argue back. "fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck!"

elena widened her eyes as edited jaws music played over the video when phil slowly turned his head to her. she hastily grabbed ahold of hope and sprinted off, jude following behind her as the camera shook due to how quick and frantic he was running - his loud laugh being the only thing heard over phil's angered shouts.Β 



elena giggled quietly and filmed hope arguing with someone on her fake phone. the poor toddler was going through it, huffing and sighing through the insults that jesse had definitely taught her.Β 

"jude!" hope yelled, walking towards the man as elena's camera followed her.

jude put down his phone and smiled. "yeah?"

hope huffed and angrily threw the toy phone at a confused jude, him catching it instantly. "this bitch is being mean to me."

elena laughed loudly and slapped a hand over her mouth as jude snapped his head toward her. they had been left in jesse's house alone together as he was out buying dinner for them, and so they had been keeping a watch over hope the entire time.

"which bitch is being mean to you?" jude asked, already holding the phone up to his ear.

"she's called isabela," hope explained in her cute voice before it suddenly darkened. "sort her out."

"yo, this isabela?" jude pretended to ask, and elena struggled to maintain her composure. "yeah? okay bet. what you starting on my main girl for? oh you weren't? nah bro, that's cap. you chatting out your arse right now. it's 'cause she's a slag? nah, when i get my hands on you trust, you will be dealt with. fuck has my hope ever done to you?"

they froze when jesse entered the room, a glare on his face once he heard the foul language jude was using around hope - no doubt that elena had been doing the exact same.

"i'll call you back," jude muttered into the phone, passing it back to hope as he whistled and glanced around the room innocently.


"father was so kind and offered me a drive this evening," elena said as she pointed the camera towards lewis. "what a sweetheart."

"you literally forced me!"

"did not!"

"be fucking for real," lewis scoffed. "you threatened to chop my dick off if i didn't up and drive you here, plus you were holding scissors too!" he argued, his eyes never leaving the road in front of him.

"whatever!" elena said, turning the camera back to face her. "me and a few others are going to a house owned by some cunt named trent," she sighed. "it's gonna be fun though, as long as this weird ass hoe doesn't push me down the stairs like last time."

"last time?" lewis yelled, shocked.

"blindfolded, too."



"i made it in one peace guys, father dearest didn't crash the car like i thought he would!" elena said into her camera. "and look at who i'm with," she added; she had her camera on an angle so her and jobe were looking down at it, giggling.

"hello," jobe whispered, staring at himself through the camera lens. "damn i look good," he said. elena gave him a side-eye, to which the screen froze and suddenly cut to the nicki minaj sound "um chill... anyway so!"

"oh, yeah, i'm here with jobe bellingham," elena said as she pointed at him. "and right now we're waiting for trent to open up his fucking door."

the front door suddenly opened, scaring the shit out of the two as she pointed the camera towards trent. he raised his eyebrow at them, a filter was put on him to make his head look gigantic and bloated.

"the fuck-?"


"i'm with my friends!" elena shouted, sat in front of her main friend group as they all squashed on the couch behind her. she dramatically opened up her arms wide, a huge smile on her face.

trent pretended to look around. "bitch where?"

the room went silent as edited crickets played. the video then cut to the popular meme of demi lovato stating: "and i remember thinking... i'm about to beat this bitch up."

the scene cut to elena sitting in front of the camera. behind her, trent was rubbing his head in obvious pain. declan, jude, and olivia were sharing a bowl of popcorn whilst the others were still stuck in a moment of shock.

"so sorry about that," elena smiled, crawling back so she was closer to her friends. "but i thought that i'll introduce you to my new friends since i didn't last time! especially because some aren't as famous as me..."

"half of us are literally more famous than you?"

the room fell silent as elena sighed in annoyance, ignoring trent's words.


"okay first up down the line and to the far left of the couch we have mister declan rice," elena said as she pointed towards the footballer who sent the camera an awkward wave. "he's my little bestie most of the time, and he doesn't annoy me as much as all the others do, so he's in my good books."

"awhh, elena!" dom smiled.

"next to dom we have jobe," elena explained as she pointed at the youngest brother. "jobe is annoying, jobe is a dickhead. jobe is only famous because his brother received all of the media attention during the world cup," she said as jobe sent her a look of betrayal. "but he's funny, i'll give him that."

"gee thanks," he said, monotonously.

"whatever," she shrugged, moving over so she was closer to the boy next to him. "this is mason mount but we just call him mase - i don't have much to say about mason... oh! he taught me how to skateboard like last year. i loved that day."

"that was so funny," mason laughed. "remember when you fell off your skateboard in front of all of those cute guys who laughed at you?"

everyone fell silent.

"never mind forget all the nice things i said," elena glared at him. everyone's eyes widened, afraid of what was to come next. she turned to him, a calm look on her face. "watch out."

the scene zoomed in on mason's nervous gulp as suspenseful music played in the background.

"next to mason we have olivia, you all know her so i don't need to introduce her. we love olivia, she's the best. and she's also dating louis partridge right now which in an extra bonu-!"



"and next up we have this godzilla looking ass bitch named trent. he's so fucking annoying, i just can't even with him anymore. he makes me want to part my hair with a knife. he makes me want to bathe with a toaster. he makes me want to walk barefoot on a path of legos. he makes me want to be besties with elphaba. he makes me want to become a man united supporter. he brings everyone so much joy when he leaves the room. for real, he is the human version of period cramps. it's unsettling. i hope one day he goes far and never ever comes back, 'cause i swear down to my fathers ashes this cunt needs to come with his own warning label," elena ranted, editing her speech so it was sped up as everyone listened to her intensely.

once she had finished, everyone apart from the victim burst into laughter.



"okay moving on!" elena clapped her hands, moving down the line and ignoring the glare trent threw at her. "this is dom! there's nothing really bad to say about him apart from the fact he's trent's best friend..."

trent threw his arms up. "the fuck?"

"-but other then that downside, dom's cool," she said, and dom gave her a high five.

"next to dominik we have emily!" elena introduced as they cheered, apart from jude who booed. elena bit her lip to hide her laughter as emily lobbed a pillow directly at jude's face. "deserved, anyways. you all know emily as well. i love her to bits, she's unfiltered and so real and so funny. my kind of woman everyday of the week."

emily awed and brought elena in for a hug whilst placing a kiss on her cheek.

"she's the girl who's boy obsessed," elena pointed at emily, before moving on. "and this is the girl who's obsessed with the girl who's boy obsessed."

"me personally, i wouldn't be having that," rico shook his head as he stared at lottie.

"i'm joking!" elena laughed. "this is lottie, but you know that. i love this girl more than i love myself, trust. she'll fight anyone for me. she's my personal bodyguard, for real."

"but she'll mainly fight anyone for emily!" mason added.



"next up we have the city boys: phil, rico, and jack," she pointed at them in that exact order. "phil was a teenage dad, rico instigates more than he plays, and jack is just... jack," she explained. "in other words, he's a fucking idiot."

"thanks!" jack smiled.

"that wasn't a compliment."


elena moved onto the last person. "and finally we have jude. the king of tiktok edits. mums, if i see another edit of him with that big boy sound i'm gonna fucking kill myself."

"don't be jealous i have fangirls and you don't," he sassily rolled his eyes at her.

"okay but at least i can live my life without fangirls tracking my everyday move," elena argued, smiling as he shook his head at her with a soft look in his eyes.

"bro just got gagged," declan laughed loudly as he turned to look at his silent friend.

"and then! we have me," elena pointed at herself as she interrupted the argument starting behind her between everyone and jude. "i don't know how to describe myself to be honest..."

"you could say that you're a simp for jude!"

edited jaws music played in the background when elena turned her head to face trent.


mason ran frantically after everyone else, elena's camera shaking in his hands as he tried to hold it upright and still to film the drama happening in front of him. elena's voice screaming harsh insults that were aimed at trent was heard over the wind whipping because of how mason was running with the camera. she was chasing trent down the road.

emily ran by mason's side as she giggled, rico and jobe not too far behind as each of them had their phones out; jack even went to as far as bringing a bag of popcorn out he was given earlier.

the group finally came to a stop a few seconds later directly next go a bus stop. still out of breath, they managed to laugh and cheer for elena as she got on top of a screaming trent, repeatedly hitting him and shouting at him.



"-the fuck-!"


"-do you-!"




"-you are!"

"OW! FUCK! IM SORRY!" trent apologised, trying hard to break free out of her grip as he knew no matter how close they were, he could never get himself to hit or punch her back.

"GWON ELENA!" declan yelled, his phone flash on as he filmed the scene.

"rip his head off!" jobe screamed.

after that last comment, everyone looked at jobe weirdly. mason slowly turned the camera towards the boy, the edited sound of crickets cricketing placed over their silence.

"what?" jobe asked, innocently.

"this kid," lottie shook her head.

"what is going on here?"

the group stilled. the edited sound of police sirens sounded over the video as a random middle-aged couple passing by stopped to complain, a look of horror displayed on their faces.

olivia widened her eyes. "shit."

"uh oh, busted," phil whispered as him and dom started to carefully back away.


"i'm calling the police on you, young lady. you should not be hurting someone like that!"

"i'll hurt you, carry on," emily threatened as she rolled her eyes at the random woman β€” mason snorted from behind the camera.

"how dare you talk to my wife like that!" yelled the random man, causing lottie to quickly drag emily behind her as she glared at him.

"bro! i'm fine! look!" trent assured, and he pointed towards himself.

dom slapped trent on his back with a nod as trent let out a groan at the harsh impact. however, the couple believed that he was groaning because of the damage elena had done to him.

"look at what you've done to him! have you got no shame for yourself?" she shouted, pointing a stern finger at elena who puffed her cheeks to make sure she wouldn't laugh. she looked like a pufferfish.

"babe, we're literally best mate-"

the woman shook her head. her face was edited to look gigantic and bloated as mason managed to get her face in frame. "no one treats their friend like that. you're disgusting."

"so is your face."

jack chocked on the popcorn he was eating.

the screen then cut to a photo of elphaba, a creator who blew up on tiktok for her strange persona and for just being overall weird. the picture of elphaba was compared next to a paused image of the karen  they bumped into, a text popping up and said 'this you?? 🀣🀣🀣' as mickey mouse's laugh played. 

"can you two leave now?" elena questioned as she looked between them. "trust me he's my mate and we were only play fighting."

the man advanced towards her, jabbing his finger against her chest. "so you're telling me it's okay to hurt your friends?"

"don't touch her," trent warned, grabbing elena'sΒ  wrist and pulling her into jude's opened arms, who glared at the man. "like she said, i'm fine. you can both go now. bye!"

"don't use that tone on us! we're older than you!"

phil laughed loudly. "why you acting like we didn't know that? one more wrinkle and you could both pass for a prune."

mason giggled from behind the camera as they looked at phil in shock, the meme "what did he sayyyy???" played over their reactions.

"i'm sorry, can you stop filming me?" the woman asked as she walked closer towards mason, elena carefully observing her every move.

"bro? you're filming me!" mason stated, zooming in on her phone that was now pointed at him.

"you're going on facebook live. i can't believe you'd bully an innocent boy like that," the woman stated, directing her camera toward them all; trent threw his hands up in disbelief.

"bro! i'm fine!"

"yo we're live now?" phil questioned, shoving his face directly in her camera as he waved.

"please, the facebook moms love me," emily said with a scoff, standing with phil and waving at the phone as well. "just wait 'til i expose your name to twitter, babes."

"hey milfs," jude said, winking at the phone as the woman gasped at the nickname. "add me on insta please, i'm sure your daughters already follow me lol. but anyways i'm tryna reach twenty five mil by the end of the year. be a doll and help me out."Β 

"get away!" the woman yelled, flapping her hands around as he moved away from her with a frown. jude clocked onto the man moving closer towards elena and made his way over to stand behind her protectively, his chest resting against her back.

"you're going to jail for assault, missy!" the man threatened as he grabbed ahold of her wrist and brought her in close so he could get in her face.

the boys immediately started to protest.

dominik shoved the man back whilst jude grabbed elena's waist and protectively held her in his arms, shielding her away from the man who smirked at him. "don't fuckin' touch her," jude warned whilst doing so, his jaw clenched in clear annoyance.

she looked up at him as he held her in his arms, slightly shocked by his immediate reaction. she wisely chose to not complain, because she quite enjoyed the sight of his protective side.

"or what?" the man laughed mockingly, his wife's facebook live still filming them.

"nonce?" declan rhetorically questioned, pretending to scratch his head in thought.

"jimmy savile?" jobe added onto the joke. a picture of jimmy savile then popped up directly next to the man's face as the iconic tiktok audio 'i said awoop! jumpscare!' played.

"oh my god! what the fuck is that?" jack asked in alarm, pointing up towards the sky as the couple turned their heads towards it quickly. "GO!"

the group wasted no time in sprinting away, the shouts of the couple fading over the sound of the wind clashing against the camera because mason didn't know how to run whilst holding it.



the video then cut to a clip of the group all sprawled out across the floor in the middle of a mcdonald's. it was late at night, and so no one else was there apart from them and the workers who all recognised them the moment they entered.

"we have been running for two hours," elena said, sitting next to jude who looked dead. "that man chased us in his car for fucking ages. we only just lost him around ten minutes ago."

she turned the camera to show trent and olivia sat on either side of jack, laughing loudly as they poked his cheeks. he didn't react to either of their touches and just laid there, unbothered.

"is bro dead?"

"you know," lottie cocked her head to the side and shoved a chip into her mouth. "it's hard to tell."


mason and declan were aggressively twerking with nicki minaj playing from one of their phones whilst they were in the middle of getting mcdonald's. rico was sitting on the floor, laughing so hard tears fell from his eyes. the camera turned to show jude and elena watching them with identical looks of disgust on their faces.Β 



"jude and emily are arguing again," elena said and turned her camera around to show emily and lottie who sat in a booth opposite her and jude. she didn't even realise the camera showed jude with his arm wrapped around her shoulder.

"double date gone wrong," phil joked from behind the two girls as lottie gasped and turned to smack him with her coat.


trent and dom were trying to waltz in the middle of elena's bedroom as she filmed them whilst giggling. she was laid in her bed next to jude with olivia laid on top of her, the three of them commentating the waltz.

"this is so gay," lottie shook her head as she sat on the floor watching.

trent scoffed. "it's not gay, we've got socks on!"

everyone jumped as the door slammed open, jack walking into the room with a purple headband on and a black face mask on his face. emily emerged from behind him with a wicked smirk on her face, rico and jobe following in after her with the exact same appearance as jack.

"that's a jumpscare," jude laughed as he looked at the three boys, elena gasped as she stared right at jude. he gulped. "...what?"


"GET THAT AWAY FROM ME!" jude screamed as elena tried applying the face mask to his face. dom and trent already had theirs on, declan, mason, and phil too. jude was the only person left who needed a mask on, but he was making it difficult. olivia was currently filming, all of the girls now having a face mask on as well.

"ugh! EMILY! TRENT!" elena yelled as they looked over at her. "hold him down!" she said. they rushed over and each grabbed ahold of jude to hold him down against the bed as elena straddled his waist and laughed wickedly, starting to apply the mask.



"jude," elena cooed as she grabbed the boy by his hair and forced him to lift his head up from jobe's shoulder to show the camera. "you look fine!"

"get this shit off me," he cringed.

emily scoffed. "you're such a baby."

elena widened her eyes as jude suddenly stood up, pouncing to attack. "NO-!"


"i have to go because i have my show at wemberly tomorrow," elena whispered towards her camera, despite her being alone in her room. "thanks for watching, everyone! hope you enjoyed this weeks video. love you all so much, see you next week!"



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username2 | @user2

1k repliesΒ  Β  Β  2.6k retweetsΒ  Β  Β  6.5k likes

username9 | @user9

978 repliesΒ  Β  Β  1.7k retweetsΒ  Β  Β  5.2k likes

username103 | @user103
the way jude looks at elena is always gonna kill me, he's sooo in love πŸ₯ΉπŸ₯ΉπŸ₯ΉπŸ₯ΉπŸ₯Ή

1k repliesΒ  Β  Β  2.6k retweetsΒ  Β  Β  6.5k likes

username5 | @user5
elena's new youtube video ate 😫😫😫

4.7k repliesΒ  Β  Β  6.8k retweetsΒ  Β  Β  10.2k likes

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username11 | @user11
her vids always eat and idk why but they're just so addicting. she puts smth in them fr
↳ username69 | @user69

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username9 | @user9
the way jude protected elena, lottie protected emily, and the boys protected the girls has me 😍😍😍

4k repliesΒ  Β  Β  5.1k retweetsΒ  Β  Β  7.3k likes

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username05 | @user05

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username6 | @user6
jude and elena are so david and victoria coded (without the cheating scandals πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹)

6k repliesΒ  Β  Β  9.5k retweetsΒ  Β  Β  17.1k likes

username42 | @user42
begging for an among us irl next, i need to see jude and elena against each other again

3k repliesΒ  Β  Β  5.4k retweetsΒ  Β  Β  8.2k likes

username83 | @user83
anyone else notice that jude had his arm around elena's shoulder in the vlog?

4.7k repliesΒ  Β  Β  6.8k retweetsΒ  Β  Β  10.2k likes

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username51 | @user51

username22 | @user22

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username63 | @user63

6k repliesΒ  Β  Β  9.5k retweetsΒ  Β  Β  17.1k likes

emily | @emilystyles
bro i wonder what elphaba 2.0 and jimmy savile reincarnated are doing rn

477k repliesΒ  Β  Β  174k retweetsΒ  Β  Β  1m likes

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olivia | @oliviarodrigo
↳ elena | @elenahamilton
literally tho like the way he grabbed my wrist had me questioning what we are n shit
↳ jude | @bellinghamjude

declan | @_declanrice
i miss them ☹️
↳ phil | @philfodenΒ 

trent | @trentaa
my gf and bf they js don't know it yet
↳ username04 | @user04
HELP πŸ’€πŸ’€

jude | @bellinghamjude
those facebook mums better have followed me istg i'm in need of 25 mil
↳ jobe | @jobebellingham
icl i think they've got us mixed up and followed me instead of u cuz i've had 200 new followers in the past hour and they're all moms over 30...
↳ jude | @bellinghamjude
WHAT. 🀬🀬

username8 | @user8

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a short filler chapter for u all, i don't wanna dump the actual plot on u all the time cuz that'll just get boring ❀️❀️

+++ don't be a silent reader!!! i love feedback and funny comments,, it gives me a reason to write.
