chapter thirty nine

˚ β‚Š β™‘ ❰ chapter 39 ❱ ⋆ ✰ β‚ŠΛš.ΰΌ„
˚ β‚Š β™‘ ❰  πš‚πšƒπ™°πšπ™Άπ™Έπšπ™»Β  ❱ ˖⋆࿐໋ ⋆
⋆⋅ ━━━━ ‧ ༻✩༺ ‧ ━━━━ ⋅⋆
β€” in which all thanks to the help
of trent john alexander arnold,
jelena is finally saved.

(if you're dry readers this chapter i'm leaving wattpad forever.)

madrid has beaches btw in this fic. they kissed on a beach in chapter seventeen and now they're having sex on the beach!!!

EWW YOU DIRTY MINDED WEIRDOS!!! i meant the drink 'sex on the beach' not literal sex ON the beach. honestly πŸ™„

please ignore any typos, i rushed this chapter x

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Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  ELENA WAS NOT JOKING when she asked the girls who was up for a trip to madrid, because here they all were, in the airport, waiting for trent to walk back over with their seat numbers and tickets.

"i can't believe i agreed to this," olivia grumbled to herself, tiredly laying her head on emily's shoulder due to the fact it was literally two in the morning.

"you can sleep on the plane, shush," daniela, who had taken on the role as airport mum, said with a pointed look, smiling at trent as he made his way over with their tickets.

"four of us are sitting together in a row of four, and the other three are sitting in a row of four just with an extra seat," trent stated, handing out the tickets as the girls instantly started to check for who they were sat with.

"it looks like i'm sat with liv and lottie," dani said, and the girls smiled at each other as they cheered, only for their smiles to quickly drop as the three looked over at elena.

elena closed her eyes with a tired sigh. "so that means i'm sat with trent, chloe, and emily."

"don't act too excited," chloe scoffed, folding her arms over her chest as the trio glared at elena.Β 

"it's only about three hours, you'll be fine," lottie patted her on her shoulder.

"wanna swap seats then?"

"fuck no."

"i'm so offended right now," emily muttered, trent and chloe agreeing with her as they quickly moved away from the conversation and started to play a game of smash or pass in the airport.

"now that they're occupied and won't bother any of us, what's your plan?" daniela asked, the remaining girls sitting around as they waited for their flight to be called.

"i don't know," elena realised, her eyes widening. "what the fuck? i'm travelling to madrid for a boy and i don't know what i'm gonna say to him. how bad is that?!"

"well for starters a nice hello would be cute," lottie nodded, causing olivia to sigh at her joke, shaking her head at her.

"you're gonna tell him what happened with lando, and you're gonna tell him how you're sorry for not telling him sooner, but then you're also gonna tell him you expect an apology for the way he spoke to you and acted earlier," daniela listed off.

"and then i'm gonna kiss him and tell him i'm so in love with him... if it all goes right," elena finalised, frowning to herself.

"which it will!" olivia agreed.

"you've got nothing to worry about," lottie smiled encouragingly, patting elena on her shoulder.


the girls jumped and instantly snapped their heads over to trent, emily, and chloe, who were all staring at this random boy walking past with their mouths open in shock.

daniela turned back to elena, grinning awkwardly and comfortingly. "good luck with them."

elena could only sigh quietly.


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"ANNOY ME AND I'M throwing you out the window," elena deadpanned, taking her seat at the end of the row, closest to the aisle. though elena would usually tend to battle for the window seat privileges, she figured that it was most likely best to have the quickest and easiest escape option with these three sat next to her.

"i think you're forgetting that i'm the reason we're even doing this," trent pointed out as he sat down next to her. chloe called dibs on the window seat before they even got given their seat numbers, soΒ Β  emily was left to sit in between the siblings.

"he's got a point," nodded chloe.

elena glanced at trent for a moment, glaring at his cheeky smile as she rolled her eyes at him, looking away with a huff. "you've already injured one leg; don't make me injure the other."

"leave trent alone," emily argued, causing elena to gape at her. "if it wasn't for trent, you'd still be at home waiting for jude to break up with you."

"and that's on what?" chloe asked.

"period!" trent yelled.

elena widened her eyes and covered his mouth as quickly as possible, glancing around to make sure that no one on the plane heard him. "shut up! just shut up! you're embarrassing me!"

trent licked her hand with a smirk, causing her to groan and pull away from him in obvious disgust, wiping her arm on the sleeve of his jumper.

"you know what else is embarrassing? flying to another country for a man!"

the trio slowly turned their heads to stare at chloe, who was using her mirror to put on some lipgloss before the plane took off. she looked over at them when she felt their eyes on her. "what?"

trent clicked his tongue. "how many times has jude flown across the country for elena to make sure she was okay? or because she was mad at him?"

"i don't know, once?"

"twice actually," elena answered smugly, before a frown quickly cast across her face. "wait. or was it three times?"

"however many times it was," emily dismissed her with a wave of her hand. "i say it's elena's time to wear the pants in the relationship."

"girl please," trent rolled his eyes. "we all know she wears the pants either way."

"that's so real," chloe pointed at him.

"the plane hasn't even set off and you're already giving me a headache," elena sighed to herself, leaning back in her seat and closing her eyes.

trent scoffed. "rude."

elena opened her eyes as she felt eyes on her, being met by three sets of pairs basically staring into her soul. she jumped. "fucking hell! don't do that!"

"sorry," chloe cheekily responded, sharing a giggle with the other two as they put their seatbelts on as the sign came up, stating that their flight was just about to take off.

elena watched them with widened eyes, turning to glance back at daniela, lottie, and olivia, who sent her sympathetic waves.

this was going to be a long flight.


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UPDATE: IT WAS A long flight. trent wouldn't stop poking elena on her side, chloe wouldn't shut up about her and rico's on and off situationship, and emily was just being herself, which was bad enough.

the flight was roughly around three hours long, yet elena was positive she had grown hundreds of grey hairs by the end of it. as soon as she stepped off of the plane, she practically ran into olivia's opened arms.

"did they annoy you much?" daniela asked, giving trent a pointed look as he looked at her in offence.

"it was the worst three hours of my life," mumbled elena into olivia's shoulder.

"i'm so not liking this slander against us recently," chloe said with her arms folded over her chest.

"word," agreed emily.

"shut up," lottie told the three, before leading the group. "we've got a car waiting for us and i heard they've got sangria."

"oh thank god," elena sighed in relief. "i've been needing some alcohol after that flight."

the group of seven all made their way inside the airport and collected their bags. trent could feel a few peoples gaze on him, and though he was cocky about it at first it soon faded when chloe informed him it was probably because he looked like the gay best friend.

now he wasn't so confident about the stares, and instead he was trying to make himself look more masculine, which was quite hard to do as he was carrying elena's pink suitcase around for her.

plus it didn't held that emily said his leg injury was making his hips sway even more when he walked.

"trent stop panicking, i promise you don't look like the gay best friend," olivia said, only to stop as she turned and noticed him rocking around with a pair of sunglasses and a draw-string hat on that, no lie, chloe had probably forced him in. "oh! on second thought..."

dani rolled her eyes and dragged olivia away from bullying trent. "leave him alone, it's cute."

"zesty men on top!" emily cheered.

"on god!" trent agreed, purely just out of habit of never wanting to get on emily's bad side; but that was until he suddenly realised what she meant by that as he frowned. "wait- what?"

"everyone shut up!" lottie said, pulling elena over towards the entrance of the madrid airport. "our drivers over here!"

"hello ladies!" their driver smiled at them with a heavy spanish accent as soon as the group walked over, before he glanced at trent. "oh! and guy!"

"he counts as apart of us ladies," daniela dismissed with a wave of her hand, causing trent to grin as he winked at the driver.

after introducing themselves to the driver and all putting their bags in the back, the group were off driving to their hotel. thankfully for dani, who got stuck between trent and chloe, the drive was only around fifteeen minutes, and so they were soon stepping out of the car in no time.

"thank you!" olivia thanked the driver, who emily had shamelessly been flirting with the full time, as she waved him off.

"we're actually in madrid..." lottie awed, looking at the hotel and gaping at the building as they made their way inside, dani instantly going over to grab their room key. "i don't think ill ever get my head around this."

"we've got a penthouse-type room, so there's four double beds which means someone's getting their own," daniela said as she walked back over to the group and handed them a room key.

it was silent for a moment that was soon cut off by emily pushing past everyone. "DIBS ON GETTING MY OWN BED!"

"WHAT? NO!" chloe screamed, chasing after her. soon enough, all of the girls were running behind her, hoping to get to the room first.

"oh it's alright girls! i'll just grab all your bags for you!" trent shouted out after them, throwing his arms up in disbelief.

"bless! thanks trenton!"



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AFTER THE GROUP HAD settled down in their little penthouse-like room, and forced trent to wake up from his nap, elena dragged them all outside to help her find jude.

"wont he just be at his house?" lottie frowned in mock wonder, walking next to elena as they made their way through the crowded streets of madrid.

"probably," elena nodded her head. "but i need moral support in case this goes wrong," she then pointed back at emily and chloe. "and i have my bodyguards if he needs punching."

lottie glanced back with her, raising her eyebrows when she watched chloe and emily purposely trip olivia up and blame it on trent, who immediately started protesting.

"sick bodyguards," she nodded.

"they come in handy when you need them," dani butted into the conversation, walking on elena's other side. "and i'm just letting you know that in these past ten minutes i've heard at least twenty cameras snap pictures of us."

"the media will be more concerned that trent's on holiday with a group of girls rather than me being in madrid, trust," elena deadpanned.

"i hope that's true, i can't handle anymore strange rumours spreading about you," lottie said, and she threw her arm around olivia's shoulder when the american girl came running up to her.

"how far is jude's house?" she panted, screaming in surprise when emily kicked the back of her leg and sent her tumbling to the ground once again.

"just up the street, you'll make it girl."

and somehow, olivia did manage to make it. the group stood at jude's gates and watched as elena walked up the path towards his front door; emily grumbling under her breath about how nice jude's house was. elena glanced over her shoulder at all their encouraging smiles and took a breath before knocking on the door.

it was dead silent for a moment until the door was opened by denise, whose smile brightened at the sight of her. "elena? what are you doing here?!"

"apologising," elena answered. "not to be rude. i'm happy to see you! but is- uh- is jude in?"

"no, darling. he just went out," denise sighed, and elena cursed under her breath. "it's really lovely to see you though, elena. are you and all your friends wanting to come in for a bit?"

"i will after i've spoken to jude, it's kind of urgent and i don't want to put it off any longer. but still, thank you for the offer, mrs bellingham," elena smiled widely.

the mother gave her a pointed look. "how many times have i told you to call me denise?"

"a lot," elena laughed. "do you know where jude might've gone?"

"all i know is that jude told me he was going for a walk. there's a lot of places he likes to go, i can give you a list if you'd like?" denise offered.

"it's fine, i'll find him," elena grinned at her. "don't worry, i'll be back with him soon. besides! we still have to finish off coronation street!"

"i'll get the cuppas ready!" denise shouted after her as elena began walking back to her friends, sending them all a wave. "hello emily!"

"hi denise! i've missed you!" emily blew the woman a sweet kiss before she was dragged back by trent by her hair.

"why do parents always love you?" olivia asked in shock. "you're literally the bad influence!"

"they can't resist my charm," emily smirked back, causing olivia to roll her eyes and glance towards elena who made her way over to them.

"guessing he's not home?" daniela double checked, and elena shook her head with a sigh. the group all bid denise goodbye and started to make their way down the street again, the question of where jude could be lingering in the air.

"denise said he's gone on a walk, so i'm trying to think of where he likes to go," elena mumbled to herself, walking ahead of everyone.

chloe snorted. "imagine he's not even gone to anywhere he likes."

lottie glared at her. "don't be such a pessimist!"

"jokes on you! i don't know what that word even means!" chloe childishly stuck her tongue out at lottie with a laugh, causing daniela to smack the back of her head in warning.

"oh my god!" elena gasped, stopping in her tracks. everyone froze and looked at her, wondering what had got her so excited.

"did you figure it out?" olivia asked.

"yes!" elena answered, practically dancing in her steps. "why didn't i think of this earlier? i'm so stupid!"

"care to elaborate with the class?" emily asked, motioning between her and the others.

"he'd have gone to that beach he likes!" elena said with widened eyes, smacking olivia on her arm in excitement as she now knew where her boyfriend had run off to. "of course he has!"

"i thought you were the beach he likes," trent then answered in a monotonous voice, folding his arms over his chest and staring at elena through his jet black sunglasses.

chloe and emily, on either side of him, snickered at his comment and held their hands out. he grinned and high-fived them, the trio looking at the others with matching smirks on their faces.

"trent!" daniela scolded, smacking his chest for his rude comment aimed towards elena as he groaned and clutched it in pain.

"are you sure he's there?" olivia asked.

elena nodded. "positive."

"go get your man then," lottie said, pushing elena forwards before sitting herself down on a random bench. "we'll wait here for you."

"okay! i'll be right back!" elena said, and the last thing she heard before running off was trent and chloe laughing about his 'beach' joke β€” now elena had to admit, although it was aimed at her, it was quite funny.

but she didn't think about trent's first ever funny joke of the month as the beach not that far from jude's house finally came into view. she instantly walked onto it, in search for one person and one person only.

due to where jude lived (highly protected from the public) the beach was actually private from some others and was really only ever frequently used by people who lived around this area, so elena wasn't that shocked as she walked onto it and noticed she could probably count everyone there on one hand.

thankfully this meant she could spot who she was looking for way easier. it was like she had a sixth sense whenever he was near, as her eyes fell onto him the moment she arrived.

there he was, her jude, walking along the shoreline as he was, no doubt, trying to get his head together. she watched him for a moment, just admiring him before she slowly started to walk over. the wind began to pick up, and so she had to move her hair out of her face.

"...jude?" elena carefully called out when she got nearer. she didn't think he heard her at first and went to say his name again, only to freeze in her steps as his eyes snapped towards her.

"e-elena?" jude stuttered in shock, his jaw falling open as he stared at his girl. "what are you doing here? how did you get here? why are you here? i- fuck," he trailed off, walking towards her and just stopping in front of her, staring into her eyes.

"i came here to apologise," she explained, noticing his eyes widen at her words. "don't act too shocked, you've flown to apologise to me once! plus you've also flown over to make sure i was okay. and that was long before we even told each other we're in love. this is the least i could do."

"i- okay, okay," jude nodded his head, cupping her face and softly rubbing her cheeks.

"listen," she began. "i'm so sorry i didn't message you as soon as the rumours started. i was selfish, i started overthinking and was only worrying about myself, completely disregarding how you would be feeling then and coming up with any excuse i could find to not message you because i was scared that you'd break up with me," she sighed when she saw the look of shock on his face. "i know! i was being stupid! but i hate the paps, and they've always brought out this side of me i hate. i hate anyone seeing it and i was just so scared you would end it with me because of the cheating rumours and also because i was basically ignoring you. i just- i'm so fucking sorry for leaving it so late and letting the rumours spread into something that should have been stopped immediately," she finished.

"it's okay, you can never do any wrong," jude said, causing her to smile softly. "or at least in my eyes. but that's not what i was gonna say. i want to say sorry too, for how i spoke to you yesterday. i was pissed off, and i took my anger out on you and i really need to learn to stop doing that because it might end up pushing you away and i don't know what i'd do if i lost you and- yeah i'm going off of track here. but you didn't deserve to be dismissed like that, and i'm so sorry if i made you feel like a bother. because you're not. i literally giggle when i see that you messaged me. but i had just finished talking with lando, and i was seeing what everyone was saying about you in your insta comments, and i'd just played the worst game of my life. yeah... it really wasn't working out for me, and i'm sorry for taking my anger out on you."

"it's okay, jude. i'm glad that you realised how you worded some things that were hurtful and i'm glad you apologised," elena smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck as his hands fell to her waist.

"fuck," jude swore, pulling her even closer to him, elena accepting the hug with a grin. "i love you so fucking much. please can we never put ourselves through this ever again, it's torture not talking to you. i- it's only been a day and i felt like i could've died. no joke."

"i love you too," she answered. "and definitely. i don't wanna go through this ever again."

"glad we're on the same page," he nodded, causing them both to laugh. their laughter eventually died down, the both of them opting to just starting into each others eyes β€” cheeky smiles on their faces as they waited for the other to make the first move.

the only sound heard around them was the crashing of the waves hitting one another. jude softly tucked one of her curls behind her ear, rubbing her cheek and bringing his face down. "can i kiss you?"

"you don't have to ask," elena giggled.

"yes i fucking do," jude frowned. "boyfriend or not, i'm always gonna ask to kiss you."

elena rolled her eyes and pulled his face closer to hers, grinning as their lips brushed against each other. "yes, then. you can."

jude didn't waste another second as he was quickly lunging forwards and smashing their lips together, the crave for his girlfriends touch these past couple of days creeping up to him as he pulled her body to press up flushed against his.

elena softly ran her fingers along his scalp, hearing him sigh into her mouth. they kissed in front of the sunset for a few more seconds, too engrossed up in each other, only for her to laugh and pull away first at the sound of cheering behind them.

jude huffed in annoyance as elena pulled away, her body still pressed up against his as he stood behind her and protectively wrapped his arms around her waist, widening his eyes in amusement at the little crowd formed β€” now β€” in front of them.

"hey girls," jude waved at them all. "and trent!"

"he counts as girls," elena informed him, causing jude to frown in confusion - yet he wasn't able to question it any further.

"are our parents finally made up?" olivia asked loudly, and they all cheered again when jude and elena raised their thumbs at them.

"how many kids do you reckon we have adopted now?" jude wondered out loud, grabbing elena's hand and walking her towards their friends.

"fucking hell, a lot."

"oh well," he said, wrapping his arm around her shoulder and kissing her temple as the group all awed at them again. "i wouldn't be having it any other way."

elena could only giggle and nestle her head into his shoulder, thankful that her and her boy were made up again. she knew she had been stupid, and made her new resolution to not let insecurities take over her once again. jude was too special to her, elena couldn't risk ever losing him.

elena loved him, jude loved her. she wasn't perfect, neither was he. and yet, strangely enough, that was what made them so perfect together.


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@elenahamilton and @judebellingham

liked by marcusrashford, lewishamilton and 4,829,992 others

elenahamilton only thing i'm gonna be cheating on is monopoly guys, trust me this boy ain't going anywhere 🀍

view all comments

judebellingham can't believe you cheated on me like that bae πŸ˜”
↳ elenahamilton sorry baby, you were annoying me πŸ˜”
↳ judebellingham WHAT

↳ elenahamilton whatttt? who said thattt? 🀯
↳ declanrice SEE! I TOLD YOU IT WASN'T ME!
↳ levicolwill so you're saying declan got a chair thrown at him for no reason 😭😭😭

username22 the switch up bouta be crazy

↳ oliviarodrigo can i marry you? please?
↳ jobebellingham the way this fan account will forever be my main bitch
↳ lottiecortez we love you!! πŸ’ž

jackgrealish QUEEN SHIT
↳ elenahamilton JACK ML

username8 so you're telling me i cheated on my boyfriend for no reason.
↳ username4 girl... 😭

username71 MY PARENTS
↳ rico.lewis awhhhh that's cute!! that's actually supposed to say RICO'S* parents!!! but don't you worry, it's okay!! everyone makes mistakes πŸ₯°
↳ username71 i know what i said.
↳ rico.lewis pull up bitch.

username3 fav couple!!
↳ username21 found an imposter guys!!!! you were calling elena a cheater yesterday btw!!!! 😊

levicolwill WARRR IS OVERRRR πŸ₯³πŸ₯³
↳ username0 this is so real

jobebellingham wait until jude finds out that he had to get exposed for this to happen 🀣
↳ judebellingham what...
↳ jobebellingham EMILY TOLD ME.
↳ oliviarodrigo ofc she did πŸ˜’

username0 never doubted this girl. i knew my queen would NEVER.

sabrinacarpenter when she quite literally cheats on everything BUT her man 😍 >
↳ elenahamilton okay homewrecker
↳ sabrinacarpenter ENOUGH.

masonmount shame i quite liked it when jude wasn't commenting loved up shit under all your posts
↳ elenahamilton WHY ARE YOU SUCH A HATER?!

danielarae my children
↳ elenahamilton ew no that would make trent my dad 🀒🀒🀒
↳ trentarnold66 kill yourself.

username1 caption ate 😭
↳ chloeranyard eated* get it right bitch

rico.lewis family content coming soon !!
↳ elenahamilton OMG YES

lewishamilton Period!
↳ elenahamilton @trentarnold66 can you stop teaching my dad gen z slang
↳ trentarnold66 BUT IT'S SO FUNNY WHEN HE SAYS IT!!

szoboszlaidominik it's about time!!
↳ elenahamilton sorry for cheating on you bae, this isn't what it looks like 😣
↳ judebellingham see this is what we're NOT gonna do xx

username19 tell em πŸ—£οΈπŸ”₯‼️

username13 ahhh yay!!
↳ username22 found another opp! this one was bumming up to jude and wondering why someone would ever cheat on 'a kind soul like his' πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯Ί

conangray i'm so in love with you
↳ elenahamilton PLEASE

swaelee i still need to meet this little boyfriend of yours 🀣
↳ elenahamilton don't you dare scare him away khalif.
↳ username66 ^^ the most normal reaction to swae lee saying he wants to meet you xx

↳ elenahamilton THANK YOU TRENT
↳ judebellingham THANK YOU TRENT
↳ philfoden THANK YOU TRENT
↳ jackgrealish THANK YOU TRENT
↳ oliviarodrigo THANK YOU TRENT
↳ szoboszlaidominik THANK YOU TRENT
↳ danielarae THANK YOU TRENT
↳ declanrice THANK YOU TRENT
↳ chloeranyard THANK YOU TRENT
↳ masonmount THANK YOU TRENT
↳ levicolwill THANK YOU TRENT
↳ lottiecortez THANK YOU TRENT
↳ jobebellingham THANK YOU TRENT
↳ rico.lewis THANK YOU TRENT
↳ emilystyles THANK YOU TRENT

username54 not #THANKYOUTRENT trending on twitter please y'all are too much 😭😭

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Liverpool Starboy, Trent Alexander Arnold, was spotted spending his 'injury' in Madrid with a group of girls!

The player was seen to be all over them in recent photos dropped, being the closest in some photos with his famous ex girlfriend, Daniela-Rae Lewis! People are questioning whether or not his injury is true, or if he is faking it to book himself a spot in this week long girls 'sleepover!'

What are your thoughts?

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↳ emilystyles awhh it's okay trenton!! everyone knows you're the gay bestie now ☺️
↳ trentalexanderarnold I AM NOT GAY.

usernamefour poor trent 😭😭


oliviarodrigo we been knew he's the quirky gay bestie!! this is old news πŸ’•
↳ trentalexanderarnold SHUT UP.

usernameeight the fact i've not seen a SINGLE article about jude and elena but i've seen so many about trent is actually sending me 🀣🀣

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babies are finally made up πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’ž

everyone name your roman empire in this fic i'm bored and wanna read some comments!

(andif you don't know what the term 'your roman empire' means then it's basically just you naming something from this fic you think about A LOT x)Β 

mine is probs jude's paragraphs icl πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

and the boys words towards elena gets addressed next chapter, don't you worry xx

ALSO!! ......

this was the actual convo from last chapter guys !! i did -JOBESLVR dirty for the funsies!! πŸ˜– i promise she's not a weirdo !! (she is) πŸ’˜πŸ’πŸ’ž

+++ don't be a silent reader!!! i love feedback and funny comments,, it gives me a reason to write.
