With Your Life

I sit for a moment, utterly defeated, with my knees to my chest. 

"Wow, we really lost... That hasn't happened in a while, huh?" I chuckle breathlessly. I feel Chaos' spirit--- it feels defeated.

I don't even look at the bodies around me. From the corner of my eye, I see Elizabeth staring at the ground, shell shocked. 

Then, I feel anger. Bubbling, boiling anger, like I haven't felt in years. Since...


My mother and I race down the long hallway, her metal armor boots clang loudly as she stomps to the battlefield out front. The long Sosilian curtains barely block out any of the light shining inside. Her straight, black hair catches the light, shining like strings of tinsel. Four guards, who were instructed to protect her, rush behind us. 

"Mother, you can't go out there, I'll go. What if something happens to you? What if you... die? Who's going to be here to lead Sosle? "  I plead, pulling her arm.

She yanks her arm, pulling me forward with her. 

"When you get older, you'll understand why I have to do this. When you have something you love, you protect it," she pulls me closer, into her arms. She smells like sandalwood and citrus as her arms wrap around me. 

"You protect it with your life," She whispers into my ear. 


"You protect it," I whisper to myself, "with your life." 

I bolt up, snapping Galand's dark magic ropes in half. 

My love, what are you doing? 

I'm protecting the group. 

By going after him? Y/N, you could die. 

 You protect it with your life. 

My love, listen to me. Now's not the time for nostalgia. 

Just as I'm about to fly off, a pale hand wraps around my wrist. 

"I think you should listen to Chaos." 

I turn to Gowther, who is stark naked. 

"G-gowther? How did you? Weren't you just-? Why are you naked? " 

Everything goes black and I feel my head hit the ground. 


My body feels heavy and the sunlight peeking in from the windows practically burns my eyes. 

I groan, shifting in the soft linen sheets. I try sitting up, but two hands guide me back down. 

"Y/N, it's Elizabeth... please relax, you were badly hurt fighting against Galand," she says, rubbing my back and placing me back down on the plush mattress. 

 I basically pry my eyes open and take in my surroundings. My armor is hung up on a hook nearby. White bandages are wrapped around my chest and forearms, with small stains of dark red blood peeking through. A mage treats Slader's wounds, and Arthur cries over the petrified body of Merlin. 

"I'm sorry Merlin,  I couldn't protect you. You always protect me, but I couldn't do the same. I'm sorry," He cries, tears falling down his face. 

"A man shouldn't cry forever," Slader states, his gaze focused on the ground, "I'm sure even Elder sister would say that too." 

Arthur sniffles, "Yes, I know. But I just know she's disappointed in me." 

"Arthur," I hold my stomach and taking in  a pained breath  as I sit up, straightening . "If you think that, then you must not know Merlin the way you think you do. She believes in you more than anyone else I know. Hell, she believes in you more than she believes in ME and THE CAPTAIN." I pause, taking a deep breath. 

"Galand was the toughest opponent I've ever faced.  Any of us, really," I take a deep breath, calming the storm in my stomach. "And we're going to save Merlin, and get him back." 

Arthur gives me a silent, determined nod. 

I sense the presence of Meliodas and sure enough, he's at the door. 

"Sir Meliodas!" Arthur cries, "Have your wounds healed?" 

Meliodas shakes his head. "Nope, not at all." 

He speeds over to Elizabeth, and begins groping her. 

Arthur's face turns  bright red color, as Slader rushes to cover Arthur's eyes. 

After his little spectacle, Meliodas speaks. "What happened out there?  I wonder why he just left without finishing us off." 

Gowther, standing in only a towel, turns from the window and towards us. "I manipulated his memories. Made him believe he killed all of us."

Meliodas continues to grope Liz. "Gowther, you're back in your original form!" 

He nods. "Yes. But I have no clothing!" He says, revealing his naked form to us. 

"Wow, that literally just made my injuries worse," I chortle, covering my eyes. 

He closes his towel back up. "And you don't have to worry about me losing control again." He puts up his wrist, revealing a purple and silver bracelet adorning his wrist. "Its Merlin's! A prototype of the peace amulet."

"I put it on him when he wasn't looking," a voice says. It's Merlin. 

Slader and Arthur look around in surprise. 

A fist sized green ball floats towards us. "I'm right here. Before my body completely turned to stone, I transferred my consciousness to my Sacred Treasure, Morningstar Aldan."

"WOAH, cool! How can we turn you back though? I liked when you had a body,"Hawk questions. 

"I am not strong enough to undo this type of magic. The only thing that could possibly do that is magic from someone of the goddess race," Merlin speaks. "However, we must win the next time we encounter one of the ten commandments. We are weak. We must become stronger." 

"It sounds easy when you put it like that,"  I say. "But how?" 

"Let me put it into perspective," Merlin says. "Combined, we have a power level of around 21,000. Galand has a power level of 26,000. If we were to assume that the Ten Commandments are just as strong as Galand, that leaves them at a power level of at least 260,000. And this is only because they have not fully regained their strength." 

"So we have to power up like crazy? Cool!" Meliodas exclaims. 

We all head our separate ways, with Meliodas and Liz going to search for Diane, and Arthur quietly chatting with Merlin. 

Chaos, are you up? 

Always, my love. What is wrong? 

I need to speak with him. My father.

The Demon King? My love, are you sure? You're still hurt, and the journey is long and-- 

I'll be fine.

Alright. As you wish. 

I slowly get up, still feeling an aching in my side. I grab my armor, and head to the bathroom.

"Hey, Y/N. You going somewhere?" Arthur questions. 

"Just into town for a bit! I need some ...toad's blood for a spell!" I quickly come up with an excuse, and it seems to work as Arthur nods. 

"Oh, I see. Do you need me to come along?" 

"No! Not at all. I've got a handle on it. Thank you though, Arthur. I appreciate it."

He smiles and nods. 

"Wait, where is Ban?" I question, noticing the lack of someone hovering over my shoulder.

"Oh, he went to get his weapon cleaned at Khalo's. I forgot! He told me to go get him when you wake up," Arthur says. 

"No, it's fine, I'll stop by and get him." 

I walk out the room, sighing. 

To Sosle, my love? 

Yes. Or what's left of it. 
