Look to the Future

Please be sure to read the Author's note at the end. It has some extremely important information that you must know before you continue to read this story. Thank you, and enjoy the show!


"Y/N, why were those people after you?" Gilthunder questions. 

We're laying under the stars, his arm wrapped around me as I lay my head on his chest.  We made out way to a grassy clearing, with nothing but us and nature. His breathing is steady. 

Up, down, up down. 

"Honestly, Gilly? I don't know. They must have been after me for a debt I owed," I say, looking up into his eyes. "But I don't really care. I'm just glad you were there to save me." 

He smirks, the pearl colored moonlight making his bubblegum pink hair glow . "Of course. I'll always be there to save you. Anytime, anywhere. I'm not going anywhere. Ever." 

I giggle. "I don't know, Gilly. You might get tired of me soon." 

He wraps both arms around me. "You're joking, right? I could never get tired of you. It's impossible." 

Silence ensues. But it's not awkward. A warm, comfortable silence as we listen to the grasshoppers croak. A cool summer breeze envelopes us. Bright stars shine in the sky, away from the bustle of city life. 

"Say, Y/N... will you marry me?" He asks. 

I quickly sit up. He does too. 


"You heard me. Will you marry me?" He repeats. 

"Gilly... Duh, of course," I respond. 

We share a long kiss before laying back down under the stars. 

"How many kids would you want?"  Gil asks, staring intensely at the night sky. 

I shrug. "Well, I don't know. How many would you want? " 

"Hmm, maybe five or six?" 

"You're joking! Five or six!?" I exclaim. 

He chuckles, his chest rising and falling. "I'm just joking... or am I?" he whispers. 

We both laugh hard together, our laughter combining to make one smooth sound. 

"I'm gonna take you to meet my dad soon, so he can give us his blessing," Gilthunder says, smoothing my hair down. 

"Grand Master Zaratras? God no, he'll probably hate me," I say, pulling blades of grass. 

"Y/N? Look at me," He says, looking down. I look up into his eyes. Deep cerulean blue, like orchids. "He's gonna love you, just as much as I do, okay? I know it."

I give him another peck on the lips. "I'm trusting you, Gilly. "

Gil chuckles. "Finally." 

Another breeze blows by, Gil's hair glistening in the moonlight. 



"I love you." 

"I love you too, Y/N."

"Promise you won't leave me?" I grip his shirt. 

He wraps his arms tighter around me, protectively. "I promise, Y/N. I love you too much to do that."  


"Y/N, wake up! I made eggs, ham, and sausage for breakfast," A cheery voice says. I hear the clink of a plate on my nightstand. 

"Arrgghhh..." I say, sitting up, scratching the back of my head. Orange morning light seeps in through the large window next to my bed. 

Elizabeth stands in front of me, her long silver hair cascading around her. She's wearing her normal Boar Hat uniform, her hands clasped in front of her chest. 

"So what were you dreaming about? I can tell it was kinda stressful," she says, sitting in the chair next to my dresser. "Tell me all about it." 

I sigh, removing the covers from my body and letting my legs dangle over the side of the bed. "Do you actually wanna hear about it?"

"Yes of course!" She responds in her normal, cheerful voice. 

I sigh again. "You remember that guy from the forest, right? Gilthunder?" 

She nods. "Yep. A very powerful knight of Liones." 

"Well he and I... we have history," I say, conjuring up Chaos. I open my dresser and pull out my handkerchief with my initials on it, given to me by my mother. 

"Oh my... Do tell, do tell." She says, staring intently. 

"After I... destroyed Alten... I wandered for a long time. So long, I almost lost myself." I let out  breath.

 "Then, some people who escaped from Alten cornered me. I didn't even know they escaped. They were deadset on killing me. They had no intention of leaving without my head. " 

I lay Chaos across my legs, and slowly begin cleaning the blade, careful not to cut the handkerchief in half. 

"Then, Gilthunder saved me. I had been travelling for days, maybe weeks, so I was exhausted. Then he saved me. I don't remember what he did. But I woke up and I was in his home. He pretty much nursed me back to health. I planned to leave soon after but... we fell in love. For two years, we lived together and trained together. I was the one that convinced him to become a holy knight. Then I met you guys! And... Ban."

Silence ensues. 

I clear my throat. "But yeah, that's what I was dreaming about!"

Elizabeth smiles. "Wow! Honestly, I didn't know anything about that. Why don't you talk about your past often?" 

I shrug. "Just like everyone here, my past isn't very cheery. I'd rather focus on the future and what could be, you know?" 

She nods slowly. "Yeah, I guess you're right." 

I stand up, a clean Chaos in my hand. "I'm gonna get dressed now." 

"Oh, right. Well, I'll leave you to it. But one day, you have to show me how you work that thing!" she says, standing up. 

"Oh, Chaos? I'll admit, he's a little difficult to use sometimes but you're a quick learner, so I'm sure you'd get it quickly," I chuckle. 

Suddenly, Hawk bursts through my bedroom door. "Y/N GET UP! MELIODAS AND BAN ARE EATING ALL THE SAUSAGE AND- oh you're awake." 

He walks in, and stands next to Elizabeth. She leans down to pet him. "Oh Elizabeth you're here too? Are you guys talking about something serious?" 

I shake my head. I turn to the closet, pulling out my armor, with Chaos still in my hand.  "Nah, just talking about the past. I was just about to get dressed and come-" 

Suddenly, I feel it. My stomach lurches. I have a flashback of something my mother told me years ago. 

"Strong magic causes nausea. If you're nearby someone who's using magic, you'll probably feel like you're about to be sick. Okay, Y/N?" 

I whip around, just as a figure wraps their arms around Elizabeth. They're dressed in a blue dress and sliver armor. 

A mage.

"I need to borrow her for a little bit, thanks," she says, giggling. 

I spring into action. 

"Get your hands off her!" 

I swing Chaos, jumping into the air over the bed... and it glides through the air where the three used to be. I belly flop onto the bed below. 

"Shit! They're gone!" 

I practically jump into my armor in record time, and fly down the stairs to Meliodas and the guys. 

They're sitting at the bar, literally scarfing down sausage and ham. 

Ban looks up from his meal first. "Good morning, gorgeous. I made sure they left enough ham and sausage for you. Hey, you okay? You look-" I cut him off. 

"Guys! We have to go now! Some mage just teleported into my room and stole Elizabeth!" I exclaim. 

"Wait, you're serious?" Meliodas says, stopping his assault of the sausage and bacon. 

"Yes, we gotta go NOW! To the captial" 

We all zoom out the door. 

"Wait, the capital's more than 40 miles away from here! How are we gonna get there?" King asks.

Meliodas and Diane share a look before the both nod determinedly. 

"Gotcha!" She affirms. 

Ban picks up the captain in his arms and puts him in a hugging position. 

"I'm coming with." 

Gowther hugs Ban's back, locking himself into place. 

"Me too." 

Diane picks the three up in her hand. "I might be a little off, so be careful." 

"That's fine, as long as you get us closer, we'll be just fine!" Meliodas says. "Y/N, you ready?" 

I brace myself, getting ready to fly at almost full speed. I smirk. "Yes!" 

Diane gets a running start, then throws the bunch like a baseball pitcher! They go flying into the distance. 

King floats down next to me. "Um, Y/N? Shouldn't you have gotten a head start? There's no way you're gonna make it in time with them." 

"Oh King, you underestimate me! That hurts." I chuckle. "You'll never get anywhere getting head starts, and that's why you lose most of the fights you get into!" 

He blushes, scratching the back of his head. "H-hey...! You didn't have to be mean about it, I was just-"

Before he can finish his sentence, I'm zooming off in the same direction as the others.

 This is probably the fastest I've ever flown before. Chaos, what percentage of my speed am I using?

You are currently at 68% speed, my love. 

What's my speed? 

You will reach the 40 mile mark in one minute. This means you are going at 2,400 miles per hour, effectively mach 3, my love. 

And this is only 68%?! Woahhh... I wonder what 100% is like. 

I really don't recommend it, my love. Even this is speed is putting intense strain on your body. You're going to feel extremely sick after you land, unfortunately. If you go 100% speed, there is a 76% chance you will die, my love. 

You even did the math? 

Yes, my love.  Always for situations like this. 

Wow, okay. Noted.

Chaos was correct. Within one minute I was at the capital, seeing the bustling city dwellers in the streets down below. 

I see the guys, standing in front of a large brick building.  Dozens of knights surround them, and even more pour out of the prison's entrance. 

There, they're at that prison! Chaos, I'm going in. 

Be safe, my love.  


Hope you enjoyed the story! Leave a vote if you did. Also, look out for an important announcement chapter right after this one!! I really need your response. 

Also, does anyone like Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion? I just finished watching, and I am in LOVE, and would love to write an x reader story about it. Please let me know. 

Happy Thanksgiving!! 
