Battle in Vaizel! P.1

Two gigantic manta rays glided through the sky, toward the arena. On top of them stood two girls.

One had short lilac hair and wore red lipstick.

The other had long, dark hair and a wide smile.

But something was off. It was their eyes. Dark, black, inky irises that sent shivers down my spine.

I flew up until I was right in front of their manta rays. I stuck my hand out.

"Halt. Explain your business here in Vaizel!" I exclaimed.
The lavender haired girl spoke up first.
"We're here looking for the Seven Deadly Sins! Have you seen them? We have important business to discuss with them." She smirked.
"You should leave. The Sins just claimed Vaizel as their own. There will be problems if you decide to advance."
The raven hair girl laughed. "Well, luckily, we want problems."

With a flick of her hand, fire balls surrounded me.

Chaos, get ready.
I'm ready.

They come at me from all sides. Because my barrier is already protecting the town, I can't use it. How annoying!
One comes at me from my left, and I cut it in half with lightning speed. Giving me no time to breathe, three more come hurtling toward me. In a flurry, I manage to destroy all of them with a single blow. This continues for a while, me destroying anything that comes my way. Soon, all of the balls are gone.
I stand ready, facing the girls.
"So that's all you've got? Pretty pathetic."
They giggle.
The lavender haired girl speaks up. "Hm, seems your little barrier wore off."
I turn around. She wasn't lying. The entire town was open to attack.
And here I thought I could neutralize the threat before the barrier wore off. Fuck.
Suddenly, I feel a weird tingly feeling in my stomach. But it was too late.
A burning, sharp pain hits my back. The pain spreads from my back to my legs and head. The impact knocks me over and I rapidly fall to the ground and slam into a house in the village.
The pain still lingers and I feel warm liquid dripping down the back of my head to my neck.
I quickly sit up and hover over the ground to view my surroundings. The lavender haired  girl hovers above an injured Ban. The black haired girl stands in front of Meliodas, ready to strike.
My hands, feet get and stomach feel odd. Warm.
Okay, good. The pain is kicking in. I'm starting to heal too.
Yes. You have become 4% stronger from that hit.

"Chaos, should I help Ban or Meliodas? Who do you think will need my help the most?"

These enemies are... like nothing we've ever seen. Meliodas is very strong. Ban is very reckless and although he can't die, we have no clue what their goal is here. I think you should help Ban, my love.
I zoom over to the two of them and hover over the ground, separating them.
"Well, well, well... who are you ? I don't think I got your name," I say, smirking at her.
"It's Jericho, and you?"
"It's Y/N. So, Jericho, why are you attacking here? Is there something you want from us?"
She shakes her head. "Not you guys. Just him."
"Aww, it's too bad we're a package deal! Guess you'll have to deal with me too." I shrug and assume my fighting stance.
She smirks. "Guess I will then."
I charge at her, flying as fast as I can.
Thank you for reading, please leave a like if you enjoyed it!
I have another book coming out, directly after this one! It's going to be a Yandere story. Titled: Under His Rule (Yandere! Prince! x reader)
Here's a little excerpt from the story:
"My hatred for the royal family runs deep," I say, clenching my fists.
"Oh really? And why's that?"  he asks, sipping his tea calmly. He gazes  into my eyes intensly as he sips.
I breathe and maintain my composure. "They don't give two shits about their own people. Famine is spreading through the land, and they have absolutely nothing to say about it.
"So why are you headed there now?" he tilts his head and raises an eyebrow.
I sip my tea, taking a deep breath afterwards, savoring the delicate flavors for a moment before speaking.
"I'm going to work for them."

So please, please check it out and if you're interested, please leave a like!

P.S. If you're looking for a REALLY good anime, check out Angel Beats. It's on Netflix. It'll have you rethinking your life. I literally cried at the end.

P.S.S I watched Far From Home today. It's a MUST SEE! it was great, and I loved it. And the ending credits, I- I don't think I'll be able to wait two years, I-
