Battle in Vaizel Pt. 4

The man laughs. "The goddess Amber holds even the most wicked of demons."
Ban struggles to get up off the ground, but the burly man kicks him down.
"No!" Elizabeth screams.
Why is she naked?
I'm not sure, my love.

"So what are you gonna do with him?" I ask, gripping Chaos.
I am willing to do whatever it takes to get him back.
"Well he's too dangerous to be free, now isn't he?" The burly man grins,holding the amulet up to the light. It glows.
Elizabeth falls to her knees, sobbing. "NO! Please, help! SIR MELIODAS," she wails even louder.
I stare at the goddess amber.
Chaos, what can I do? I can't-
Suddenly, I see it. Two small cracks forming on the Amber gem. They slowly grow, taking over the entire gem. Finally, the stone breaks into a million shards, emitting a dark purple light.
Woah. Chaos, did you feel that?
yes, my love. It was quite sinister. Should we make our exit?
"No," I look over for Hawk. "Hawk, get you and Elizabeth outta here! It's boutta get messy."
Hawk looks startled, but still obliges.
"Come on Elizabeth!"
"But my sister-" she starts.
"Elizabeth GO NOW," I yell.
Just as Elizabeth and Hawk disappear into the horizon, a figure emerges from the smoke of the amber.
It's Meliodas. But not really him. I can see it in his eyes. They're dead, lifeless.
My love, I think-
Chaos, I know. Please don't say it.
You know what you have to do, my love.
"Ban, move. Get back." I say, running to Ban and pushing his already weak body behind me.
"Y/N move! You know how d-dangerous he is," Ban says, fighting his weakness and getting up to his feet.
"He's gonna to kill someone! I gotta make sure he doesn't," I grip Chaos, getting ready once again.
"He could kill you! You're not immortal you know." Ban sighs.
"Yeah, I'm aware, Captain Obvious. Now back up, I don't have time for this!"

Meliodas charges forward from his zombie-like state and I instantly spring into action.
"HellFire Barrier!" I say, slicing the air in front of Meliodas. Within an instant, thick, dark liquid drips out of Chaos and immediately forms a bubble around him, stopping him in his tracks. The bubble hovers above the ground.
"Meliodas you gotta stop! Don't do this buddy, come on," I croak.
In his trance like state, he lightly presses his palm on the barrier, before poking it.
I get closer. "I know you can hear me!"
Suddenly, he punched the barrier.
There's no no way he can break this barrier, right? I mean this is my strongest barrier.
It's practically impossible, my love. Keep trying to talk him down.
"Meliodas stop! Snap out of it!" I plead.
BOOM. Another punch. Only this time, a small crack forms in the barrier.
"Meliodas STOP!"
The crack gets larger and Meliodas unleashes a flurry of punches an the barrier.
"Oh shit." Ban's eyes go wide. "Was that really you'd strongest barrier?" Ban chuckles.
"Ban. Now it NOT THE TIME."
Chaos! I thought you said it was impossible for anything to break this!
I said practically impossible, my love. We should make a swift retreat.
With a final punch, Meliodas shatters the glass.
"Yeah, I think that's a good idea."
Guila gasps, trembling in fear. "H-how did he escape?"
Suddenly, with a single quick motion, Meliodas flies toward Guila and cuts her entire forearm off with his broken sword. She falls to the ground letting out a bloodcurdling scream.
"Oh. My. God." I stand, frozen in shock.
Meliodas, still in his trance-like state, swings his sword downward. A huge blast emits from him and Jericho goes flying.
"Wha- How did a tiny wave like that cause such a large blast... no!" Jericho squeals as she looks over at the body of her fallen comrade.
She then pulls a small marble object out of her pocket.
"Super Recovery Spell!" She smashes the object on the ground, and a blinding green light emits. 
Guila stirs awake. "Thank you."
"This wasn't a part of the plan! I thought nothing could get out of the Goddess Amber." Jericho whines.
"I have no clue... But do you feel the aura he's giving off....? It's...terrifying."

I know I haven't updated in a long time, Honors and AP classes are kicking my ass. However!!! We are on corona break so more updates will be coming soon!!!
Now I have a question for you guys!
Do you mind if I stray away from the original plot a little?? Like add new character and some new circumstances?
Please let me know!
