Heartfelt Reunions

"Ban?" I question, stepping closer and closer to him.
"Neither one of you move!" A voice says. I look over and see a girl.
She has gray hair and brown eyes, and is wearing a full set of armor. She's has her sword pointed straight us, shaking nervously.
"Oh. So you've replaced me I see," I laugh. "Who's this?"
Ban chuckles. "Just some Holy Knight wannabe. I can get rid of her quickly." He sticks his hand out, but I decide to intervene.
"Stop." I smirk. "I'll take care of her even faster."
Before she can even move, I stick my hand out towards her. "Icy Massacre."
With the speed of light, a bright blue torrent of ice flies out of my hand and encases her, the wall behind her, and the bars of several prison cells next to her. Ban jumps out the way and lands in next to me before it reaches him.
"Woah," he pats himself off. "Look at that. Someone's gained a lot of power, huh?"
Awkward silence.
Suddenly, Ban picks me up and embraces me in a warm embrace. Chaos falls to the ground with a clattering sound.
"Y/N! I don't think you understand how much I've missed you. With the way we left things..."
"It's okay, Ban. I missed you too," I say, returning the hug.
"Y/N, I wanted to know if-"

We hear a loud boom from outside.
"Fuck. I think that's Diane. Come on, we gotta go!" I pick up Chaos, grab Ban by his arm, and drag him out the holes in the wall.

We walk back to town.
Elizabeth runs up toward me, frantically.
"Y/N! Y/N i-it's Meliodas! The d-doctor's posioned h-him!" She breaks down crying.
"What? What happened to the captain?" Ban questions.
The two begin conversating. But I feel my heart speed up and my hands shake involuntarily.
My love, I... I don't feel his presence anymore.
My heart starts beating even faster.
I fly over to the doctor's office as quick as possible with Elizabeth and Ban calling after me.
I run into the room where I see the Doctor standing over Meliodas. He turns around after I enter.
"Miss, I-" he starts.
I have Chaos up to his throat, glaring at him. If looks could kill, he'd be long gone.
"What did you give him?"
"Miss I'm sorry I-"
"I will kill you without a second thought. What did you give him?"
The fear in his eyes only increased after I said that.
"I-I'm sorry. I gave him W-wolfsbane, Belladon-nna, T-tiger Beetle, Henb-bane Leaf. I had to. They... they took my daughter. They said I c-could get her back if I-I did this... I'm s-so sorry...."
I push the scythe closer to his throat, making a small cut and drawing blood. He grimaces. I feel a few tears fall down my face.
I finally pull my Chaos from his throat and sigh.
Suddenly, I feel another presence in the room. Right behind me.
Quick as lightning, I stand in front of Meliodas' unmoving corpse, Chaos extended out in front of me.
"Who are you?"

This one was a little late, and a little shorter than the others, oops.
But I'll be on time. Remember: updates every weekend!!
