Bad News

I sit up, panting. A cold sweat drips down my forehead.

I'm in my room, laying down in my bed. The soft quilted sheets rub up against my thighs. I'm alone.


Yes, my love, I'm here. I'm so glad you're okay.

How long has it been?

Only about two days.

Two days? W-what even happened? I hugged Gil, and then the ground was shaking, and then....

Suddenly, it plays back in my mind like a tape recorder.

"Y/n, I'm finally back. I'm here for you."

It sounded strangely comforting, like a warm hug. But a stranger said this. There's no way that a stranger saying that they're coming for you is "comforting". Or, at least it shouldn't be.

Chaos, do you know who that was?

Unfortunately, whatever you heard, I could not hear. I am sorry.

Wait, what? But you can see all my dreams and hear my thoughts, right?

Yes, normally. However, I'm not sure what this person did, but whenever they pop up into your dreams, I cannot be there. I am sorry, my love.

But that doesn't even-

And then it hit me. When he first came to my dreams, I tried to conjure Chaos, but it didn't work...

"Trying to conjure Chaos? This is my domain, you're not bringing that thing in here."

But... how is that possible? What did he mean by 'his domain' ? Chaos and I are connected by soul, so that shouldn't even be possible.

Suddenly, my stomach lets out a loud grumble. Grrrk.

Maybe you should go and eat, my love? You did pass out.

"Fine. "


After a long, hot shower, I put on my armor. Someone was nice enough to clean it and hang it up for me. They also cleaned my dress, which had surely gotten dirty after I passed out.

I tiptoe down the stairs, feeling weak from not eating.

"Right, then I'll start getting my things ready so we can go!" Elizabeth exclaims.

"Where are we going?" I say, sitting on stool in front of the bar.

I hear everyone let out a quiet gasp.

Elizabeth looks surprised. "Y/n! " She runs up to me, wrapping her slim arms around my neck, hugging me tightly. Her hair smells like strawberries.

"Woah, easy there! It's only been two days, " I say, giggling.

She finally lets go, and looks at me, blushing. "Still, I missed you! I cleaned your dress, it had gotten really dirty when you fell. And I see you found that I cleaned your armor too!"

"Oh, I should've known it was you. Thanks!" I respond, sipping on some ale that Meliodas poured. The creamy apple taste only makes my stomach growl louder for some actual food, and not alcohol.

Elizabeth's ears perk up. "Oh, of course you're hungry! We tried to wake you so could eat, but you just wouldn't budge... I'll make you some bacon and eggs!"

She runs off into the kitchen.

Ban walks up to me, staring at me silently. I look up at him before downing the rest of my ale.

Suddenly, and silently, Ban lifts me up off the stool by my armpits, and wraps his buff arms around my body.

"I, " he whispers into my ear. "When you didn't wake up, I thought you were gone."

"Well, look at me, I'm still here," I say jokingly.

He wraps his arms around me tighter. "Can't you tell when I'm being serious?! Stop joking around." He breathes slowly. "I don't know why you fainted, but you need to be more careful. I'm worried about you."

"I'm fine, I'm strong enough to-" he cuts me off.

"Promise me you're going to be more careful." He says, blankly.


"Promise!" He says, the demanding tone in his voice growing.

I sigh. "Fine, I promise. Now, put me down!"

Gently, he lowers me to the ground and unwraps his arms from around me.

He stares at me for a moment before walking upstairs silently. I watch as he sticks his hands in his pockets

"Hey, Y/n, can I talk to you for a moment outside? It's about the Boar Hat's monthly expenses," Meliodas says, coming from around the bar.


I follow him out of the door. It's a beautiful sunny day, and green clearings surround us. A light breeze sweeps by. We stand at the far end, away from the door of the Boar Hat. Diane is sleeping on the ground in a fetal position, with King laying on his pillow on top of her. It's honestly kinda cute.

"Y/n," Meliodas calls, drawing my attention from he cute couple. "You do understand what's going on, right?"

I shake my head. "No, not really. But that aura.... was intense."

Meliodas turns to me, with the most serious look I've ever seen on his face. "The Ten Commandments are back. You're one of the strongest one's here and if their aura was enough to make you faint, then I can't imagine what would happen to the others."

I feel the blood drain out of my face. "Wait... The Ten Commandments?! Like the one's from the legends?!"

He nods slowly. "Yes, them. They're incredibly dangerous. And one of them are after you."

I sit in silence for a moment, then chuckle. "Captain, stop joking around! This is serious."

His stone cold demeanor remained, and I soon realized that he in fact wasn't joking around.

"Oh my god, you're serious," I say, panic rising in my stomach. "Well who is it? What did I do? How can I stop them?"

Meliodas sighs. "I don't know their exact identity, but if I'm right about my guesses, you're in serious trouble."


"Woah, who knew that Gowther was a doll!" Hawk says in amazement.

Merlin, Meliodas, the guy with the strange mask from the Roars of Dawn, a small sized Diane, Elizabeth, and I seated around a lifeless barbie sized Gowther. Apparently, he and Diane were having an argument and he eventually regressed back to this form. King is probably upstairs sleeping, and I haven't seen Ban since he made me promise to do stay safe. But I can't even think about that now. Meliodas asked me not to tell anyone, especially Ban, because it would probably scare them. Now I'm stuck thinking this by myself. I mean, it's obviously the guy from my dreams, but who? What does he want from me?

"Captian, did you know that? About Gowther?" Diane asks.

He shrugs. "Nope. I just found out today."

Diane sighs sadly, looking like she's in deep thought. "Now I understand how serious he was about it." She mutters.

"I bet Gowther's gonna be just fine," Meliodas reassures. "No matter who or what he is, he's till our friend, isn't he?"

Diane nods excitedly. "Right." Suddenly, she stumbles, and her eyes take on a glossy look. "Woah, my head feels funny!"

A chill of magic aura hits me. Although faint, it's still there. And it's dark.

Woah, Chaos, did you feel that?

I'm sorry my love, but feel what?

It was like a wave of dark magic. I felt it just now.

No, I didn't feel it, my love, I'm sorry. Perhaps it's just the remants from when you felt it after the ceremony?

Yeah, you're probably right. Thanks.

"So Slader, are you interested in joining us for now? You're pretty strong, and it would be good to have a guy look you around," he says cheerfully.

Slader, the buff guy with the mask, nods. "Fine by me. The King told me to help you guys any way I can."

"Sir Meliodas," Elizabeth calls out, "would it be okay for me to come to?!"

A dark look passes over his face as he answers. "I told you, the Battle for Liones is over, so there's no reason for you to be put in danger anymore."

"B-But we're comrades! Am I the only one that feels this way?" she questions pleadingly.

Silence ensues for a moment before she speaks again. "Or am I just baggage that ways you down?"

He turns around with a goofy smile on his face. "Exactly!"

Diane runs up to him and punches him and he goes flying. "Captian, you jerk!"

Elizabeth runs off outside, most likely crying. I follow after her as Diane and Hawk berate Meliodas for his meanness.

She leans on a wall, as a warm breeze blows by. I walk over to her and lean on the wall with her. The sky is a beautiful green-blue spotted with puffy clouds. Warm sunlight dances across our skin, and the breeze makes our hair fly in the wind.

"Ha, " I chuckle, "he really can be an asshole sometimes, can't he?"

She sighs. "I understand. The only reason he talked to me like that was because he's concerned... But that's exactly why I want to help him. I want to show him that I'm not weak!"

"This may sound really obvious," I laugh, "But do it! Show him that you're tougher than you look. Actions count wayyyy more than words. 'kay?"

She stares at me for a moment, a pink blush forming across her pale skin. I feel my cheeks heat up too. Then, she giggle, looking down at the ground. "Y-yeah, I guess you're right!"

After sitting out in the sun a little more, we head back inside. As we walk in, we hear a small whirring sound, and it's from a small magic ball Merlin is holding.

"What's that noise?" I ask, floating back into the tavern. I mean, what can I say? My feet are tired and I like to show off.

She looks panicked. "We're changing plans and heading to Camelot instead. I've sensed an abnormal surge of magical power!"

I feel an enormous amount of magical power and the tavern starts shaking,

"Merlin, what are you doing-" Diane asks before we're sucked into the ground completely.



Kinda shorter than the last one, but oh well!

So.... Who do you guys think the mysterious person chasing you is? :) Hehe

Also, If you like yandere stories (because who doesn't?) be sure to check out my other story "Under His Rule: Yandere! Prince! x reader". It's relatively new compared to this one, and I think it's pretty good.

P.S. If you liked this chapter, be sure to vote and/or leave a comment ! It makes me feel motivated to write more!

See you next week, Tata~
