After the Storm// Just the Beginning

(Season 2: Revival of the Ten Commandments)

After weeks of long, grueling battles between the Sins, the New Generation, and the Holy Knights of Britannia, the Sins and company finally defeat Hendrickson. You and Gilthunder are now on good terms, but are both unsure where you stand. You and Ban are on really good terms, but haven't made anything official yet. You and Meliodas are on good terms. You and Elizabeth are on great terms. Merlin has now joined the group. The Sins are now resting in Britannia. 


It's dark. I see nothing, I'm walking around in nothingness.

"Y/N?" I hear a voice. It's my mothers. It sounds like it's coming from all directions.

"Mother? Mother can you hear me? Where are you?" My voice echoes through in the darkness. I run straight, but the darkness continues to envelop me.

"Y/N, you must leave Britannia. Now. Something dangerous is coming for you. Please!" She pleads. I hear pure fear and panic in her voice.

"W...Why? How are you speaking to me? D-didn't you die? Mother please!"  I shout as loud as I can.

"I don't have time to-"

Without warning her voice cuts off.

"Mother? Mother! MOTHER! Can you hear me?" I run in circles, trying to hear her again.

Suddenly, a smooth male voice that I don't recognize begins speaking.

"Hellooo Y/N... My, my, you are looking as stunning as ever!" The male voice says.

I ball up my fists, struggling to materialize Chaos. He won't come.

"Trying to conjure Chaos? This is my domain, you're not bringing that thing in here."

"Who are you?"

He laughs. "Oh, trust me. You'll definitely figure it out, considering that we'll be married in a bit."

I chuckle. "Married? Wow, I don't know who you are, but you've got a good sense of humor." 

"Oh, trust me. I'm not joking."

"You still never said who you are," I state, crossing my arms.

"Hmm," he pauses for a moment. "Let's just say that I'm someone who knows everything about you. Every. Little. Thing."


I snap up, sweating profusely, and panting.

What the hell was all that?

I conjure up Chaos. He appears in my hand like normal, and I sigh, feeling relief.

My love, your heart rate is up 15% more than usual. Is something wrong?

Nah, I just had a super weird dream. But I'm okay now.

Chaos dematerializes in my hand, and I hop up to go take a shower.

Even in the shower, I can't stop thinking about that nightmare. I smell the lavender shower gel and feel water running down my legs.

Was that really mother? What did she mean about danger coming? I have to leave Britannia? Assuming that it's real... I couldn't just leave the Sins. That's impossible. We can't just leave the Britannians to die either. We'll stay and fight whatever comes. But... who was that man? He "knows everything about me"? How? Could he be watching me right now?

I feel a chill run down my spine, even in the warmth of the shower.

Y/N, you're scaring yourself. No one is watching you. It was probably all the ale you drank last night. No one is-

Knock Knock Knock

I let out a bloodcurdling scream, probably loud enough for the whole of Britannia to hear.

I hear a gasp. I immediately recognize it as Elizabeth's.

"Y/N!" She calls out. "A-are you okay? I'm so sorry! Please say you're okay!"

I laugh out loud. "No, no, Elizabeth! It's not your fault. I didn't mean to scream."

"Oh, okay," she lets out a sigh of relief. "I just need to talk to you when you get out, okay? Please meet me at the bar!"

"Okay, will do!"

I climb out the shower and get dressed in my regular armor, then head downstairs.

I take a seat behind the bar and grab one of the pancakes Elizabeth made for breakfast.

"So the King's gonna give all of us medals?!" Hawks asks enthusiastically.

Elizabeth nods. "Yes! The Seven Deadly Sins did save the kingdom! That includes you, Hawk. "

"Well yeah, I am the shining  star of this bunch," Hawk scoffs.

Elizabeth giggles.

"That wasn't your cue to laugh. I'm being serious, what are you laughing about?"  Hawk replies.

I laugh. "Seems like everyone's okay after recent events."

Meliodas emerges from the back. "Sorry for keeping you guys wating. Tada! What do you guys think?"

He's dressed in a brand new outfit, a crisp white tunic with green pants, with gold embellishments on the side.

"This would be an awesome uniform for the Boar Hat too, right?" He replies excitedly.

Elizabeth nods. "Y-yes! It's wonderful!"

"Elizabeth, please don't lie to him," I snicker. "Where's the get up from, anyways?"

"It was actually a gift from Elizabeth," he says, spinning around for us to see.

I kick my feet up, onto he bar, leaning back. "Knowing Elizabeth picked it out makes it look ten times better on you."

She blushes profusely. "Ha, thank you Y/N... I just wanted him to look good for the ceremony."

"I, too, am ready to go," a voice says. It's Gowther.  He's wearing a long navy blue blazer with matching navy blue slacks, paired with a white cropped top and a magenta bow around his neck.

"Sparkle!" he exclaims.

Hawk and Meliodas look unamused.

"Who picked that out for you?" Meliodas says.

Gowther looks excited. "Oh, it was my sweet one! My beloved."

Meliodas frowns. "All that reading he's been doing must have blurred the lines between reality and fantasy."

"Hey hey, looks like everyone's having fun," a bored looking King says, emerging from upstairs.

"Dressed like always, huh, King? Wait, what's that on your hood? A helmet?" Hawk questions.

King shrugs. "Oh, nothing. Just a gift from my best friend."

"Guys, come look! I have a new outfit too!" Diane says from outside.

We walk outside to see Diane dressed in an orange a-line dress, with a breast cut out, slightly exposing some of her cleavage.

"Looks great!" I yell up to her. I float slightly off the ground, similar to how Merlin does.

She smiles. "Thanks, Merlin made it for me!"

Merlin appears. "That's odd, I only remember giving you one."

From the corner of my eye, I see king smiling hard.

Ban emerges from one of the side doors,  dressed in his normal red, leather cropped shirt and pants combo.

"So what's with all the commotion out here?" he asks, yawning.

Diane yells. "Ban, why aren't you wearing your outfit!?"

"Oh, you mean those clothes hanging up in my room?" He asks, clearly playing dumb.

"King and I spent a lot of time on those clothes! Put them on, you jerk!" Diane yells.

Ban puts his hand up in defeat. "Alright, Alright, I'm gonna put them on a little later, relax."

Meliodas steps up the the group.

"Okay everyone! The ceremony is tomorrow, but how about we start celebrating in advance?" He says.

I wasn't done but I just accidentally published it, so here you guys go! :)
