The Forest of White Dreams// We Could Be Happy

(Elaine does NOT exist in this story)

After leaving Vanya (and taking a good amount of Ale with us), we finally reach the Forest of White Dreams.
"And you think Diane's in here?" I ask, patting Hawk on top of his head.
"Yup. I'm sure of it." He says, giving me a reassuring smile.
We walk deeper and deeper into the forest in silence.
"Are you excited to see Ban?" Meliodas asks.
I blush. It catches me off guard.
Ban and I were dating before we got split up all those years ago.
"I'm excited to see all the sins again. It's been like, what? 10 years?" I say, smiling sheepishly.
Meliodas chuckles. "Sure."
Elizabeth gasps and points ahead. "What's that up ahead? A little girl?"
I look in the direction she points in and laugh. "That's definitely not a little girl."
We run up close and. We're finally able to see the figure clearly.
Diane, the Serpent Sin Of Envy.
Meliodas goes to tap her, but I stop him.
"I got this," I say smirking.
I step forward. "Chaos!"
He materializes in my hand.
Yes darling?
"Time for the Repel Configuration!"
Of course, my love.
I grab Chaos with two hands and swing through the air with all my might.
The ground rumbles. Most of the fog clears, and the trees around us flatten. Diane flies back and hits a nearby boulder.
She stirs awake. "Holy Knight?!"
She grabs my body and brings it up to her face.
"Hi, Diane."
She looks at me suspiciously for a second before grinning.
"Y/N! OH MY GOD!!!" she shakes me violently.
I struggle to breathe. "M-Meliodas is... here too."
She looks down and sees him.
"CAPTAIN! OH CAPTAIN!" She hugs him violently.
Uh my love? I'm sorry to mess up your reunion, but someone's coming.
"What? Who? No one would ever come in here."
Darling, it's Gilthunder.
"Meliodas! Diane! We gotta go-"
Without warning, A lightning bolt hits the ground with intense power and speed.
I fly back, hitting a nearby tree.
His powers have increased by 57%  since the last time we saw him. Maybe we can... My love? love!
I feel the conscious slipping out of my body.
"Shit," I say rubbing my head.
"Y/N! You're awake!" Hawk rushes up to me.

"How long's it been?" I ask, my vision still blurry.
"About 20 minutes. Meliodas and Gil are over there fighting!" He says frantically.

My vision clears up and in the distance, I can see Gil and Meliodas having a shoving match with their swords.

I gather up all the fake confidence and alluring attitude I can muster and conjure up Chaos.
"Please, take me over there," I say sitting on him.
My love, you're still hurt! I think you should sit this one out. It would be best.
"Nope. I promised I would help Meliodas in any situation," I say, sitting on Chaos. He begins to levitate.
Okay, fine. Whatever you say.
"No My love? What happened to that?" I say, smiling at him.
Whatever you say my love.
He chuckles.
Just please, whatever you do, don't get hurt.
"Promise I won't, my love," I say, mocking Chaos' British (YES I IMAGINE HIM BRITISH OKAY) accent.

The clanking of swords abruptly stops.
I stop looking at Chaos and look up.
"Y/N! Is that really you? A-after all this time?"
It's Gil.

I hide my nervousness.
"Gil? It's been a while, hasn't it?" I say as Chaos lowers to the ground and I hop off.
Before I can even see what's happened, Gil's already in front of me, wrapping his arms around me in a warm embrace.
"Oh Y/N. I've missed you so much," he says, gripping me tightly.
"You've gotten a lot faster, Gilly," I say, slightly rubbing his shoulder.
"Please... Come be with me again...I'm a Holy Knight now and I'm respected everywhere I go. We could have everything we wanted back then... Remember? A castle, babies, all that," he looks me in the eyes. "We could be happy."
He looks down at me. We lock eyes.
"Gil... the thing is... I'm already happy," I say, giving him a little smile.
His soft expression quickly turns sour.
"If you join us, we can-"
Before I can react, his leg goes up and kicks me right in the stomach.
I fly back into some nearby bushes.
I rub my head, annoyed. "Jeez Gilly, you gotta stop doing that!"
He stares at me silently while I dust off my clothes and hair.
I smirk. "So you wanna fight huh? It's been a while since we've sparred." Chaos materializes in my hand.
Without a word, Gil sticks his sword straight up in the air. A bolt of lightning hits the ground, making it shake.
Suddenly, an idea pops into my head.
Send a telepathic message to Meliodas for me, okay?
Whatever you need, my love
I stand in front of Gil gripping Chaos.
I smirk. "Well come on! Let's see what you've learned in all this time!"
I'm purposely taunting him.
"I loved you despite the fact that you were a sin, and this is how you repay me?" He says, expressionless. He didn't even seem like he was mad. He's Empty. Distant. Almost like he wasn't here at all.
In an instant, he's in front of me, blazing with electricity. He swings his sword at me, narrowly missing. I swing Chaos, but he's already behind me.
I duck out the way literally milliseconds before his sword slices through the air right where I'm standing.
"Wow! You have improved. Great job Gilly!" I say, patronizing him.
"Yes, I am now stronger than any of the sins! You should be with me! Imagine the life we could have!" He says, a hint of sadness in his voice.
I pretend to think for a second. "Yeah, no. Sorry buddy."
His brows furrow and his face turns deep red in anger.
Damn, y/n you've done it now, huh?
He moves with lightning (hahah) speed towards me and kicks me in my stomach. Hard. I taste blood in my mouth as I hit the ground, lying on my back. In the blink of an eye, he's flying down out of the sky with his sword pointed straight at my heart. With seconds to spare, I roll over and stand up. His sword digs deep into the ground.
I try to conjure up Chaos, but Gil slices my wrist downward, causing me to cry out in pain.
"Agh, fuck," I yelp, gripping my wrist as an abundance on blood flows onto the ground and gets soaked up in the dark soil.
My love, did you tell him that pain only makes you stronger?
I ignore Chaos' question.
"You're really not playing anymore, huh Gilly? Guess I should stop playing too-"
Before I could even move, Gil is right in front of me.
"I'm sorry," he says, giving one final thrust of his blade into my stomach.
My eyes widen in shock. The pain is excruciating. My legs give out from underneath me and I fall to my knees.
Gilthunder gently places you on your back, looking up at him.
Ugh, this is probably the most pain I've ever felt and I can't even use my powers right now. (Remember that her powers are based on pain)
I cough and feel blood come up from my stomach into my mouth. It overflows and runs down the side. I'm shaking lightly.
"Gilly, I-I.... I've always loved you. I'm sorry," I say, placing a bloodied hand on his cheek.
Tears fall down his face quickly; soon, he's full on sobbing.
"I'm-I'm really sorry. If I can't have you, no one can, (Y/N)... No one can..." He sobs, resting his head on my shoulder.
I sigh. "It's okay, Gilly. I just have o-one more question. I-I...can't leave the world n...not knowing where ... where the rest of the sins a-are... My old friends, my l-love... I have to know."
As soon as I say "my love" Gil instantly begins sobbing twice as hard.
"Any...anything for you. Ban is at-at Baste Prison under tight security. King is in the...the Necropolis. The others are unaccounted for... this is all I know..." he mumbles.
I let a tear roll down my cheek. "T-thank y-you... I can f-finally... go in peace..." I close my eyes.
After a few seconds of laying there with my eyes closed, I open them and spring up.
I smirk. "Thanks, Gilly."
His eyes widen. I can see a mixture of emotions. First shock, then relief, then anger.
"Y/N. I-"
"You really tried to killed me? Really Gil? What about all those years we spent together?" I say, pretending to be sad.
He gasps, his tear stained face looking down in shame. "Y/N, I-"
"Go. Just go." I say in mock anger.
Please let him go away. Please.
He's silent as he lifts his swords up to the sky and disappears.
Everything is silent. Suddenly, Meliodas jumps out from behind a bush.
"Y/N! Jeez, why did you let him hurt you this bad?" Meliodas says.
"I found out where Ban and King are!" I say, holding my still bleeding wrist.
"Y/N! You're bleeding a lot! We've got to get you back to the tavern and patch you up," she exclaims,
"It'll heal on its own eventually," I say, non chalantly.
Elizabeth, Hawk, And Meliodas all speak in unison.

Oh this was a long one! It's currently 12:22 am where I am and I'm doing this, I-whatever. I have two questions for you guys.

A) Should I have each season as one book? Season 1 in this book, season 2 in a second book? Or just season 1 and 2 in this book? Leave a comment to let me know.

B) Should I make another book about something else? Another anime? Or maybe something else? Leave a comment to let me know.

Also, don't forget to check out my other book "The Royal Court" it's a Bakugo/ Todoroki/Midoriya fanfic. If you like My Hero, I think you'll like the book too. I'll be uploading another chapter there sometime this week. And don't forget to leave a like if you liked this chapter!
Ps.- Word Count-1747! That's crazy!!
