Unexpected Turns

A/N: Please make sure you read the author's note at the bottom and comment!

Back to the fun. :))


We sprint to the scene, on the sides of Meliodas and King. Ban readies himself, clenching his. staff. King floats above the ground clenching Chastiefol. I float next to him, folding my arms.

"I guess whoever moves first loses," Meliodas says intensely, as an uncomfortable silence falls on the battlefield. 

Suddenly, a voice speaks from below me. It's the green-haired man again!

"There you are," he says, walking up to Gowther. "Sorry for keeping you. I looked everywhere but I couldn't find any glue."

He finally turns around, realizing he's intruded on something serious. "Hm? What is it?" 

"What?!" Ban screeches. "What is it with you dude?"

The man responds. "I'm just-"

Gowther speaks over him, letting out what sounds like a cry and a roar. "Af...raid.... Afraid..." He shakes. 

The green haired man taps his leg lightly. "Easy, easy."

Despite his efforts to calm him, Gowther still lashes out. He lifts an arm.

"Scatter!" Meliodas yells. In an instant, we all zoom off in different directions just as a huge iron fist hits where we were standing. 

The Roars of Dawn try to us this time to attack, but Meliodas is too fast, and fends them all off. They all land on their feet. 

Within seconds, Meliodas zooms towards the big burly guy with the mask. The burly guy, however, has a trick up his sleeve, and his fist enlarges to three times the size of Meliodas. 

"Crap, he's strong. Just run Gowther!" Meliodas says, as the man's large fist grabs him and forces him to the ground. 

Gowther lets out another huge roar as the girl with the orange hair barrels towards him at full speed. She swings her sword around, readying a rope attack. 

"Chaos," I say calmly, "Wall of Hellfire." 

A wall of hot, black fire separates her from Gowther, and her shiny string disintegrates in the hell fire. 

"What? This spell is supposed to be able to take even the most intense heat!" She wails. 

My love, behind you. Look out. 

I  instantly spin and Chaos' blade collides with the man wearing red armor. 

"Woah, you're good!" He says as we push against each other. Finally, we both fly backwards as he lands on the ground and I float above him.

"Thanks, I know." I say, zooming towards him quickly. He blocks my attack and we share blows, our blades colliding faster and faster by the second. The constant clink of our swords fills my ears.

"Would you mind telling me your name? We could definitely use someone like you." He says, speeding up. 

I speed up with him. I ignore the burning ache in my forearms. "Nah, I don't like to fight with rookies." I smirk as a redness spreads across his face. I can see the anger in his eyes. 

"Aww, are you about to cry?" I ask, speeding up even more. 

Um, my love. The wall will fall in the next three seconds. You are currently using too much power to us both. 

"Wait, what?!" I quickly glance over at the wall, just as the inky blackness disappears. "Crap, Chaos, I need another wa-"

I gasp as the air is forced out of me. I feel an intense ache as the white hair man's foot plants deep into my stomach. I fly back and my back hits a nearby oak tree. I slide down to the ground.

"Gowther, no!" I scream as panic grows in my stomach. Without any barrier, Gowther is now exposed to anything. I try to stand up, but the tip of a blade is placed at my jugular.

"Too slow. Even a rookie knows to keep your eyes on your opponent in battle." The white hair man says, looking down at me. " Move and I'll kill you." 

I look around at my teammates. King is tied up by the orange haired girl's rope spell. Ban is trying to stop the man with the arrow. Meliodas is going at it with the orange haired girl, too. I watch as the buff man with the mask runs up Gowther's body and uses his saw like sword to saw at Gowther's arm. He howls. 

Crap, at this rate...

My eyes flicker over to the man with the bow standing atop a pile of corpses. His arrow glows pearly white while he aims it straight at Gowther. 

"GOWTHER!" I scream, just as the man lets go of the nocked arrow. I look away as bright white light encases the area. 

And silence. 

I reluctantly look back over to the scene. I expected to see Gowther fallen over on his back, arrow in heart. However, I saw something completely different. 

The green haired man stood in front of Gowther, his arm extended high above his head. In his fist he held the arrow. 

I gasp. "What the actual-" 

Everything stops.

He speaks. "What had just transpired, none of those present could comprehend... And like a corpse the man just quietly waited for time to pass. For the arrow that would be hurled from his blind side at full strength. The price of breaking the seal will be a steep one, humans."  

"Did you say seal?" the buff man asks. 

"Hey..." Meliodas says. "The way you talk... and that symbol on your chest... wait..." 

My love, I've finally recognized it. His power is now radiating enough for me to tell who's it is. At first it was too weak but now... my love, he is...

"That is true. My true identity is...

Gowther, the Goat sin of Lust.

Gowther, the Goat sin of Lust.

"Woah, woah, woah no way!" Meliodas says amazed. 

His hair fades from the neat green bowl cut into a messy, short pink style.

Woah, no way! Your timing was way off though, Chaos.  You really couldn't have told us earlier? It would have literally saved us so much time.

I am sorry, my love. I will work on that.

"No way that kid is a Seven Deadly Sin!" the man with the mask says. 

"I mean, he did stop my fully charged arrow with his bared hands. That is no average feat." The knight with the bow admits.

"That is correct," says the new Gowther. "I am the one and only Gowther the Goat Sin."



Hey guys! Vote it you liked the chapter! And leave a comment telling me you liked it! These comments actually do motivate me to make more chapters faster, because I know someone actually likes them! 

So, last chapter or so, I asked you guys if you'd like to have a few different endings with different love interests every chapter. You guys said yes! So you guys have to tell me who you'd like to see! I already have a few ideas, so please feel free to add on. 

Also... any ideas for a 100k reads special? :) Maybe an unrelated fluff chapter with each of your love interests? Maybe a lemon? ;) Maybe a shoutout chapter where I shoutout my most active readers, or some of my favorite comments? Maybe all three rolled into one? Please, please let me know! :)

Also, we just hit 60K reads today! About a month ago we were just at 50K, and now we're at 60K! I'm so happy about the growth of this book and plan to finish it by January. 

If you like yandere stories (don't we all?), don't forget to check out my other story, "Yandere! Prince! x Reader Under His Rule". It's so close to hitting 400 reads! An update for that will be coming out shortly after this one. 
