Foreshadowing the Future

"Woah, I never woulda thunk!" Ban says, checking Gowther out while circling him.

Gowther looks him up and down. "Based on your gaze, attitude, tone, and that scar on your cheek, our must be Ban of the Undead, correct?" 

Ban chuckles. "Yep, that's the Gowther I know."

The orange haired girl tenses. "Wait, he's one of the Seven Deadly Sins too?"

Gowther nods. "And that young boy who appears just as I remember him must be..."

"You got it," Meliodas smiles. "I'm captain Meliodas!"

The gray haired kid stares in shock and disbelief. "Hold on, this little squirt is the Captain of the Seven Deadly Sins?" 

Meliodas looks over with one eyebrow raised. "Yeah. Suprised?"

"And look up over there," Ban says, pointing to King who's still tied up by the orange haired girl's ropes. "That's King." 

Gowther's brows furrow. "No, that is someone else.  His bodyweight, bone structure, and body odor is nothing like King's." 

King transforms into his... heavier form. 

"Creepy." The orange haired girl exclaims. 

"Yes, okay, that is undoubtedly him." Gowther says. 

Finally, he turns to me, looking me up and down, analyzing me for a moment.

"Hmmm," he thinks for a moment. Then his eyes go wide, like a lightbulb went off. 

"Ahh, yes (Y/N). You look the same. Except... You've gotten stronger. Much stronger. Yes." 

I shrug. "I mean what can I say? I've been training." 

My love, take a seat. You just took a bad hit back there. Give yourself some time to recover. 

He floats out of my hand and turns sideways, giving me a perfect spot to sit down on. I sit, and cross my legs. 

Aww, you're so sweet! What would I do without you?

"Oh, he can speak?" Gowther says, puzzled. 

"Wait, you can hear him?" I ask. 

"Yes, for some reason I can. Strange."  I reply. 

The guy with the strange mask claps. "Wonderful! To meet not only Gowther, but four of the Seven Deadly Sins too? So happy!"

I float over to the group, as we all stand in front of the fallen purple armor giant from earlier. 

"I would ask you for a match, but given the circumstances... What a shame!" The mask guy exclaims. "I just need to head of the armored giant over there and we're good to go." 

"By the way, who's in there?" I ask Gowther. 

He shrugs. "Honestly? I don't know. But I'd prefer it if you guys left him alone." 

"I mean, let them do what they want, the only reason we tried to protect it is because we thought it was you," Ban says, shrugging. The others nod in agreement. 

The armored giant lets out a huge roar, as his armor explodes and his bare chest is exposed. 

"Even after feeling his power firsthand, you guys still think you can defeat him?" Gowther asks. 

"Yes, we can, " the masked man states boldly. "I'm sure that one or two of us will die, but we will have his head." 

I shiver a bit. 

Can you believe this, Chaos? Sacrificing your teammates to kill an enemy that isn't even a threat. It's pathetic. Nothing is honorable about that!

A warm, familiar hand snakes around my waist. I turn, and there's Ban sitting on Chaos along with me, his hand around my waist. 

"I can always tell when you're getting pissed. I get it, but you need to chill out now." he says, smiling. 

"A cool-headed assessment," Gowther nods. "I have no choice then." 

He shoots his hand up... and slices downwards, slicing off the head of the giant in one fell swoop! He picks up the head, and hands it to the knights. 

Everyone stares in utter shock. 

"Take it." 

"What are you doing?" The masked man asks, puzzled. 

"It is the most peaceful way of resolving this. Otherwise, many villagers would die too. And, the knights who lost their lives for this would not have died in vain." Gowther steps forward, offering the head to the masked man. 

"Well, I accept your offer." The masked man takes the head. "I like you, Gowther. Out of respect, we will withdraw. But if someone told me to take one of your heads one day..." 

"Yes. Tata." Gowther waves. 

The knights walk away into the distance. 

Gowther turns back to the body. "Do you guys smell that? There's an odor drifting from the depths of his magical power. He was more than likely human once." 

We all gasp.

"Human?!" Meliodas gasps. "What could have turned a human into this?"

Suddenly, the body stands up, towering above us. "H-how is he still alive with no head?" King asks panicked. 

"He was no ordinary human. That is the shell of a former Holy Knight." 

The monster lets out a huge roar. And I see it. In the middle of his chest, a human, surrounded by four monster like faces. 

Ban and I hop off of Chaos, and grip him in my hands. 

Chaos, do you know how the hell something like this is possible? 

No, my love, I do not. 

"This power is extremely strong, so to suppress it, I had him wear my armor. But after a lot of damage, the seal broke," Gowther explains. 

"Well, he surely doesn't seem like the type to listen," Meliodas says, bracing for battle. 

Just as Meliodas expected, the monster slams his fist on the ground, and we all jump out of the way in time. 

"Let's do this!" Meliodas exclaims. Him and Ban rush toward the monster, letting off a barrage of kicks and punches at his faces. 

They land back on the ground. Nothing, no damage had been done, and the monster punches Ban and Meliodas into a nearby tree. 

"Guys, you know to look at how your opponent is attacking first!" King explains smugly. "Spirit spear Chastiefol second configuration, Guardian! Because it's made of mostly water, it can take on any shape and is highly resistant to fire!" 

The monster lets a huge breath of freezing air out of his mouth, freezing Guardian, then it punches it. The Guardian breaks into pieces. King screams.

I chuckle. "Guess it wasn't very resistant to the cold, huh?" 

"Aww, my glasses fogged up. You four hold him off for a while, okay?" Gowther says, walking off. 

"Did he just-" 


The monster hits the ground again, causing another miniature earthquake. 

"Okay Chaos, it's go time!" I zoom up to the monster's body at the speed of light. 

Demon King's Ten Thousand Slashes!

I slash downwards, fast as lightning. Black aura surrounds him. Then, thousands and thousands of long slashes appear on his body in an instant. 

"What? I thought only the Demon King could use that?" Meliodas exclaims, then he pouts. "It's no fair, why did he give it to you?" 

The monster writhes in agony, falling to his knees. 

"Okay, I'm going in for the final kill. Chaos, let's try-" 

"p-please... don't kill m-me please..." I hear a faint voice coming from the monster. 

"I-" I hesitate for a moment. 

One of the monster's long, purple tongues wrap around me, trapping me.

"Of course this would happen to me." 

The monster proceeds to throw my body into the hard mountain rock, creating a deep crater in the hard rock. The back of my head hits the ground hard. I feel it bleeding onto the rock below. 

Power level raised 5%, my love. 

"Thanks for the support," I say, sarcastically. 

"Y/N!" Ban runs over, grabs me, and takes me to safety just nanoseconds before the monster's fist slams into the ground. 

Ban lays me down on the ground. "You okay? Jeez, you're bleeding! Let me get you somewhere safe. You shouldn't be fighting like this. We got this under control."

"Ban, I'm fine, it was one hit. I'm not a baby," I say, sitting up and dusting off. 

He chuckles. "Well, back in the day a hit like that would've put you down for the count." 

Meliodas runs over to us. "Hey, what's up? It's not like you to hesitate. What happened?"

"The Holy Knight... he spoke to me. Hes alive, I swear!" I exclaim. 

"So? We still have to take him out!" Ban exclaims. 

"Are you nuts? We don't kill civilians! That's like rule one in the Handbook!" I retort.

"We don't even have a handbook! And I think this is an exception to the rule!" He responds.

Gowther saunters up. "Another lover's quarrel?" He's holding a bow and arrow. It looks as if it's made of some sort of light energy. I look over to the monster. A huge light arrow is going right through it's chest. 

"Is it dead?" I ask, standing up and dusting off my armor. 

"No, it's in an illusion. Trapped." Gowther responds. "That's my power, invasion." 

"That's kinda messed up. Just kill him already." Ban responds. 

Gowther shrugs. "I can't. He made the choice to be born this way, it seems . So I cannot kill him." 

"Whatever, I'll do it." Ban says, sticking his arm out. 

Meliodas grabs his arm. "Back off. He's still human in there." They glare at each other. 

My love wait,  I recognize that from when I was stuck in hell for a decade. It's a demon. I do not remember what kind, thought. My apologies. 

"A demon? What--Guys, Chaos recognizes it. It's a demon, but he doesn't know what kind," I explain. 

" A demon? What's a holy knight doing as a demon?" Ban asks, puzzled. 

Meliodas squints. "I know him! That's Dale! He became a holy knight about a decade ago! He has a kid. How did he end up like this?" 

Meliodas runs up to him. "Dale, can you hear me? Dale?"

The monster runs up to him, ready to punch. 

"Captain, move!" I yell. 

Ban runs up to the Captain, pushing him out the way and taking his place. "What are you doin' dumbass?!"

I scream. "Ban, move! " 

Nope, too late. The fist collides with Ban and he explodes. Literally.

I scream and look away. I know he's going to come back, but still it hurts to see the man you used to (and still possible do) love die, again and again. I feel a tear fall down my cheek.

"Why's that goddamn idiot always have to get himself killed, huh? What a dumbass! I'm so sick of him doing that!" I exclaim. 

The monster spits green acid at King and he falls to the ground, unconscious. 

"King!" Meliodas exclaims. "Dale, Dale can you hear me?" 

Ban's body sits back up. He's back. "Cap, if you're not into this, get the hell out. A half assed softie can't save jack. You're gonna get them killed. And if (Y/N) dies, I'm coming after you, swear on it. " 

They stare at each other.

I hear a faint familiar voice in the distance. It's Elizabeth. 

"Sir Meliodas! Sir Meliodas!" She's panting hard, gripping a sword. 

"Take this!" She throws it. 

Meliodas looks like he's in a state of shock. 

"It's not that Liz wanted you to fight, its that she wanted you to live and stand up for what you believe in. And if that's a sin, I'll carry that burden with you!" 

In the blink of an eye, Meliodas grabs the sword, and zooms toward the giant. 

He mouths something that looks like "I'm sorry" before slicing up the monster. 

Slowly, it turns grey, begins to crack, and falls to the ground. 

Meliodas resheathes his sword, looking dark and grim. Then he smiles up at Elizabeth. 

"Yay, you did it captain!" King says. He's hoisted up on Gowther's shoulders. 

Ban goes over to the body, plucking something out of the dead man's chest. It looks like some sort of small purplish pink plant. Suddenly, it opens it's eyes. 

"Woah, have they created some sort of man made demon?" King questions. 

"Guess so. Not only that, but using a holy knight too." Meliodas responds. 

"There's a good chance that a grand master is involved in this," Meliodas responds. 

Gowther sends a small light arrow energy into the plant. "It's Hendrickson. I can see into this thing's past. There is a likely chance that this is grand master Hendrickson." 

Ban squeezes the plant thing and it pops, oozing blood down his hand. Then he throws it. 

"I'm getting hungry, lets head back." He says. 

I rejoin the group, and Ban walks over to me. "I guess we're done here, right." 

I don't respond. 

"Uh oh. What did I do n-" Ban starts.

I jump up and roundhouse kick him in the jaw. He flies back, into some rocks. 

"Ouch, that really hurt!" He says, getting up and rubbing the back of his head. 

"What did I tell you about getting killed in front of me?!Captain could've dodged that, but you wanted to play hero so bad!" I yell at him. 

He puts his arm around my shoulder. "Aww, I think someone has a crush on me." 

I feel my cheeks glow red. I elbow him in the stomach.

He grunts. "Okay fine, I'm sorry." 

Meliodas grips his sword. "Let's go. We've got a battle to fight!" 



Hey guys! This one is over 2,000 words long. I would update more, however, I simply don't have the time. This chapter alone took me over three hours. I am trying, please bear with me!

Also, I hope you guys are liking this! If you are, please vote! It helps keep me motivated to keep going with this story because I know people actually like it. 

After this one is published, I will be working on the next chapter, so expect a second upload soon. 

