Chapter 39

Once I came through the portal hole I saw my friends were in the same spot as I had left them in. Ron looked very worried while Harry and Hermione looked concerned. With Hermione I wasn't sure if it was because of the homework in front of her or because of Ron.

I walked over to them quickly and said, "It's okay I cleared it all up. He isn't mad at you anymore."

Ron turned around and said, "Okay great thank you so much. I thought he was going to hex me on the spot. I still don't know why though."

I sighed and said, "We don't like to talk about my mother. We both hate her and that's the only reason he got mad. It wasn't your fault and I calmed him down and talked to him so it's okay now."

From the look on his face I knew he wanted to ask about why we hated my mother. Hermione sensed this too because she sent him a pointed glare that I was sure I wasn't supposed to see. None the less I was grateful to her that I didn't have to explain about my childhood.

Harry said, "Well come here and do your homework. You only have another hour until your lesson with Flitwick so you should try to get everything done."

I grinned and said, "Do you guys mind if I make you really jealous?"

Harry grinned and asked, "How so?"

With a wave of my hand a quill appeared and I said, "Now be amazed."

"By that quill?" Ron asked sarcastically grinning,

I shook my head and said, "No by what it does. Watch and be amazed."

With another wave of my hand and a more complicated spell the quill began to write whatever I directed it to write just by thinking it.

I had it stop and said to my friends, "Cool right?"

Hermione said, "You're right. I'm really jealous."

"You have to show us that spell during the club. Everyone will love it! You don't even have to do your homework," Ron said.

I laughed and said, "Not quite. I still have to know what I'm doing because I just send thoughts to the quill and it writes them."

"Oh it's a quick notes quill but through your mind and more thorough of notes!" Hermione exclaimed.

I nodded and she looked pleased as Harry said, "That means you're going to let us at least copy some of your homework right?"

I shrugged and said, "If you do three quarters of your essay I'll write the last quarter if I think the first three are pretty good."

Ron and Harry high fived while they both said, "Sweet thanks!"

I couldn't help but laugh as my quill scribbled away my Potions essay and my friends worked tediously on their homework.

About 45 minutes later I stood up and said, "Well I have to head out. Your essays look fine. I put some information into the quill so while I'm gone it can write the last part for you guys."

"Thanks Jessica," they chorused making me laugh.

With a wave at the three of them I walked out of the common room down the stairs and to the Charms classroom. With a quick glance down I realized I had 5 minutes until I was expected to be there. I waited outside the classroom until that time was down to two minutes then knocked firmly on the door.

"Come in," squeaked Professor Flitwick.

I opened the door and walked inside the Charms classroom. I scanned the room until my eyes landed on the short man near his desk in the far corner of the room.

I walked over to him and said, "Hi."

He said, "Hello there Jessica. I don't want to keep you after around 8:30 so shall we get started?"

I nodded, "Sounds good sir."

In my head I was silently thanking him. If he let me go at 8:30 it would mean I had time to make a potion with Severus.

He led me to the center of the room and for the next hour and a half we worked on charm after charm each one harder than the next. Near the end of the lesson he questioned me about the locker of in between and I answered all of his questions politely but made no attempt to show him how to do it.

At 8:15 he said, "Well I think that's enough for today. I can't think of anything else to have you try, you are just breezing through everything I give you."

I smiled at him and said, "Thank you sir."

He walked me to the door and I practically skipped down to the dungeon already thinking about what potion I wanted to make. I started to think about Blake as I often did when I thought about Potions. I wondered when we should go see Severus about putting him in a higher level class. The last time we planned on doing it our plans were a little interrupted by maniacs trying to kill me.

I got to the dungeons and knocked on the door to the classroom first. I knew that's where all the potion making equipment was so I figured we would be working in there.

"Come in," came the familiar voice.

I eased the door open and walked into the dark, damp classroom. I walked in and was startled to find Severus and Blake sitting on chairs facing each other in the middle of the classroom deep in conversation.

I walked over to them and said, "Hey."

"Yeah just hold on a second," my father said distractedly.

I nodded and started to walk around the room listening in on their conversation.

They were arguing about some Quiddatch teams and were just enjoying themselves.

Their argument was concluded when Severus stood up and towered over Blake who first scowled then laughed then said, "Fine you win."

They waved me over and I came rolling my eyes. Even though I was going to play Quiddatch I still didn't know anything about any teams and I found it to be the football of the wizarding world.

"So are you guys going to tell me why Blake is here? Or are you going to argue over things a grown adult surely shouldn't be arguing about?" I teased.

My father said, "No I invited Blake here to have his evaluation done. I don't know what level to put him in. I don't know if it should be level 4, 5 or 6 so I figured you could help me out."

I said excited, "Of course I'll help! That's awesome."

Blake smiled at me as I beamed at him.

"Well let's get started then. You guys can go get a cauldron for him to use. This whole ordeal will probably take two days at least since the potions I want him to try will take overnight to mature."

Blake rubbed his hands together saying, "Sounds good."

I followed him into the storage room and handed him a cauldron as he carried it out into the main part of the classroom.

He set it down with a thud as he asked, "What do you want me to make?"

Severus took a book off the shelf and opened it to a page. Blake and I peered over at it and I saw he wanted Blake to make Calming Draught. I knew he had chosen to have Blake do this potion because half of the potion was done then it had to set overnight then about half was done the following day.

Blake finished looking at it and nodded, "I'm pretty sure I can do it."

"Okay well then you can start tonight and we'll finish tomorrow."

As he made the potion the three of us joked around. Blake became more and more comfortable around Severus as he realized he wasn't nearly as mean as he was during class.

Blake asked, "So what's been going on Jessica?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

He shrugged as he added the next ingredient, "You and your three friends have been acting all secretive. The rest of the houses are doing it too. The other kids in Slytherin have started to notice and they all want to know what the four of you are up to."

I smirked and answered, "Well the four of us have been talking about the fact that I made the Quiddatch team!"

Blake smiled and said, "Congrats! That can't be what everyone is talking about or they wouldn't be all secretive about it right?"

I was about to answer when my father said, "They have been talking about the club Jessica and her friends are starting."

"Why are they all being so secretive though? Everyone seems to know what's going on except for the Slytherins."

"Well Dumbledore is making us allow the Slytherin students to be there if they want to but no one wants them to go so everyone is being quiet about it. You're welcome to come though, I'm sure no one would object."

"No I wouldn't want to interfere with your club or anything," he said.

I shook my head and laughed, "You won't be. Almost half the school is supposed to come according to Harry and Ron. You'd be more than welcome once I explain you and I are friends."

"You think they will listen to you?" he asked with a smirk.

I smirked back at him, "They should or I'll kick them out of my club. I'm the one instructing it- well me and Hermione are instructing it."

He turned to me and raised an eyebrow, "Impressive. I'd love to come if you really don't think it would be a bother to you."

I smiled and said, "Nope it won't be a problem at all. It's going to be in the Great Hall tomorrow from 8 until 10:30, Dumbledore extended curfew for everyone coming."

He nodded and said, "I'll be there."

I replied, "Great!"

"So how'd you make the Quiddatch team? I thought first years weren't allowed on the team," he questioned.

"Normally they aren't but Professor McGonagall talked to Dumbledore and he's letting me. She saw me during Flying lessons and took me to meet the captain. Then I went and tried out with the team and made it. The only people who know are the kids on the team, Harry, Ron Hermione and you, not including Professors or Dumbledore."

"Oh that's so awesome! What are you going to play?"

"Seeker," I heard Severus say.

I turned around and saw him scowling. Apparently he still wasn't thrilled about the idea that I was willing to potentially get hurt playing a sport and playing against his team.

"I take it you aren't too happy she is playing?" Blake teased laughing.

He shook his head, "No. I just know she's going to find a way to get hurt."

I shrugged and said, "I told him not to worry but that didn't do too good apparently. I'm really excited for Sunday because our first game is against Slytherin and I can't wait to see the look on

Malfoy's face when he sees I made the team as a first year and he wasn't even allowed to try out."

"Oh that's going to be awesome. I'm going to have to pretend that I hate it as much as the other Slytherins though you know. So..."

He trailed off but I knew he was thinking about what they would do to him if they found out he was cheering for the Gryffindor team. I shuddered at the thought even though I knew Wilkes and Malfoy wouldn't be bothering him anytime soon.

I said, "Yeah it's fine I won't take it personally. Severus has to do the same thing."

Behind me my father shrugged and said, "Well it would look weird if the head of the Slytherin house all the sudden started to root for the Gryffindor team after hating them forever."

I said in a singsongy voice, "I know why you have to do it I'm just saying that you are going to be doing the same thing Blake is."

He rolled his eyes and said, "As you kids say- whatever."

I started to laugh and when I didn't hear Blake join in I looked over at him. He was staring at the potion intently. When the red glow turned pink he let out a sigh.

"It took forever. I thought I had done it wrong for a second," he said.

Severus took a step forward and looked at it saying, "It looks perfect and you did everything perfectly, completely ignoring the directions in the book for the most part. Good job. Tomorrow night you can come back to finish it. I would hate to take up your entire night but if you want to go to this club you would have to come down right after dinner."

He nodded and said, "No it's fine. I'll be down here after dinner, then I'll go to the club."

My father looked at me, "Do you plan on coming down after dinner?"

I thought for a second then said, "Yeah I will. I'll finish my homework during the break at lunch so after dinner I can come here. I'll probably have to leave early to get ready for the club and I'll meet you in the Great Hall a little before 8:30. The four of us will be in the front most likely so just meet me up there, okay?"

I started by answering Severus's question but by the end I was talking to Blake. He nodded as he moved the cauldron out of the center of the room to the storage room.

He looked like he was managing it all right so I stayed with Severus while he put it away.

"So you are still going through with this club of yours?" he asked with a sigh.

"Yeah I'm actually really excited about it; nervous yes but excited too."

He shook his head, "Well I know you'll do great. All your friends have confidence in you as does most of the first two years. There are several older kids that are going that are a bit dubious though so I want you to find an opportunity to prove them wrong."

I smirked saying, "Oh don't worry I will. I already plan to turn into some sort of big animal to scare them all. Any suggestions?"

He thought it over, "I wouldn't show everyone that you are an animagus. The less people that know the better."

I smiled sheepishly, "My friends already know and we were sorta discussing it in the common room so a few other kids know too."

"I'm sure it will be fine I would just suggest against making everyone else aware of it," he replied.

I nodded, "Okay I won't tell anyone else then. Well then I need something extravagant to get everyone's attention. Any ideas?"

"You're asking me?" he said with a smile.

I replied, "Yes you are such a drama queen when you want to be."

He looked hurt and said, "Am not."

I nodded and rolled my eyes, "Whatever dad. I'll figure something out by myself then."

At the word dad he tensed up and then relaxed smiling. He didn't comment on it which I took as a good sign. I smiled widely as Blake came back into the room.

"Okay I put it in the back. I heard you needed ideas for scaring everyone. I think you should do a ring of fire around everyone with some lightening," Blake said.
