Chapter 18

Severus glared at the both of them then turned to me. I shrugged and he looked between Dumbledore and McGonagall again and again.

Finally he sighed and hissed, "Fine. If either of you tell anyone about any of this I will find a way to get revenge."

I cut him off saying sarcastically, "Oh don't you just love it when he starts his sentence off with a threat?"

He turned to me and his expression softened a bit as I rolled my eyes at him playfully. He just scowled at me again.

Severus said, "I think Dumbledore already knows so why doesn't he explain."

"I think you should do it Severus," said McGonagall, "I want to know how you know about what Miss Wallwirt has brewed having just met her."

He looked at me and said, "I think Jessica should explain."

"Geez Severus. Making me do all the hard work?" I asked.

He nodded and I laughed saying, "So Dumbledore already knows that my owl was sent to 15 Spinner's End. Upon further investigation or maybe he already knew that 15 Spinner's End is the address of Severus' house."

Dumbledore nodded and McGonagall asked, "Why were you at Severus' house though?"

"Because I'm his daughter," I said proudly.

"But your last name is Wallwirt not Snape. Why?"

I started to explain but Severus said, "She lived with her mother until she died a few months ago."

I smiled at him and said, "Well yeah. I didn't know I was a witch so when I went to live with Severus he told me. Naturally I wanted to learn as much as I could about magic. He was brewing potions and I was reading through books when I saw that the book was wrong. He let me brew a potion and knew I was good at them. Not as good as he is but still pretty good."

McGonagall said to Severus, "I didn't know you had a kid."

"Neither did I," he said.

I smirked at him and McGonagall said, "I can see the resemblance though. She has your eyes and your nose. She also has your smirk apparently."

I smiled and she said, "Yep. You don't have his smile though."

I laughed and said, "I don't think it exists."

He glared at me and Dumbledore said, "Why did you not tell me?"

Severus sighed and said, "I figured it wouldn't be good for her social life if people knew she was related to me."

He nodded his head and said, "Fair enough," he saw the frown on my face and said, "But does Miss Wallwirt share your feelings?"

I snapped out of it and said, "Well partially cause no offense but everyone hates you except for the Slytherins. Not to mention the fact that you seem to hate Harry. But on the other hand I don't like keeping things from my friends or lying. Besides it's not like I'm mad that you are my father."

He said, "It's easier this way. Believe me."

I said, "I do believe you."

He looked up at the clock and I followed his eyes. It was already 10 in the evening.

He stood up and I followed suit, "I'll walk Jessica back to her dormitory. I'll see you tomorrow."

He walked quickly out of the room with his robes billowing behind him. I shook my head and ran to catch up to his quick strides.

"You didn't have to tell them. I know you didn't want to," I said once I was next to him.

He said, "Yes I did. I don't mind them knowing I just don't want everyone knowing. Besides Dumbledore seems to find out everything and Minerva just happened to be there."

"Well sorry anyways," I said.

"What did you say?" he said as he stopped walking and put his hand on my shoulder, "It's not your fault. There is nothing to be sorry about."

I nodded saying, "Okay."

We kept walking down the hall in a comfortable silence.

He asked, "I know you are thinking about telling your friends. I don't mean to discourage you but I wouldn't do it. It's not uncommon knowledge that I don't like Harry and I don't want them to get mad at you for just being related to me."

"I know you're probably right but I just don't like lying to them. Besides it's not like I'm ashamed you're my father."

"You should be," he said straight out looking ahead.

I stopped in my tracks causing him to stop and turn around to look at me and I said, "No I shouldn't be and I don't care about whatever excuse you give me or any reason to hate you. I don't hate you one bit."

He said, "Fine have it your way."

I rolled my eyes and said, "Nope I love you."

He said, "I love you too. Now you have a duel to get to. Just be careful okay?"

I nodded and hugged him around the waist for a second. Soon he squeezed back then let go.

"What was that for?" he asked.

"Thank you for everything."

"It's no problem," he said quietly.

I waved goodbye and hurried up the stairs to the Gryffindor common room.

When I walked in I saw Harry Ron and Hermione sitting on the couch talking near the fire. There was nobody else downstairs and I was glad. If there was then I would have to explain where I was. If they were here when we had to leave then I would have a lot of explaining to do for that too.

I walked over and Harry said, "How did the meeting go?"

I said offhand, "Pretty well I think. They were really surprised because I can turn into several animals not just one."

Hermione asked, "You're an Animagus?"

"Apparently so. I just tried it for the first time an hour ago. McGonagall was really surprised."

"Well that's pretty awesome. Were you able to talk to Dumbledore about the club?"

I shook my head and said, "No he had to leave early. I explained it to Professor Snape and he liked the idea. He said it would recommend to Dumbledore that we be allowed to have it."

She looked at me strangely and said, "You talked to Professor Snape about it? Why? He's so mean. He doesn't seem like the kind of person who would listen to someone."

"Well he asked me to help him with the locker of in-between spell. Besides Dumbledore is having me take extra classes with my teachers to learn some hard stuff. Even Snape agreed saying he was interested to see if I wasn't a dunderhead. Once he agreed Dumbledore suggested we try to talk to each other because he knew Potions was my favorite class."

"Well I suppose that's nice of him although he seems to be doing it for personal gain."

I knew this wasn't true but I had a facade to keep up, "Yeah I think so too. Not much I can do about it if I want to learn anything about potions this year."

She nodded and said, "I would have done the same thing if I was you."

Ron said, "I wouldn't have. Not if it meant I had to put up with that git."

I nodded and Harry said, "Well if we think Dumbledore will give permission then are you both still in for teaching it?"

I looked at Hermione and we both nodded. He rubbed his hands together with a smile on his face.

"Well let's go and show Malfoy why you are great enough to be teaching this club then."

"We still have 45 minutes until he told us to be there."

"We should get there first so he can't do anything to the trophy room to make it harder for you."

I nodded and Hermione said, "That's good thinking. Why don't you put the spell on us and we can head out?"

With a flick of my wrist I knew everyone was invisible, "So I made it so that the four of us can see each other but other people can't see us."

Ron grinned mischievously and said, "Let's give Malfoy a scare when he comes in."

Harry said, "Yeah we should. Alright let's go."

The four of us scared the Fat Lady when we went out and she didn't see anyone there. We assured her everything was fine and then we made our way down the staircase to the trophy room. I shut the door and placed a charm that no one could hear us and no one could enter until I let the ward off. I left the invisibility spell on because it would be easier if I didn't have to do it again.

"So now we wait for another forty minutes. Great," Hermione said.

"Okay so back to the club. I think that if Snape recommends it to Dumbledore it will be allowed for sure. Snape hates Quirell too by the way. But anyways do any of you know about how many kids would come to it?"

Harry and Ron tried to look at each other inconspicuously. I put my hands on my hips and glared at them

"Well it's most of the school right now. Aside from the Slytherins we had a lot of people ask us if they could come with their friends. We just told them all yes and now it seems like most of the school is coming," Harry said.

"We need a good place to have the club then. A small classroom won't be enough room," Hermione said.

I replied, "I was thinking about that. What if we had it in the Great Hall. If it's going to be after dinner is done I guess we could have it there."

They nodded and Ron said, "That wouldn't leave much time to have a meeting though. Dinner ends pretty late then the students have to be in their common rooms not much later."

I nodded and said, "I hadn't thought of that. I'm sure Dumbledore will have an idea if we ask him."

For the next half an hour or so we talked about the club and joked around. The door turning red told me that someone was trying to get in. quickly, as not to give away our position I took off the charm and in came Malfoy with Crabbe right behind him.

They looked around and seeing as though no one was there started to talk to each other about how they were going to make everyone think twice about me being a great wizard. My three companions looked angered by this remark but I just shrugged it off. It didn't matter what Malfoy thought of me, it only mattered that I would beat him so badly that he would never bother me again.

Putting a finger to my lips I crept forward so I was standing right in front of the two of them. Harry came to stand next to me and Ron and Hermione took up the flank.

I counted down on my fingers before taking the spell off making us visible again. We jumped forward at Malfoy who jumped up in surprise then glared at us.

"Well look who showed up," Draco said coolly.

"Who? You?" asked Harry scowling at him.

He ignored him and said to me, "Oh and I see you brought your friends. What are your names again? Oh yes I remember; the famous friend who could do so much better, the Weasley boy who you pay to be your friend and the filthy Mudblood."

Ron pointed his wand at him and said, "You take that back right now Malfoy!"

He said, "Oh but isn't it true. I thought your family could sink no lower Weasley. Imagine how my father will feel about a pure blood wizard like yourself hanging around a Mudblood like Granger."

Hermione was in tears now and I looked her in the eye and said, "Don't listen to him. He's a git anyway. I'll hurt him a little more than I was going to, to make up for it."

Harry looked confused and he said, "Well stop with the talk Malfoy let's get this duel started."

"Fine. Wallwirt who is your second?"

"Ron is," I replied.

" Bet you paid him to do that too. Well no matter give me a few moments to get ready."

"Take all the time you need Malfoy. I'll be waiting."

He went 10 feet away and started to talk to Crabbe. I turned back to my friends and immediately my scowl went away. Hermione was still in tears trying to compose herself. Even though Harry looked confused he was trying to console her. Ron was talking to himself muttering profanities about Malfoy.

I walked over to them and asked Hermione, "You doing better?"

She nodded and stepped away from Harry and dried her tears.

Harry asked, "I'm sorry but what is it he called her?"

Ron said, "He called her a Mudblood which is a," Hermione cut him off.

"A Mudblood is a word used to describe someone that comes from a Muggle family. It means dirty blood. It's not a particularly nice word and not one used in conversation. Mudbloods are people like me," a few tears escaped from her eyes.

Ron pulled her into a hug and she cried into his shoulder, "Don't listen to him. You're not a Mudblood. Everyone likes you and no one cares about your blood anymore. Only annoying pure bloods do."

She took her head off his shoulder and said, "But you're a pureblood aren't you?"

He said, "Well yes but my family doesn't care what kind of blood you have, only if you are a nice person. Malfoy's family on the other hand thinks that purebloods are above everyone else especially Muggle-Borns. That's why his family hates mine so much."

She nodded and said, "Thanks."

He smiled gently at her and Harry said, "Well that was terrible of him to say to you."

I smirked and said, "It sure was really bad timing for him too. Now I might have to hurt him a bit more."

Hermione said, "Thanks Jessica. Thanks all of you. I'm sorry I'm such a mess right now."

"Don't worry we don't blame you," I said.

Harry and Ron nodded to show that they agreed. Ron pointed behind me and I turned to see Malfoy strut away from Crabbe.

I walked up so I was about 10 feet away from him "Don't worry Wallwirt. I won't hurt you...too badly."

I glared at him and said, "Let's just get this over with Malfoy."

He and I bowed to each other never taking our eyes off the other person. We pointed our wands at each other. Red sparks flew out from his wand but didn't even make it to me.

I said, "Is that the best you've got Malfoy?"

He glared and said, "Well let's see you do any better."


I put my wand back in my pocket since it was just for formalities. I thought "Stupify" and suddenly a jet of light hit him in the chest and he flew back and hit the wall behind him. He got up shakily and looked at Crabbe. The two of them bolted for the door and ran down the hall.
