Chapter 14

I dashed out the door and up the stairs down the corridor to the Charms classroom. I made it with 5 minutes to spare, and I didn't see the professor anywhere. I made the locker appear and then took my Charms book out of it.

Right then the teacher for the class walked in. He was short and when he saw the locker he rushed over.

I sighed slightly preparing myself for his questions.

"Is that the locker of in-between charm?" the man asked.

"Yes sir," I replied.

"Wow that's amazing work. What do you need that for?"

"Just to carry around schoolbooks," I replied.

"Well very good work I'm sure you will do well in today's lesson."

I made the locker disappear trying not to make such a big deal out of such a simple thing.

I smiled at him and he continued to the front of the room to take roll call. He stood on a stack of books to make himself heard.

After roll call was complete he said, "We are going to be working with the levitating spell today. The words are Wingardium Leviosa."

He demonstrated the correct hand movements and told us all to try it but not to worry if we didn't get it on our first try.

Without saying anything or doing anything but looking at the feather I made it rise into the air, do a flip and settle down on my desk. All the Ravenclaws in the class looked at me strangely as they struggled to get theirs to move.

Professor Flitwick came over and said to me, "Great job. 10 points to Gryffindor. Not that I'm surprised. If you can pull of one of the hardest charms ever a levitation spell should be a piece of cake."

I smiled and said, "No, it wasn't that difficult sir."

He said, "For most people it's all in the pronunciation and the correct hand movements but I saw you did neither. I think we can expect great things from you."

"Thank you sir."

"Of course. Now if you don't mind could you show me the in-between locker spell. I was only able to do the spell once or twice and be able to touch the locker."

"Not a problem sir," I said.

With a wave of my hand the locker appeared and with another thought it became physical. He reached out to touch it and went his hand hit something he jerked it back.

"Wow that's amazing," he said more to himself than to me, "So how exactly does it work?"

"I'm not entirely sure. I just read the spell somewhere and decided to try it out this morning. When it worked I figured it was a good way to carry my things. All you do is put the thing you want to hold in the locker. Then you make it disappear and when you need the stuff you open it back up and take it out."

"So you just did this spell for the first time this morning and already have it mastered so far?"

I nodded and he said, "That's truly something extraordinary."

I felt my cheeks redden like they always did when someone complimented me and said, "Sir Hermione has the spell."

He turned around to compliment her and I put the locker away. Some of the Ravenclaw students were looking at me strangely.

The rest of the class went smoothly. I helped out students both Ravenclaws and Gryffindors. Professor Flitwick didn't ask me anymore questions as more and more people got the spell right. I was starting to get tired of explaining the hand movements to a Ravenclaw who thought she was better and smarter than everyone. I looked over at the clock and saw that there was only about 5 minutes left.

Professor Flitwick said, "Okay good work today. A lot of you got it. The only homework is to practice this charm."

I gathered Harry, Ron and Hermione's books into my hands and put them in the locker then took out the Herbology books that I knew we would need next class. I wasn't looking forward to Herbology. Although I had read the books over several times I could barely remember the names and what the plants did. I didn't like to get my hands dirty with dirt. I looked over and it looked like Harry and Ron weren't looking forward to Herbology either. On the contrary past them Neville looked happier than I had ever seen him.

Once he dismissed the class I was relieved that he didn't hold me after to ask me more questions. He would probably be at the meeting. If McGonagall was going to invite all the professors then maybe Severus wouldn't have to tell her anything and he could just be doing what she wanted.

We had 45 minutes to get to Herbology so the four of us joined by Neville slowly made our way to the greenhouses.

Ron asked bluntly, "What are you so happy about Neville?"

Neville tried to stop smiling but it soon came back as he said, "Oh I just know Herbology is going to by my favorite subject. I memorized most of the plants over the summer and I already know most of the uses. I found Herbology to be really interesting."

I groaned and said, "Well then you'll have to help me because I can't remember any of it for my life and I don't even like gardening."

Harry said, "Aunt Petunia gardens all the time and I always hated helping her. If it's anything like that I'm sure I won't do well either."

Ron said, "I don't like de-gnoming the garden so if it's work like that I'm sure I won't like it. Fred and George said Professor Sprout is nice though so I won't hate it because of the teacher."

Neville said, "You are all crazy. Herbology seems great"

"Whatever you say Neville. I like Potions the best, and Transfiguration isn't bad."

"Potions?" Ron asked, "I couldn't stand that greasy haired git. He was asking Harry all sorts of weird questions and all he did was criticize the Gryffindors and sing praise to the Slytherins."

"I never said I like the teacher," I said trying to cover up, "I just like Potion making."

He rolled his eyes and said, "Okay. I'm sure your dreams are crushed now the Snape's the teacher."

"Nah not really. I mean he's annoying and everything but he doesn't scare me."

They all laughed as we entered greenhouse 1. Neville looked around and pointed out some of his favorite plants to use. The five of us sat in the middle of the room. This class would be with the Hufflepuff students and our two houses get along well.

Soon two Hufflepuff students came up and asked, "Is anyone sitting there."

"No you can," said Harry.

They took their seat and the one on the right said, "Well I'm Ernie Cordmack."

"Pleasure. I'm Harry Potter. This is Jessica Wallwirt. Sitting next to her is Neville Longbottom. After Neville is Hermione Granger and on the end is Ron Weasley."

"It's nice to meet you my friend is Justin Flinn-Fletcher."

He waved and all five of us waved or smiled back at him. The door opened and a short woman with dirt all over her came into the greenhouse.

She smiled and began roll call. Once that was done she went and grabbed a pot off her desk and held it up so everyone could see it. It looked like a regular green plant except it had red dots on the leaves like it had some sort of disease.

"Can anyone tell me what plant this is."

Me and Hermione looked at each other and neither of us rose our hand. Neville on the other hand started to put him hand up then took it down looking at the people around him. I nodded and he raised his hand timidly.

"Yes Mr." she trailed off forgetting his name.

"Longbottom. I think that plant is called Belladonna."

"Yes very good 5 points to Gryffindor. Now can anyone tell me what Belladonna is used in?"

As soon as the plant was identified by Neville I could remember reading about it in an advanced potion book my hand went up, "Yes Miss Wallwirt?"

"I believe it is used as part of the standard ingredient in potion making professor."

"You are correct another 5 points to Gryffindor. Yes Miss Wallwirt is completely correct. Once this plant matures enough the leaves can be made into part of the standard ingredient used in potion making."

"Today we are going to work on cutting off the leaves. Just snip along the edge. Be careful not to puncture one of the red spots. You could think of it as thought they have a sleeping potion in them that puts their prey to sleep so they can eat it."

She handed out a plant to each student and a pair of scissors. Reluctantly I picked up the scissors and tried to cut off one of the leaves. I was surprised when it didn't just cut through. Instead it stopped because the leaf was too hard.

Looking over at the rest of the class I saw they were all having the same problem. Well except for Neville; he was cutting away happily making a neat pile of the clipped leaves on his desk.

Ron asked, "Neville how are you doing that?"

He looked up and saw he was the only one who had succeeded in cutting off leaves and said, "You can't cut through it straight. Your blade of the scissors has to be angled because the soft spot of the leaves is angled and on the bottom."

I tried to angle my blade the way Neville was and was able to cut one leaf off with much difficultly. As I got the hang of it, it became much easier. Neville was done a good 10 minutes before me and he was helping the kids behind us angle their blade correctly.

Once Herbology was over the five of us headed over to lunch. The whole way to lunch everyone but Neville was complaining about the dirt on their hands and in their fingernails. He grinned the entire walk to lunch and I worked the dirt from underneath my fingernails.

We had an hour for lunch and then after lunch we would have an hour break before we went to two more classes to end our day. After lunch I knew we were having Defense Against the Dark Arts with Professor Quirell and then to end our day we had our flying lesson with Madame Hooch.

Taking five seats near the end of the table with the other first years I started to load my plate up with food. I ate all of the food on my plate then pushed it away unable to eat anymore.

Once Harry Ron and Hermione were done Ron told Neville that we were going to go up to the common room. Neville nodded but stayed with the other first year students.

We rushed out of the Great Hall eager to discuss our first classes in detail. We weren't paying attention and as we rounded a corner Hermione almost ran into Severus.

In his usual bored monotone he said, "Slow down. We don't need you to hurt anybody. Ah yes Miss Wallwirt may I have a word?"

I nodded and waved my friends on, "Don't worry I'll be up soon."

Reluctantly they left and I followed Severus down several staircases into his office in the Dungeons.

"Sit," he said.

I pulled a large chair up in front of his desk and sat casually. He took his seat and took out his wand.

"McGonagall has requested that all your professors attend this meeting later tonight along with Dumbledore. I of course said I would go so there was no need to tell her anything. Now let's talk about the reason we are having the meeting."

"Well my Herbology teacher doesn't need to come. I stink at it, although Neville's really good at it. I was talking to the Hufflepuffs and they said Defense Against the Dark Arts is a joke this year and all he did was talk about vampires. In Transfiguration I was able to do that stuff I showed you earlier and in Charms after your class he saw the locker and was impressed by it. Then he also seemed impressed that I could do the Levitation Spell just by looking at the feather and thinking the words."

He nodded, "As well they should be. Most students can't do any of those things. Even if they could they would need to practice a lot. I know you were reading a lot over the Summer but you couldn't do magic even if you wanted to. It's really quite peculiar that you can just do all of these things on your first try. Besides spells I already know you are really good at potions."

I smiled and said, "Yeah but I didn't know it was anything out of the ordinary. When I first saw the locker of in-between I just thought it would be a good place to keep my books. When Professor Flitwick told me he had been practicing that spell for years and only could make it appear once or twice I got worried. That just added onto the worry from when you said you couldn't do that spell and the fact that Professor McGonagall couldn't do the spell."

"Well you shouldn't worry about that now. Just enjoy your last few classes and then at the meeting tonight maybe Dumbledore can shed some light on the situation. I know Minerva wants to put you in a higher level class already and if I talked to Professor Flitwick I think he would agree. I would love to put you in year seven Potions; you can handle it but even those would be easy for you so it would probably be best to keep you with your friends. Correct?"

I smiled and said, "Yes. You had me worried for a second."

His lip curled upward slightly and said, "Well I know Minerva and Felius aren't going to let you just be bored in class all the time so I don't know what they will do but I will keep you in your year class. Although you are always welcome to come down here on your free time and work on more difficult potions, I could sign the slip saying you can take books out of the restricted section so you could actually learn new potions."

My face lit up and I saw, "Really? Cool thanks."

He nodded and said, "Just don't let anyone know that you are coming down here on your free will just say I gave you detention or something."

"They aren't going to believe that since they would be in class with me but I'll think of an excuse."

He twirled his wand and said, "If you let me know before class that you want to work on one that night I can publically give you detention during class. That way they will just think I hate you, and nothing more."

"You would? Oh great thanks."

"Now before you leave I would love it if you showed me the locker again."

I nodded and with a wave of my hand the locker appeared beside me. Severus got up and walked around his desk to where it was. Carefully he put out a hand and felt the locker. He opened it up and picked up a book then put it back in.

"That's amazing," he said quietly.

I smiled as he asked, "So you could put anything in it and it would be there whenever you reopened the locker?"

"Yep, and if I need to there was another spell to make it bigger."

"Okay so now you have to show me how to do it," he joked.

"I can try if you want," I offered
