Chapter 11

The door opened and we all shuffled into a large room full of the older students. There were four huge tables with a lot of students at each. There was a staff table in the front of the room where I saw Severus sitting next to a man wearing a turban. The room had candles suspended in mid air which Hermione said were enchanted to be like that. The night sky on the ceiling looked just like the one outside the walls of Hogwarts.

Professor McGonagall placed a ratty old hat on a stool in the middle of the room and I wasn't surprised when it started to sing. I had read all about the sorting hat and the song it sang. I mouthed along the words as the hat sang its song.

When it was done Professor McGonagall took out a large piece of paper and read off names one by one to be sorted. I didn't pay much attention to most of the kids. Instead choosing to look around to take in the Great Hall better.

When she said, "Granger Hermione," I looked up to see her get sorted into Gryffindor.

Ron suppressed a groan saying, "Great now if I'm in Gryffindor I'm stuck with her."

I slapped him lightly saying, "Come off it. I'm sure she's fine, maybe she just is anxious."

I looked up again to see Draco get sorted into Slytherin. The hat had barely touched his head when the hat yelled Slytherin. Draco went over to the Slytherin table to people clapping him on the back and welcoming him.

I lost interest again until she said, "Potter, Harry."

Harry didn't move at first so I gave him a small shove up to the front. There were murmurs going around the whole hall. Some who knew who he was were trying to get a good look at him and asking questions like I wonder if he really has the scar? The ones who didn't know who he was were trying to find out who he was from their friends.

The hat took a long time deciding Harry's fate before it yelled out, "Gryffindor!"

The Gryffindor table erupted in cheers and two red-headed twins were chanting, "We got Potter, we got Potter!"

Harry looked a bit dazed by all the attention he was getting and everyone wanted to shake his hand or congratulate him.

I zoned out for a little until I heard, "Wallwirt, Jessica."

I tensed up before walking up to the stand and placing the hat on my head.

I jumped slightly when I heard the cold whisper in my head saying, "Very hard indeed. A daughter of Severus Snape. I put him in Slytherin all those years ago but now I wish I had put him in Gryffindor. Hmm you would do great in Slytherin and that would make sense. You could please your father that way too."

"Please not Slytherin," I begged silently not caring if I let down Severus. I just couldn't stand to be around the Malfoy boy any more.

"Oh not Slytherin. Don't want to make Daddy proud? Well if not how about GRYFFINDOR!"

It said the last word loud enough for the hall to hear. I made my way over to the Gryffindor table smiling. I took a seat next to Harry and across from Hermione. Against my better judgment I looked up at the staff table at Severus. He looked the same as always. I knew he was good at keeping his emotions in check so that didn't mean anything. He was busy talking to the man wearing a turban but he caught my eye and nodded slightly at me.

Harry said, "Ow."

I turned to him and whispered, "What's the matter?"

"Nothing let's watch Ron get sorted first then I will tell both of you."

Ron was already up on the stool. The hat didn't have to think long before it boomed Gryffindor. Ron made his way over to the Gryffindor table and it was obvious he was happy that he followed in his family's footsteps. He hugged both of the twins who I guessed were his brothers. He took a seat next to me and smiled at Harry and me.

I smiled back then remember said, "Well what's wrong Harry?"

"Do you know the man talking to Professor Quirell?"

"It depends. Who is Professor Quirell?" I said.

"The one in the turban," he answered.

Proud to be able to share something I actually knew I said, "Yeah that's Professor Snape. Why?"

"Nothing. He looked at me and my scar started to hurt."

"That doesn't sound good. Maybe you should go and get it checked out."

He shook his head and said, "No I don't think it's that. I just think we need to keep an eye on that professor."

The old man who must have been Dumbledore stood up once the sorting was done and said, "Well I need to make some quick announcements before we start eating. First things first. Our caretaker Mr. Filch had told me to remind you that magic cannot be used in the hallways. Another thing is that the third floor is off limits to students that do not want to die a most painful death. Students are reminded that the Forbidden Forrest is strictly off-limits. Now I have taken enough of your time so let's eat!"

He waved his hands and suddenly plates of every kind of food you could imagine appeared. I took some chicken and steak along with some corn and mashed potatoes onto my plate. I dug in as Ron tore through bone after bone of chicken. When I was full I pushed my plate away as Ron still was eating through more and more chicken.

The rest of the evening passed by without a problem. When all the students were done the plates were cleared and the prefects led the first year students up to their dormitories. Harry Ron and I followed the prefect Percy (also Ron's brother) up to the Gryffidor common room.

We came to a portrait of the Fat Lady Severus had told me about. Percy said "Lilac" and the door opened.

He said, "Follow me in quickly please. Make sure there is room for everybody."

We all were ushered into the Gryffindor common room.

Percy said, "The girl's dormitories are upstairs to your left and the same for the boys on the right. All your things should be up there already. I hope you all have a pleasant evening and if you need anything don't be afraid to ask myself or my fellow prefect."

He stepped aside and I bade Ron and Harry goodnight promising to meet them in the common room at 7 a.m. sharp the next morning to talk before heading to breakfast in the Great Hall at 7:30.

I followed Hermione up the stairs and into the room marked First Years. My things were already on a bed and I quickly unpacked them into the dresser. The other girls were chatting away about the cute boys and such, but I didn't care for that kind of conversation. Hermione was in the bed next to mine reading a book that I recognized as Hogwarts a History.

When I was done putting all my school books away and my clothes in the dresser and went over and sat on her bed.

She looked up from her book and said, "Hello there. Jessica right?"

I nodded and said, "And you are Hermione?"

She nodded and I asked, "Are you reading Hogwarts a History."

She smiled and said, "Yes my parents bought it for me in Diagon Alley. I have read all of my school books several times each and have parts of them memorized so I figured I would do some light reading."

"Oh really? I did too. I didn't want to be behind or anything," I said delighted that someone else had read their schoolbooks too.

She looked happy for the same reason I was and said quietly, "The other girls here are certainly acting like total girly-girls. I don't really care if he has nice eyes or whether you think you have a crush on him already just shut up!"

I giggled and said equally as quiet, "Those were my thoughts exactly when they started talking about boys. If I said anything they would just tell me I wasn't as mature as them though."

"Well they are the ones acting like they are already 16. I'd bet anything they brought makeup with them."

I laughed again and said, "And tons of it too."

She looked at me and said what I was thinking, "I think you and I could be great friends."

"Agreed," I said.

"Well I hate to cut this moment short but I think I am going to try to get some sleep so I can wake up on time tomorrow. I might not be able to if they keep talking like this all night."

"Don't worry, if you don't wake up by 7 I'll be sure to wake you. I'm always up by 6 or so"

"Okay that would be great, thanks. I should be up but it's nice to have a backup plan."

I went back over to my bed happy that I already had someone I thought would be a great friend. Even if the rest of the girls wanted to tire themselves out I put my wand on the nightstand and went to bed right in my undershirt and shorts.

I slept soundly that night knowing I already had three friends that I was sure I could count on. The only thing that plagued my mind was if Severus was going to be mad that I was placed in Gryffindor and not Slytherin. Before going to bed I promised myself that I would find out; after Potions was a good time.

The next morning I woke up at 6:15. Being careful not to wake the other girls I climbed out of bed. Muttering a spell under my breath I was suddenly fully dressed in my Gryffindor robes. I went into the girl's bathroom with my brush held firmly in my hand. Before I turned on the light I closed the door so that the light wouldn't shine through. Standing in front of the mirror I ran the brush through my hair over and over again. I knew I could just say a few words and have it be fully brushed but something about brushing my hair just calms me down. After I was satisfied I went over and washed my face then brushed my teeth.

I was just finishing up when I looked down at my watch. It was about 6:45 meaning I had already used half an hour to get ready. I was going to give Hermione 10 more minutes before I went to wake her. The rest of the girls had brought being late upon themselves by staying up most of the night talking. I stayed in the bathroom running the brush through my long, brown, straight hair. My hair was precious to me because I spent so much time making sure it was perfect. My hair is very greasy so I have to take constant showers to keep it as ungreased as possible.

Right when I was going to go wake up Hermione she walked through the door quickly with a bag under her arm. She was still wearing her pajamas and her bushy hair was all over the place.

She saw me and said, "Geez how are you ready already?"

Smiling I said, "I've been up for about 45 minutes. Mainly brushing my hair though."

She said, "Well I'm just gonna get dressed then try to sort out the rats nest on my head."

Frowning I said, "You can just use a spell to get dressed."

She raised her eyebrows and said, "You can? I haven't heard of one. What is it? It wasn't in our schoolbooks right? Because I think then I would remember it"

I shook my head and said, "No it's clothordia. It's not in our school books but I read it somewhere. I tried it out for the first time this morning."

"What are the hand motions?" she asked.

I replied, "Just wave your hand over your head in a circular motion. Say the words while you are thinking about the clothes you want and they should go on."

She shrugged and said, "Clothordia."

Suddenly her Gryffindor robes were on and her pajamas were in a neat stack on the bathroom sink. She stared at them incredulously.

"Wow that's cool."

I nodded and said, "I'm going to go make sure all my books are in order. I'm gonna meet Harry and Ron in the common room to talk before breakfast. I'll see you later."

"Could I come down with you? I don't want to be stuck with any of the girls any longer."

I shrugged saying, "Sure I'm sure they won't mind."

She smiled hesitantly and said, "Don't worry I shouldn't hold you up. I'll be out in five minutes."

"Take your time," I said.

I left the room and I saw that the other girls were just starting to get out of bed. Some of them were still well asleep under the covers. I made my way over to my bed on the other side of the room. I took all of my books out of my trunk and put them on my bed. I took out the advanced potions book because I knew I wouldn't need that for class. Using a spell I had seen in an advanced Charms textbook I opened a door to a locker in oblivion. I put all my books in the locker and I knew that when I needed them again I could take them out with ease.

None of the other girls were paying any attention to me except for one girl at the other side of the room. I tensed up as she made her way past other girls to where I was standing.

She said in a rude tone, "So everyone around here has been wondering how you got close to the famous Harry Potter. He could have such better friends than the ones he has now if he only tried. Most of the girls even some of the older ones have a crush on him already so everyone is dying to know what made you so special that Harry Potter let you be his friend."

I was startled by the question but I knew she was jealous. With a smug look I said, "I was just nice. He needed a friend and I was friendly. Maybe you should try it sometime."

She looked taken aback and before she could respond Hermione came out of the bathroom and said, "You ready to go Jessica?"

I smiled gratefully at and said, "Yeah I'm coming."

Hermione levitated her books down the stairs and I followed.

Once we were in the common room I looked around and didn't see Harry or Ron. I knew I was five minutes early so I sat down on the couch with Hermione next to me.

"Thanks for that," I said.

"It was no problem. You looked like you needed an excuse to leave. If you don't mind me asking what did she want?"

I sighed and said, "In a nutshell she was asking how the famous Harry Potter would ever want to be friends with me. She said he could have better friends and a girlfriend if he wanted. Apparently all the girls like him; and not only in our year. She said girls a few years above us already have a crush on him."

There was a small gasp from behind us and I whirled around. I saw Harry and Ron standing there each trying to balance several books on top of each other.

I looked to Hermione then back to Harry asking, "How much did you hear?"

He smirked and said, "The whole thing. But I didn't get who said this."

"I don't even know her name. She is a girl in our year who was talking to me in the dormitory."

He rolled his eyes and said, "Oh when I get my hands on her," trailing off not finishing his threat.

I said, "You should totally take it as a compliment."

He looked at me in wonder and said, "Take it as a compliment that she doesn't like you guys and that she thinks she is so much better! Take that as a compliment?"

I looked taken aback and said, "Well no not that part. But the fact that everyone seems to like you should be a compliment."

He shrugged and said, "I guess so but they better not get their hopes up too high. I'm certainly not being friends with any self-centered raving lunatics that talk bad about my friends."

Ron said, "Well put Harry."

There was a silence in which I said, "Well guys I think you know Hermione. She is the only girl in my dorm that I can even stand to be around. She's going to eat with us, is that okay?"

Both of them shrugged and nodded. Harry looked happy and Ron did it a bit grudgingly. I knew he didn't like Hermione on the train but I knew she was really nice. Once he gave her a chance I knew they would be friends.

The conversation was going smoothly. Ron and Harry were warming up to Hermione already. I could tell that they were people I could be really good friends with if I tried.

Soon it was 5 minutes until breakfast started. I suggested that we go and eat so we could get ready for our first class of the day; Transfiguration with Professor McGonagall.
