Chapter 26

Authors Note 7/13/15
This chapter is very short and weirdly placed because I messed up when I was first updating this story and put part of the last chapter on here but I want it to have a solid number of chapters so yeah I'm sorry about that 🙊
I went up behind them and said, "Hey."

The three of them turned around and said together, "Hey."

The rest of the crowd dispersed leaving me with Ron Harry and Hermione.

"How did the rest of the meeting go?" asked Hermione.

"It was pretty boring. After you left he basically said he was going to check on the unicorn. I don't think they all believed me."

This of course was a lie but it made sense, "Oh well when we tried to walk Professor Quirell to the Hospital Wing he wouldn't let us. I think he faked fainting to get out of the meeting for some reason," said Ron.

"Probably since it was so boring," I said casually.

This worried me. If he had been able to fake fainting who knew what else he was faking. I put it in the back of my mind to ask Severus later.

"We got an owl from Hagrid that said we were still invited to join him for tea if we wanted," said Harry.

My face lit up, "Oh that's great. We should ask him about the package because I think that might be what the three headed dog is guarding."

"We have to bring it up casually or he won't tell us," said Hermione.

We nodded and finished our meal. I was thankful that none of them asked me about the meeting anymore. I hated lying to them, but I didn't want to break my promise to Dumbledore. I already knew that the dog was guarding the Sorcerer's Stone and I wasn't allowed to tell them. Dumbledore didn't say I couldn't lead them in the right direction for figuring it out for themselves
