Chapter 24

I sighed and ran my hands through my hair again, "Well I was in the forest and I saw something drinking the unicorn's blood so I had to stay put since I didn't know if I could defeat it."

"That was smart of you. Why were you in the forest to begin with though?"

By the look on my face he must have assumed I knew I wasn't supposed to be there and had no good excuse.

"Follow me. I'm sure Headmaster Dumbledore will want to hear what you saw. We'll need to tell the other professors to stop looking."

"They were looking too? Geez how did everyone find out I was gone?" I wondered out loud.

"Yes you gave everyone quite a scare. Some students in the class you were supposed to be teaching went to Minerva and she looked in all the obvious places before going to Dumbledore. Dumbldore issued a look for you. I fear Severus Snape feels responsible somehow. He looked particularly worried; something that he almost never is."

I sighed and said, "Crap," under my breath.

I was going to get in so much trouble with my father for going out into the forest. I knew it was because of his attitude that I had went there in the first place but he was going to be mad that I went.

I followed Flitwick inside and immediately ran into McGonagall.

When she saw me she said angrily, "Where were you?"

I opened my mouth to answer when Flitwick said, "Could you tell all the professors to stop looking and come up to Headmaster's office. She only needs to repeat the story once."

She looked like she was going to argue but then gave a curt nod and disappeared in the other direction. I followed my professor to where a large eagle statue stood.

He said, "Lemon drops," and much to my surprise a large staircase came turning into view. He got on a stair and I followed him. The stairs started to move until we were standing in front of a large door. He knocked on the door and when a muffled sound came as reply he eased the door open.

I followed him in to the room where Dumbledore was standing. There was a fiery red Phoenix to one side of the room and I couldn't help but marvel at its beauty.

Dumbledore said, "Glad to see you found Miss Wallwirt. I know there must be some other reason you are here though?"

Flitwick nodded and said, "I invited all the professors up here so they should be arriving shortly. Miss Wallwirt saw something that I think everyone needs to know about. Could you ask Hagrid to come up too? He might be able to shed some light on the situation."

Dumbledore nodded and sent a patronus to fetch Hagrid. The three of us stood there in an uncomfortable silence until the door burst open and Severus walked in.

He saw me and motioned for me to follow him. Flitwick looked like he was about to object but Dumbledore motioned for him to let me go.

I followed Severus out through the door right in the landing from the staircase.

He bent down so he was looking my in the eye and said coldly, "What were you thinking?" before I could respond he continued, "Do you realize how much everyone has been worried about you?" even softer he said, "How much I've been worried about you?"

I said, "Well my options were to perhaps get killed or stay there for an hour and let people worry. Which one would you have liked me to choose?"

He sighed and said, "You know that isn't what I mean. Why were you there in the first place?"

I lied, "I needed to think and it seemed like a good place to think."

"Just so you know I don't believe that for a second but I have more important things to ask. Such as what did you see that made Filius call a meeting?"

Unable to hold his gaze I looked at the ground and said, "Well I saw unicorn blood so I followed the trail to a fully grown dead unicorn. Then a hooded figure came so I hid behind a tree invisible. The creature started to drink the blood. I know how much damage that can do to your soul so I assume that is why he called the meeting."

He looked stunned and said, "Are you sure it was drinking the unicorn blood?"

Annoyed I sighed and said, "Yes I'm sure. I was there for close to an hour watching it happen, I ought to know."

"Don't try to use that on me. You are in so much trouble after this meeting is over."

Before I could respond the stairs came up with McGonagall. Behind her was Harry Ron and Hermione.

They rushed forward and I pushed past Severus. First Hermione hugged me tightly then Ron and Harry each gave me an awkward half hug.

While I hugged Ron he whispered, "I'm sorry about lunch. We're all glad you're safe."

I pulled away smiled and said, "Thanks and yeah I'm sorry too."

They didn't ask any questions about what I had meant by Severus saving me and I was glad. I didn't want to lie to them again, I already felt bad enough about all the lies I had been telling my friends lately.

We all went into Dumbledore's office and were soon joined by the other professors, including some that I didn't have this year but recognized. There was Quirell and Binns lurking in the back. Severus stood in the back but I could feel him glaring at the back of my head.

Once everyone was gathered Dumbledore asked Professor Flitwick, "So why did you call this meeting other than to tell everyone that Miss Wallwirt was found?"

Everyone turned to look at the short man to the right of Dumbldore, "Well Miss Wallwirt told me that the reason she was in the forest for so long was because she saw a dead unicorn and a figure drinking the blood."

There was a collection of gasps and McGonagall asked, "Why were you out in the forest to begin with?"

"I was running angrily and found myself to be in the forest."

I knew none of the people in the room bought that excuse but no one questioned me about it further. There were more important things to discuss.

"Miss Wallwirt are you sure that this creature was drinking unicorn blood? That is after all a terrible thing to do," Dumbledore questioned.

"I'm sure," I replied confidently.

As soon as I said that Hagrid came in the door and said loud enough for everyone to hear, "I went out lookin' for the unicorn 'nd I found it. It was dead like Miss Wallwirt said it was. I brought it to me cabin for lookin' at."

Dumbledore looked more troubled than he had before and said, "Yes thank you Hagrid for doing that. I shall come down and see it after the meeting."

After he finished saying this Professor Quirell suddenly fainted on the ground. Everyone gasped but my father only looked slightly annoyed.

Dumbledore told him, "Perhaps you should go to the Hospital Wing Quirinus? I do not think you are feeling well . Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley and Miss Granger can walk you there."

Nodding Harry Ron and Hermione waved goodbye to me and walked on all sides of Professor Quirell in case he fainted again.

Once they were outside the door Dumbledore said, "I do not think what is next is information for them to hear," he looked at me and said, "Which is why I must ask you not to tell them anything that happens in this room, nor can you discuss with them anything that is said in any meeting following this without expressed permission."

I said, "But they deserve to know what happened. They'll want to know what happened to me."

Without caving in he said, "I understand this and you may tell them that the rest of the meeting was bland and the only thing discussed was the type of unicorn. That ought to bore them enough to not be interested. The only reason I am allowing you to stay is because I know you know Occulemency and I believe you could be of help in the future."

After a minute of the two of us looking at each other I said, "Fine I won't tell them."

Addressing the group as a whole he said, "As I know you all are aware the only known Sorcerer's Stone is currently here at Hogwarts in the 3rd floor corridor. I believe that the figure out in the woods will try to steal the stone."

"From Hogwarts?" I asked.

He nodded and said, "If it is what I believe it is then yes it will not hesitate to try and steal the stone from Hogwarts. I need to know what this thing looked like so I can have a better basis for my hypothesis."

Looking around the room at all my professors looking at me anxiously I said, "I couldn't tell what it was because it was wearing a black cloak and had a hood on over its' head."

He looked perplexed then responded, "That is most unfortunate. However I should go down and examine the unicorn now. Hagrid if you would please lead me down, the rest of you should return to class, the next one starts in about a minute," looking at me and Severus, "I'll tell your students that class is cancelled. After all this is the last class of the day."

I was about to argue when my father said, "Yes thank you Albus."

He nodded and followed Hagrid out the door. After he was gone all the professors filed out one by one or in pairs until it was just me and Severus.

Shortly he said, "Follow me."
