Chapter 37

I turned and ran to catch up with Harry and Hermione before going to Charms. During Charms Hermione and Harry kept looking at me and Ron kept asking them what was going on. I was glad when I was able to get away from them and help the rest of the class.

I ran ahead of the three of them on our way to Herbology. I easily caught up with Neville and Seamus and started talking to them on our walk to the greenhouses. Once we got inside I immediately found three open spots next to a few Hufflepuffs and dragged the two of them over with me.

Professor Sprout talked the whole time so there was no chance of anyone asking me any questions. I sighed in relief as I walked with Seamus to lunch. I had made it through the few classes without being yelled at or without having to tell Ron. I knew now that we had two hours to talk I would have to tell him everything and hopefully avoid getting yelled or lectured by Harry about Severus's ulterior motives.

I dragged myself into the Great Hall and was immediately ambushed by Harry Ron and Hermione. They dragged me over to my seat and I ate my lunch slowly. Once I couldn't draw out my eating anymore I looked up to see the three of them looking at me. Ron looked confused and Hermione and Harry looked irritated.

"Okay what's going on? They haven't told me anything and you've been avoiding us since Potions," questioned Ron.

I sighed and stood up, "Follow me. I need to tell you something but no one else can hear."

I heard Harry mumble something under his breath after this but he too stood up and followed me. Ron looked at Hermione who nodded as the two of them followed me out of the Great Hall and into the Gryffindor common room.

I went and sat on the couch next to Hermione and Harry, creating a barrier between myself and Ron.

"Why couldn't you just tell me in the Great Hall? I was still hungry you know."

"She doesn't want everyone to know. Or more like her father doesn't want anyone to know about her," Harry grumbled.

I glared daggers at him and said, "We both agreed on it. I probably wouldn't have told you even if he told me I could. You all hate him so much and you barely even know him."

Ron held up a hand and said, "Okay hold on you lost me. I thought your father was dead Jessica."

I sighed and said, "Well that was a lie. I didn't want you to know who my father really is because he's not exactly the most liked person."

Harry muttered, "That's an understatement."

Ron ignored him and focused on me saying, "Who's your father then?"

I bit my lower lip nervously; a habit I needed to break and said, "Professor Snape."

I looked down as his mouth dropped slightly open. As he realized what he was doing he quickly closed his mouth and looked at me as I returned his stare apprehensively.

"Snape is your dad?" he asked incredulously.

I nodded and said, "Yes."

"That's why you would always defend him. I would never think he had a daughter," he looked me over, "You two look a lot alike."

"You're not mad?" I questioned quietly, reverting my focus to the floor again.

He paused then said, "I'll admit that he isn't my favorite person on the Earth but just because you're related doesn't mean I hate you."

My whole body relaxed and I let out the breath I hadn't realized I was holding, "Okay good thanks."

He furrowed his brow and asked, "Just out of curiosity why didn't you tell us sooner?"

Instead of letting me answer Harry said bitterly, "She didn't tell us because Snape told her not to. He didn't want everyone knowing that his daughter even existed much less is a Grffindor."

I stood up at this and said, "No he doesn't. It's obvious he isn't liked by any Gryffindors and he knew I would have a hard time making friends if they knew we were related."

Ron nodded as Harry was about to respond, "Harry drop it. That seems about right."

Harry stood up and faced me, "Just don't come crying to us when you get hurt by him."

I looked him in the eye and said simply, "I don't plan on getting hurt."

I held his gaze a little longer before I sat down back in my seat and he moved to sit next to Ron.

I spent the next hour answering questions about Severus. Some of the questions they asked made me laugh. At one point Ron blurted out asking if he used shampoo. Laughing I told him I didn't know considering I didn't watch him shower. My answer was answered by another chorus of laughter. Harry wasn't as enthusiastic during the conversation as Ron and Hermione were and I knew he still thought Severus was lying to me.

Soon enough it was time for D.A.D.A and we raced down the hall to make it on time. I opened the locker and gave them all their books before taking a seat next to Harry and Ron.

For the rest of class Quirell droned on and on about some sort of monster. Within a few minutes I felt myself zoning out as I stared at the front of the room blankly. Finally the hour was up and everyone got out of class quickly. Excitedly we made our way outside to the Quidditch pitch.

Madame Hooch was standing there waiting for us as the Gryffindor students faced the Slytherin kids again.

"Okay everyone today I want to get those of you who have been able to fly involved in a game of Quidditch."

I smiled widely at Harry standing next to me as she said, "I think it would be easiest if we did Slytherin against Gryffindor. Why don't those of who whom have been able to fly go over there and discuss positions. If you have extra people just put them as an extra chaser."

The majority of the kids shuffled over to the pitch she pointed at and gathered into two groups; Gryffindor and Slytherin.

Once we were in our group I saw it was going to be me, Harry, Ron, Seamus, Dean and two girls from my dormitory. The rest of the Gryffindors hadn't been able to fly yet including Neville and Hermione.

Harry said, "Well I think Jessica should be the seeker."

There were a few nods of approval and Dean said, "I'm a fairly good beater."

Seamus said, "Okay well me and Dean can be beaters then."

"I'll play keeper," Ron piped in.

The two girls looked at each other and high fived before one of them said, "The two of us will be chasers then."

"And me," chimed in Harry as they grew even more excited.

I nodded enthusiastically, "That sounds great. We have to kick their butt. We obviously have the better team we just have to play as a team and I think we'll be fine."

"Everyone put their hands in," Ron yelled.

His hand was followed by the hands of the rest of our team. We all grabbed our broomsticks and headed out to the middle of the pitch where Madame Hooch was standing. The Slytherin team faced us, holding their brooms trying to look menacing.

Madame Hooch said, "I don't want any of you to hurt each other. Okay?" when she got a few nods of agreement she continued, "I assume you all know how to play so you may all get into the ready position then I will release all the balls."

We all boarded our broomsticks and flew up into the air. As I went up I realized how slow it was compared to my new Nimbus 2000. We formed a circle in the air as Madame Hooch blew her whistle and released all three of the balls then threw up the Quaffle.

Harry caught the Quaffle easily as he sped away to the Slytherin hoops. I soared up in the air as I realized that Draco Malfoy was the Slytherin seeker. Even more determined now I looked even harder for the small golden snitch. Draco was busy watching Harry score again. So busy that he didn't noticed the snitch flying about 5 feet away from him. I saw the golden shimmer and shed off after it. I chased it around as Draco caught on and trailed behind me by ten feet. As the snitch came closer and closer to the ground I pulled up and caught it in my hand. Madame Hooch's whistle signaled the end of our "friendly" game.

"Very good Jessica," she praised as I felt my face grow warm.

We all walked over to put our broomsticks away as Harry whispered, "If you do half as good as you did today you'll be great on Sunday."

"Thanks Harry," I whispered back smiling.

Once our broomsticks we put away we went to meet up with Hermione as we walked up to dinner.

"I was watching the game most of the time, you were great Jessica," Hermione gushed as I felt blood rush to my face.

"Thanks," I muttered.

The rest of the walk to dinner was peacefully quiet. We took our regular square of seats in the center of the table.

Ron pulled out of his deep thought as soon as dinner came and we all dug in. The silence had begun to get awkward and the appearance of food lessened the awkwardness in the atmosphere.

Ron said with his mouth open, "Before you go to your meeting do you guys want to go upstairs and do our homework and talk for a while?"

I shrugged, "Seems good to me. If you guys want to do something else don't let me stand in your way though."

"No it's fine," said Harry.

"Great I'll meet you guys there after dinner! I just want to go see something quick," said Ron.

"Oh what?" asked Hermione.

Ron replied, "I just want to check up on Fred and George. Mum said to write to her but I haven't since the start of the year. I should remind them to write and whatnot. I want to see how Ginny is doing at home because now she's all alone."

We all nodded as he got up to leave. As he walked out the door the three of us stood up and walked at a more leisurely pace to the door.

Once we were inside the Gryffindor common room we went to the far corner of the room and I put up our little bubble again as we began our homework. Well Hermione and I were doing our homework while Harry was looking at his book with a confused look on his face.

Once I had finished my potions essay I sighed and said, "Harry what do you want help with?"

He held up his potions book with a smile on his face and said, "All of it. I don't understand potions at all."

I laughed and said, "Okay so he wants a foot of essay on the use of Flobberworm Mucas so if you just look under cure for boils in your book it will basically write your essay for you. I'll check it for you when you're done."

"Sweet thanks Jessica," he said.

Just as I was about to respond Ron ran through the portal over to us. The three of us hopped up as he involuntarily gained the attention of everyone in the room. He stopped to catch his breath then turned to me.

"I thought you were here talking to your brothers?" Harry accused.

"Yeah that was a lie," he said, "I went to talk to Professor Snape to make sure this wasn't some sort of joke you guys were playing on me. No offense to you guys or anything but I've learned from living with my brothers that you have to check everything. So I went down to his office like my stupid self and he confirmed it so I started to ask a few questions and he got really mad so I got out of there really quickly."

I groaned, "Ron, why did you have to ask him questions?"

He shrugged sheepishly, "Sorry Jessica, I guess I wasn't really thinking."

I laughed slightly then sighed, "It's okay, I'll go talk to him."

"I wouldn't go to talk to him right now," Ron warned.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because he was really mad when I ran out of there," Ron said grimacing.
