Chapter 30

We walked briskly down the potions classroom without uttering a word to each other. Once we were inside I looked the door and put up the familiar spell to render the people outside unable to hear our conversation.

I went back to the pantry and pulled out all the necessary ingredients along with 4 cauldrons. Two for each of us. At the end these four cauldrons would make enough to make 4 blood replenishing potions. This should be a sufficient amount to heal Blake.

I put two of them in front of Severus and we got to work. The potion would only take 15 minutes or so; relatively short in relation to the time it took to make other potions.

Once the potions were underway I asked, "So why were you late?"

He turned to me and said, "You cannot under any circumstance tell anyone what I'm going to tell you. I don't even want you to tell any of your professors."

Confused I said, "I won't."

He nodded and sighed, "Well Dumbledore has had me keeping a close eye on Quirell, because we need to make sure his reasons for taking the job were honest. I have suspected him of wanting to steal the Sorcerer's Stone for some time now. When he pretended to faint I knew he would try to use the troll to cause a diversion so he could steal the stone. I went right to the third floor corridor and was able to prevent it; although the dog was able to bite me. Then I wanted to make sure the troll was taken care of me without letting him out of my sight so I went down the dungeons and made him go."

"The dog bit you? Let me see."

"It's nothing," he said.

"From what I saw it sure looked bad. I'm pretty sure Harry saw it too. I'm sure he's going to think you are trying to steal the stone."

He sighed and said, "Let him. I don't care how he thinks of me."

"I do," I said huffily, "But I won't tell him anything. Let me see your leg."

Sighing he stirred his potion thrice and lifted his robes up to reveal a huge gash in his leg. It was bleeding down his leg while at some parts scabs were already forming over it.

"Ew that looks terrible. Let me fix it."

"There is no need. I think it would be better if Harry thinks I am the one trying to steal the stone instead of trying to find out who is and coming to the conclusion of Lord Voldemort. If I walk with a limp I'm sure he'll figure out it was a dog."

"Fine, I mean Fluffy is pretty scary looking," I said then winced at my stupidity.

"How would you know that it is scary? How do you know the name Hagrid gave the beast?"

"I just assumed," I lied, "But Hagrid told us it was named Fluffy."

He smirked and asked, "Yes but how would you know to ask Hagrid about a three headed dog? I don't believe Dumbledore mentioned what was guarding the stone; he only said that it was here at Hogwarts."

I sighed defeated and said, "We might have seen it once."

He ran his hand through his hair and I looked down at my potion unable to look him in the eye, "When did you see the dog? And why were you there in the first place? Please don't tell me you went to see for yourself on purpose."

"Oh no of course not. It was when Draco challenged me to the duel a while ago. We heard Filch and hid in a room. We saw Fluffy standing on a trapdoor and fled to the common room again. Hermione and I came to the conclusion it was guarding something. When Dumbledore said the Sorcerer's Stone was here at Hogwarts I knew that Fluffy was guarding it but I couldn't tell them. Instead I just led them in the right direction until we went to talk to Hagrid. He let it slip that it was named Fluffy and what was hidden was between Dumbledore and Nicolas Flamel. I gave Ron the chocolate frog with Dumbledore and they finally found out that Fluffy is guarding the Sorcerer's Stone."

"Well good thing you didn't get hurt. That dog is nasty. That was very smart of you to lead them all the way to that conclusion. "

"Really? Thanks!"

"I'm not saying you should have done it; because I'd be a terrible father if I did, but good job."

I smiled widely and finished the potion saying, "Thanks."

The side of his mouth lifted up as he handed me two vials. I poured the contents of each of the cauldrons into the vials and handed them back to him. While he was pouring his potion in a vial I cleaned up my mess with a wave of my hands.

Once he was done and had cleaned up his area we walked back up to the Hospital Wing. We let ourselves in and went over to where Blake was sitting up in his bed.

I ran over to him and asked, "Feeling better?"

"Yes thank you," he replied politely looking at Severus.

"I have the rest of the blood replenishing potions that you need to take then you should be able to leave, as long as Madame Pomfrey allows it."

On cue she came out of the back and said, "He's all fixed up. Two more blood replenishing potions and he'll be able to leave."

Blake said, "Great. Thank you ma'am."

She smiled warmly at him and said, "You are very welcome."

Taking two potions from his cloak Severus handed them to Blake who shook his head and took them both like shots, one after the other.

When he was done Severus said, "Both of you, follow me. I want to hear the story from your mouth Mr. Cox."

He strode out of the room dramatically as Blake and I thanked Madame Pomfrey again then followed him out. We followed him silently down to the Potions classroom.

Once we were inside he made it impossible to hear our conversation then said, "Have a seat."

Blake looked around for a chair as I smiled at him and conjured up 2 plush chairs.

Severus said sarcastically, "What? I don't get one?"

I smiled and replied just as sarcastically. "Nah you're not special enough."

He put on a face of mock hurt and said, "Fine I'll get my own."

With an elaborate movement of his arms a huge chair with velvet lining and lions feet. I laughed along with Blake; although his was more labored.

"Okay now that you are hopefully a bit more easy, I need to know what happened."

Blake looked at him and said, "Well you saw I mean it was Malfoy. He was mad and said a bunch of stuff and then knocked me out. Then Jessica and her friends must have came in. I was told there was a troll there; is that true?"

I said, "Yeah we got there just in time it looked like. I took it out with a couple stunning spells and now it's down there unconscious."

"Okay good thanks," he told me.

I nodded and was about to say no problem when my father butted in, "I need to know what he said to you and exactly what happened."

Blake side glanced at me and I immediately said, "I'll leave if it would put you more at ease."

Severus said, "Or I can leave and Jessica can tell me later."

He shook his head, "No it's fine. Would you mind if I just showed you? It would be easier than trying to explain it all."

"That would be no problem but I don't have any way of seeing your memories aside from Occulemency and I wouldn't want to invade your mind like that," said Severus.

He looked at me and said rushed, "I know of a spell that will let you travel with me to a certain memory. Like you would in a pensive but it's a spell. It's too powerful for me but I'm sure either you or Jessica can do it."

Severus said, "I know what spell you are talking about and it is too powerful for me too. I'm sure Jessica can do it though."

I smiled nervously and said, "I know what you're talking about but I haven't tried it yet. I can try it though."

The two of them nodded and we all stood up.

I said, "Okay we both need to hold Blake's hand or arm or something," the two of us grabbed a part of his arm and I continued, "Now Blake you need to picture this memory clearly and I'm going to transfer the energy needed to you and it will take us there."

I took a deep breath and muttered the spell under my breath as Blake thought about the memory.

I felt a tug at my stomach; similar to the one you get when aparating. Suddenly we flew to the ground in a flurry of robes. I was able to stay standing but Severus and Blake fell to the ground. Laughing I held out a hand to Blake and helped him stand up. Severus was now standing and had composed himself.

As I looked around me I realized we were standing in the Slytherin common room. There were a lot of people in the common room and I immediately picked Draco and Blake out of the crowd.

The room cleared when a burly 6th year said, "Okay everyone get out," he pointed at Blake, "Except you."

There were a few snickers from a couple kids including Draco and his friends. The rest of the Slytherins filed out of the room loudly; up to their dormitory.

Once they were gone the 6th year said, "So I heard from my favorite 1st year; Draco that you were helping some Gryffindor and that you have been telling people to stop using the word Mudblood."

Blake glared at him and said, "It's an offensive word, one that no one should be using."

"I know a couple other words that are highly offensive and they all pertain to you," Draco said from behind.

"Shut up Draco. I told you I would knock some sense into this kid now let me do it in quiet."

Draco took a step back and nodded.

Turning back to Blake the kid said, "Now I can get my head around you telling kids not to say Mudblood because I'm a nice guy; but helping a Gryffindor? Are you mental?"

Blake looked nervous and said, "I was only helping her so Professor Snape would get better. I'm sure you wanted him to get better as well."

The present time Blake said to me, "That's not true but I thought it would convince them that-"

I cut him off, "It's okay there's no need to explain I understand."

He relaxed and turned his attention back to the scene before him.

The 6th year said, "That's a bunch of bullshit if I've ever heard any. Now why don't you level with me? Stop helping Gryffindors and stop telling people to stop saying stuff; they are allowed to say anything they want."

"What does everyone around here against Gryffindors? They aren't that bad of people," Blake replied.

The older boy's eyes widened and he said, "Gryffindors are jerks and they shouldn't even be allowed in this school. All of them are always the teacher's pet and they only strive to do good with the world. If you ask me they are a bunch of sissies. So now you're sticking up for the Gryffindors? Why don't you just go and join them if you love them so much."

Draco came up and whispered something in his ear and he smiled without taking his eyes off Blake.

Blake said, "I wish I could join them. All of you are stuck up arrogant, and spoiled rotten!"

I flinched at these words knowing the boy wouldn't like that.

"I know that you just want to join Gryffindor so you can be with your girlfriend," the boy sneered.

Blake glared at him even harder and said, "And who would that be."

From behind him Draco said, "That girl you were helping. Jessica Wallwirt."

I groaned and looked at his reaction in real time, "I'm sorry about that," he muttered.

I smiled and was about to say something when past Blake said, "She's not my girlfriend. I barely even know her. Now go away."

"Or what? You'll curse me? I think I can take you on in a fight," the older boy said snickering, "I should hex you right where you stand for standing up for a Gryffindor."

"I don't care if you do. At least I'll be able to sleep tonight knowing I didn't bully kids for no reason at all except maybe your parents hate them," Blake said.

"I don't know why you're so adamant about standing up for the damn Gryffindors but maybe a good old fashion beating will knock some sense into you."

There was a silence while Blake stared up at the older boy, not scared or backing down.

I yelled at present time Blake, "You got in all this trouble, you went through all this hurt to stand up for Gryffindors?! Are you crazy? You should have just said you hated Gryffindors and insulted them somehow and none of this would have happened to you!"

He looked at me and shrugged, "I wouldn't be able to sleep knowing that I was essentially bullying kids behind their back. I don't like any of the Slytherins; I don't care if they hate me or not. Besides I can handle a little hurt."

I said even angrier, "You were unconscious! You could have died all because you wouldn't just insult me or any other Gryffindor."

"It was worth it."

"You shouldn't have helped me. Then none of this would have happened. This is all my fault," I yelled as I tried to punch a wall but my hand just went through it.

He said, "No it's not. I would have done it whether you wanted me to or not."

I was about to respond when a fist flew in front of me. The 6th year's hand collided with Blake's face and I cried out a little. Another well aimed punch hit Blake in the jaw and he fell to the floor clutching it. He stood back up still glaring at the kid.

"You still want to be mad at me? Okay fine, I know what I'm going to do."

He put the body-binding curse on Blake and took his wand from inside his cloak. He threw it to Draco and picked up Blake's body.

"Follow me. Just in case anyone comes in they can't see us. I think this guy needs a true lesson."

Draco nodded and followed him out the portal. The three of us followed the two boys out. Severus hadn't said anything since we entered the memory and I was growing worried.

Once we were outside the common room I realized where we were. It was deep in the dungeons; even below the potions classroom. We went up a few staircases following the boys in front of us. Blake was flung over the shoulder of the older boy and Draco was following him looking eager. They made their way to the girl's bathroom and checked inside before going in.

We followed them in and I exchanged a worried look with present day Blake. The older boy put Blake down on the ground. Then he took out his wand and like I had many times before; made it impossible to hear anything and locked the door.

He turned back to Blake with an evil smile and removed the body-binding curse. Blake sat upright and looked around.

"You are going to be very upset you ever sided with your dumb girlfriend after I'm done with you," sneered the boy.

Blake didn't say anything and merely took a deep breath. He looked the older boy in the eye and glared at him with hatred in his eyes.

"You don't want to talk? Fine, it'll just be worse for you that way. Either way I'm going to enjoy myself. I know I enjoyed myself by putting that word in your arm."

Blake still didn't say anything and kept looking him in the eye. The boy held his stare and there was silence in the room.

"What word on your arm?" Severus asked quietly.

Blake looked at me and I nodded encouragingly. He pulled up his sleeve and showed it to my father.

"They did that to you?" he asked to clarify.

Blake nodded and pulled his robes back down. It was always hard to tell what Severus was thinking but right then I could see in his face that he was deeply troubled by the word marked on Blake's arm. He was probably thinking about all the mistakes he had made in his life. I just hoped he didn't think he was as bad as the boy in front of us.

Finally the boy looked away and turned around. He drew his wand dramatically and past Blake only sighed and rolled his eyes. I had to admire his bravery but it bordered on stupidity at this point.

The boy conjured up a knife and turned back around. He walked menacingly towards Blake who had started to look scared.
