Chapter 19

I laughed along with my friends. Looking down the hall I saw Filch and he had heard us. I put the invisibility charm on us again and we ran down the corridor. I was thinking of a way to get back to the common room since we couldn't get past Filch. I looked around and immediately pulled them over.

"This is the third floor corridor. We aren't supposed to be here. I doubt Filch will look here. Just in case let's go in here."

I tried the door and when it was locked I pointed at it thinking Alohomora. It opened and we rushed inside. I was peaking out the door when I felt someone touch my shoulder. I looked behind me and saw a huge three-headed dog a few feet away. He was snarling at us and drooling. Picking a possible detention over fighting a three-headed dog I opened the door and let the others go ahead of me. We raced down the hallway up some stairs and through the portrait.

Once inside the common room Harry said, "Well that was close."

Ron said, "I wonder what they are doing with that dog in this school? It's going to kill someone."

Hermione sighed and said, "Didn't you look at its feet?"

Ron snapped, "I was too busy looking at its three heads to notice its feet."

I said, "It was standing on a trap door which means," I trailed off.

When neither of the boys picked up Hermione said, "It means that it is guarding something. Something that we have to find out what it is."

"I don't think we need to. I'm fine with never seeing that dog again," Ron said.

"No I think we do too. I feel like it's important for some reason," Harry said,

"Well we can talk about it tomorrow then. I am tired so I'm going to bed," I said.

I walked upstairs with Hermione at my heels. Both of us used a spell to change ourselves into our night clothes, said goodnight and fell asleep.

As I fell asleep I thought about something that Severus had said to Hagrid when we met him in Digaon Alley. He asked about the you-know-what in a vault and said it was Hogwarts business. I knew that Hogwarts was probably the safest place on Earth. I realized that the thing they had been talking about could be what the dog was guarding. I put it to the back of my mind to ask Harry about it.

The next morning I got up early and was ready within a half an hour. Hermione and I went downstairs to do the homework we hadn't done yesterday. There was only a little Potions homework and Defense Against the Dark Arts homework.

We were both done in a few minutes then I sighed and copied my answers onto another piece of parchment in messier handwriting for Harry and grudgingly Hermione did the same for Ron.

When they finally came down 15 minutes before we were going to breakfast we handed them the parchments with Hermione telling them that today was an exception since it was because of me they weren't able to do it. They looked grateful none the less and together we walked down to breakfast.

After breakfast I reminded them that Hagrid had invited us for tea after dinner tonight. I told them that we should eat an early dinner again because I had to take my Potions lesson that night and we wouldn't be able to visit Hagrid for long if we ate late. They agreed and I told them that Monday thru Thursday I would have classes with teachers at night.

"So I was thinking about last night," I said quietly.

"Yeah so was I. I just wonder what it's guarding," Hermione said.

"That's what I was wondering too. I was thinking back to when I saw Harry and Hagrid in Diagon Alley. Snape told us that he had to talk to Hagrid about Hogwarts business for the you-know-what in a vault. Harry did Hagrid take anything from a vault and not tell you what it was?"

Before he could answer Ron said, "What do you mean? Why was Snape there?"

I wince slightly realizing my mistake, "Well he was taking me around Diagon Alley for my things per Dumbledore's request."

He nodded and Hermione said, "That's why you aren't afraid of him!"

I said, "No not necessarily. I mean he was just as mean then as he normally is but I'm just not afraid of people for the most part."

Ron was thinking and he asked, "Why was Professor Snape taking you to get your things? Where were your parents?"

I said quietly, "Both of them are dead and the orphanage where I stay can't know that I'm a witch they think I am going to a special school but that's all. I needed someone to take me around Diagon Alley since I didn't know where anything was."

"That's terrible," Ron said.

"Yeah but I know you don't want to talk about it so yeah he took a small package from a vault 713 I think. He put it in his robes and asked me not to discuss it with anyone," Harry said.

"I think that, that package is what the dog is guarding."

"It wasn't very big. What could be so important that they need a three-headed dog to guard it?"

"I don't know but if my hunch is correct then that's what the dog is guarding."

Hermione said, "Why don't we ask Hagrid about it when we visit him later today?"

I shrugged and said, "He probably won't tell us anything but I suppose we can try."

We headed out and goofed off for the next half an hour before we went to Transfiguration. Transfiguration passed by without a problem. We were working on turning the needle we made into a pencil. I was done in seconds and for the rest of class I helped other students.

After that we went and headed out to Potions.

Harry looked nervous as we entered and I reminded myself that he had good reason to be. I would need to talk to Severus about that after class or tonight. We were before most kids and took the third to last back row. Soon we were joined by Neville and Seamus. I switched seats with Ron so I could sit next to Neville. Seamus was sitting to the right of Neville so I would be able to help both of them and Hermione could help Harry and Ron if they needed it.

Severus walked in the door with a dramatic entrance. Not as dramatic as he made it yesterday but he was still being overly dramatic. I rolled my eyes and looked up to listen to him.

"Now I learned from yesterday that indeed I am teaching a bunch of dunderheads. With a few exceptions I find that once again I am wasting my time. Now I will call you up and you'll receive your grade. While I am doing this you should read over how to make a Befuddlement Draught on page 231.

First he went through the Slytherins and most of them looked happy when they got back to their seats. Then he moved on to the Gryffindors and most of my friends came back looking unhappy complaining that they got a "T" but deserved a "P" or a "D-" Hermione came back looking pleased and when Neville went up he looked like he was going to pass out but came back looking relieved.

"Thanks for helping me. I got an "A". It's all because of you. I would have failed and probably made a mess without you," he whispered.

"It's no problem."

Without looking up Severus said, "Detention tonight Miss Wallwirt, and Mr. Longbottom if you continue to speak I will be forced to give you one too."

I rolled my eyes as Neville looked at me apologetically. I knew that if he gave me detention there was something going on.

I was last to go up and when I went up Severus said, "Highest marks of course. Sorry about that I'll explain later. Stay after class, say you want to argue about your detention or something."

I nodded and went back to my seat.

Severus stood up and said, "Since you all know so much about a Befuddlement Draught now I wish for you to brew it. Begin now."

There was a rush to get supplies from the back but with a wave of my hand I got the right ingredients for the 6 of us. I set them next to the correct person and started to crush my standard ingredient."

I dropped it in and stirred three times. While everyone else was finishing up preparing their ingredients I gave my potion a final 7 stirs clockwise even though I knew the book would say to stir 5 counterclockwise. Neville and Seamus were ready to start their potion so I put mine in a vial and stood up to give it to Severus.

I handed it to him with my name on it and he studied it, "Nice work," he said so no one could hear then raising his voice he said, "While some of you have been getting your ingredients perfect Miss Wallwirt was able to finish. I want finished potions on my desk with your name."

I put mine in the holder on his desk and went over to my seat cleaning my seat on the way with a wave of my hand.

"Okay let's get started," I told Seamus and Neville.

For the next 20 minutes I helped them through the potions and tried to keep Neville's mind off Severus so he could concentrate better.

When they were on the third to last step Severus came over and said, "Longbottom, Finnigan have you done any work this period or is Miss Wallwirt doing it all for you?"

Neville couldn't look up and even Seamus was being quiet for once I said, "Of course professor. They are doing all the work I am merely helping them from blowing up your cauldrons."

"Is that sarcasm I hear Miss Wallwirt?" he asked slowly.

I hated pretending to hate him but none the less I said, "Yes it is sir."

"Well then that cheek just earned you another detention," he said.

He swept past me and stopped again at Harry, "Mr. Potter what have you done?"

I looked over and I had to admit that the potion didn't look right.

"I'm making a Befuddlement Draught sir."

"No you aren't, I don't know what that is but it certainly is not a Befuddlement Draught."

Harry said, "Well that's probably because I messed up along the way somewhere professor."

"Obviously. Now clean that mess up and I want you to do it by hand," he said mainly towards me.

Harry sighed and started to clean up the mess of his potion.

Severus was still saying, "I'm surprised that you can't do something as simple as potions Potter. I mean with defeating you-know-who at such a young age certainly brewing a simple Befuddlement Draught would be a walk in the park."

"Yes sir," Harry said through clenched teeth.

"You are as arrogant as your father. He too thought that everything was beneath him."

Harry said, "My father wasn't arrogant and nor am I!"

"Oh yes I think I would know better than you. Your father always strutted around the castle thinking that anything he came across wasn't worth his time."

"If he saw you I can imagine why!" Harry yelled at him obviously upset.

Severus smirked and said, "I don't think yelling at your professors would make him very proud. 15 points from Gryffindor and you will join Miss Wallwirt in detention at 7 o'clock sharp."

I was growing frustrated with Severus and Harry was too. As Severus walked away Harry sighed and finished cleaning his spot. Before the end of the period Neville and Seamus were able to successfully finish their potions. They put them on the desk and a few minutes after Severus ended class right on time.

I helped Harry clean up without using magic as I told the others to go ahead to Charms. Harry thanked me and started for the door.

I said quietly, "I'm going to go argue about our detention. I'll meet you in Charms."

He said, "Okay be careful though. Snape would probably just give you another week of detentions if he has the chance."

"Don't worry it'll be fine," I assured him.
