Chapter 20

He left and as soon as he was out the door I closed it and put a charm so no one could hear me then walked up to Severus absolutely livid.

"What the hell was that!"

He looked up and smirked at me, "I don't know what you're talking about. I was simply stating facts and he yelled at me. He deserved it."

"No he didn't. Once Harry leaves the detention you and I are talking about this because I don't have much time before Charms and you must have needed to tell me something."

He said, "Yes well I was going to tell you that you should come at 7 for your lesson. I suppose we can't do the lesson right away since Potter decided to get himself in trouble. I also wish to know how your duel with Draco went."

I said sharply, "I don't want to tell you."

I turned on my heel and opened the door before storming off to Charms. I heard Severus call out for me to stop but I was in no mood to talk to him. If he planned on being rude and mean to Harry then I wasn't going to be nice to him. I felt a little bad about it and was tempted to go back and apologize but I kept walking to Charms.

Charms passed without a problem. We were working on a charm to force someone's feet to dance. We had to work in pairs and I was working with Hermione and Harry with Ron. Neville and Seamus paired up and stood next to me and Hermione.

Within a few seconds of him letting us start Hermione's feet were dancing and I performed the countercurse.

She shouted, "Tarantallegra!" and my feet did nothing.

Within a few minutes she had done the spell successfully and we moved on to help Harry and Ron. Once they were comfortable performing the charm I went over and helped Neville and Seamus. Soon they had completed the spell and I went to help some Ravenclaws and other Gryffindor students.

After that we headed down to the greenhouses for Herbology. We were working on cutting roots off the Belladora we were working with yesterday. Neville showed us how to do it and soon we were all done. She let us go early since we finished before the rest of the class.

I walked with them to lunch and we took a few seats near the end of the table. I was picking dirt from my hands when Draco walked in and came over to us.

I stood up and the other five of them followed my lead.

"What do you want Malfoy?" I snarled.

"Nothing I just wanted to see how you and your Mudblood friend were holding up."

I glared at him and there were gasps from Neville and Seamus. Hermione sniffled and I knew that Ron and Harry were glaring at Draco. I was standing in front of them and if I turned around I was afraid Draco would take the opportunity to try and curse me.

I heard a familiar voice behind the friends behind me say, "What is going on here?"

I turned around and saw Neville freeze up. Behind me I heard Draco snicker. If Severus was here there was no way I could curse him and he would probably let them off the hook.

Ron practically yelled, "Malfoy called Hermione a bad name Professor Snape."

He smirked and said, "Ah yes I'm sure it was terrible. What exactly did he call her?"

Ron shook his head and pulled a now crying Hermione into a hug. Severus didn't look impressed and smirked at Draco and his friends behind me.

"Professor he called her a Mudblood," Harry said.

For a second Severus' face went blank and then he looked furious, "Is that true Mr, Malfoy?"

Draco looked scared by his favorite professor and said, "Well yes. I mean it's okay because she is though."

Severus looked livid and said, "No it is not. Detention for the next week Mr. Malfoy and I will make it a month if I hear of another incident like this. Now get over to the Slytherin table before I make it longer."

Draco looked wide-eyed at his sudden outburst and ran to the Slytherin table with his friends on either side of him.

He asked Hermione, "Miss Granger are you alright?" slipping back into his usual bored monotone.

"Yes thank you," Hermione said looking up from Ron's shoulder and sniffling.

When she nodded she put her head back in his shoulder and kept crying. Harry and I looked at each other unsure what to do.

Severus said, "I will leave you then. If anything like this happens again notify a teacher immediately. I am sure they will take care of it properly."

With that he strode down the aisle looking thoughtful. He swept right out of the doors nearly bumping into several kids.

Neville said, "Well we'll leave you to it then," he and Seamus walked away and sat with some other Gryffindors who questioned them immediately.

Hermione took her head off Ron's shoulder and said, "I'm going to the dorm for a little while. I'll meet you in Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"Do you want me to come with you," I asked gently.

She shook her head and went out of the Great Hall wiping her eyes. Harry Ron and I looked at each other.

"I'm going to kill him!" Ron whispered severely.

"Okay well I'm going to go walk around the grounds. I just need to think," I told them.

They nodded and I hastily made my way out of the Great Hall looking back to see them eating while talking in hushed whispers.

I sighed and took off towards the dungeons. Something was bothering Severus because I knew he never let his emotions show. When Ron had told him what happened he completely broke character and that scared me. On my way down the many staircases and corridors I thought about my detention tonight. It was going to be me Harry and Draco in one room with Severus. I supposed that could propose a problem. I was glad that Draco had gotten detention from Severus. He deserved it but I wasn't sure if Severus would give it to him since he liked him so much.

I tried to open the door to the classroom and found it locked. When I muttered the spell to open the door the door swung open. Severus was nowhere to be seen. I knew that he must be in his office then. I went further into the dungeons to his office and opened that door with a spell too.

He had his head in his hands at his desk but looked up when he heard the door open. At first he stiffened but then his body language relaxed slightly.

"Oh it's you," he said relieved.

"Who else would it be?" I inquired.

"The only people who would come to see me would be you or Dumbledore and I can't talk to him right now."

"Does that mean you'll talk to me?" I asked hopefully.

"No." he snapped.

I walked towards his desk and pulled up a chair beside him, "What's wrong? You totally snapped back in the Great Hall, something is up."

He wouldn't meet my eye and said, "Nothing."

"Obviously it was something or I wouldn't be here."

"You didn't need to come. Like I said it is nothing."

"Yes it is and I'm staying here until you tell me what."

"You have other classes to go to today," he said smugly.

"I can miss them. It's just D.A.D.A and Flying."

He said, "Fine if you're just going to pester me until I tell you I suppose I could tell you."

My face lit up as he closed the door and said, "If you tell anyone I swear I will never speak to you again."

"Geez that's harsh, but okay. I wasn't planning on telling anyone anyways."

He nodded and said, "I know you weren't but I can't be too sure. I know you only have another hour until your next class so I'll shorten it."

I nodded and said, "Take as much time as you want. It doesn't matter if I miss D.A.D.A. Quirell stinks anyway."

He said, "Well once I made a mistake and the word Mr. Malfoy just brought back old memories. That is all so you can leave."

I looked at him and said, "That's not all of it. Come on I won't be upset."

He sighed and said, "Well to understand you have to know a little bit about what was going on. You see where I grew up there was this girl that lived close to me. She and I found out we were wizards and we became good friends, helping each other with everything. I would tell her all about magic and she would listen intently. When we got to Hogwarts she was put in Gryffindor and I was put in Slytherin. We were able to stay friends for a long time even though a bunch of my friends didn't like it and most of her friends weren't too keen on it either. I suppose you should also know that there were a few Gryffindors who took pleasure in making my life living hell simply because their leader liked her."

He looked like he was losing his nerve to do this and I said, "I'm sorry, I'm sure they know it wasn't good of them to do it now."

He nodded and continued, "Well whenever they did something she would always defend me. In fifth year I had started to hang around a bunch of Slytherins and they didn't like that I was friends with her. One day when James and his gang were busy tormenting me Lily stepped in and I got mad and called her a Mudblood. After that I tried to beg for her forgiveness but I had hurt her too badly. When Draco called Hermione that even though I knew they weren't friends and it was very different it just brought back those memories."

He was looking down unable to look up at me so I stayed quiet.

He said quietly, "You probably hate me now but well,"

I didn't let him finish because I threw my arms around his neck and put my head into his shoulder.

"I don't hate you. I could never hate you," I whispered.

He held me there for a few minutes before I pulled away almost in tears. I gave him a sympathetic smile and his lip curled up slightly.

"Now I get why you snapped at Malfoy," I said quietly.

He nodded and I continued, "I think I know why you hate Harry now too."

He winced and said, "I hadn't meant to use names but they slipped out."

"Well Harry's father is named James and I know his mother was named Lily. I'm assuming that they are the ones in your year at school? That's why you said he looks like his father and his father was in your year at school."

Severus nodded and said, "Yes. When I met Harry in Diagon Alley I knew who he was immediately. He looks exactly like his father in every way except his eyes are his mother's eyes. I figured that someone who looked so much like James Potter was bound to be as arrogant and annoying as his father."

"He isn't you know. From the way you tell it, it sounds like James wasn't nice to you and you have reason to hate him. You have to understand that Harry isn't his father, he's really nice and I think you need to see him for Harry not the man you hated throughout your childhood."

"I know I should but whenever I look at him I just can't."

"Just try," I said.

He looked down and said, "I'll try harder."

I said, "I know you can do it. Well I'll see you at detention tonight."

He just nodded still not looking me in the eyes and I unlocked the door and walked out of his office towards the Gryffindor common room. I still had another half an hour before we had to get to D.A.D.A so I was going to talk to Hermione.

I told the portrait the password and I went into the common room to see Harry and Ron sitting on the couch not talking and looking very nervous and anxious.

As soon as I came in Ron said, "We haven't seen her this entire time and we can't get up to the girl's dormitories. Could you make sure she's okay?"

"Of course," I said walking over to the stairs.

I took the stairs two at a time then slowed down as I heard crying behind the door. I eased it open and went to sit next to Hermione who was crying on her bed. Thankfully the rest of the girls weren't there so there was no one to hear our conversation and question her.

"Hey Hermione. How are you doing?"

She sniffled and said, "Hey Jessica. I'm alright. I don't even know why I am like this. I mean he said it before and I didn't get this upset."

"I think it's because hearing it the second time reinforced it in your mind," thinking back to how I felt when my "mother" came up with new names.

"You're probably right so what are you doing here?" she asked.

"Making sure you are okay. Harry and Ron are downstairs and they were freaking out because they couldn't check on you themselves so I think they want to see you."

"I don't know if I can."

"Of course you can. Listen Malfoy is a git. No one else thinks of you as anything but a great witch. Ron and Harry just want to help you, I know they won't judge you or get mad at you or anything else bad that you can think of."

She wiped away the last of her tears and straightened up, "Yeah you're right. I wasn't thinking straight."

"They'll understand. I know they want to see you so do you think you're ready to go downstairs."

She stood up and said, "Yes."

She walked to the door and I followed her down the stairs. As soon as we entered the common room Ron and Harry stood up and walked over to us.

"Are you feeling better?" Harry asked.

She nodded and Ron said, "Well that's good. Don't listen to Malfoy okay? Even Professor Snape doesn't like that word so it's definitely not true."

She said, "I know. Thank you. Well we need to get to Defense Against the Dark Arts"

We all laughed and Harry said, "Oh yep Hermione is back for sure. I guess we could go now as long as we walk really slowly."

Hermione laughed and said, "Oh come on. Even if we get there early we can just talk like we would be doing here."

Harry Ron and I rolled our eyes at each other but followed her out the portraits none the less. Once we got outside I saw a familiar professor of mine in billowing cloaks making his way up the stairs.

"Oh great. What does he want?" Ron muttered.

Hermione slapped him lightly and said, "Oh come on he wasn't being mean in the Great Hall."

He stopped talking but glared at Severus as he came up the stairs. I just was confused about why he was here. If he wanted to talk to me this was not a good way to get me, especially if he still didn't want people to know we were related.

He took the last few steps two at a time with ease and stopped in front of us saying, "I spoke to headmaster Dumbledore about the club you had wanted to start. He said that you are allowed to start it. He recommended that you hold it in the Great Hall at 8 when Miss Wallwirt won't have classes. He has agreed that all students will be allowed there until 10:30 and after the younger students must return to their dorms seeing as though their curfew is 10."

We all smiled at each other and I said, "Thank you professor. Is there anything else?"

He shook his head and said, "No now you should get to your next class."

"Okay thank you sir," Harry said.

He nodded and went off back down the stairs. As soon as he was out of sight we all looked at each other with huge smiles on our faces.

Ron said, "Well that's great! He's even going to let us stay out late and use the Great Hall to host it. It was a good idea to do it on Fridays so it doesn't get in the way of Jessica's lessons because she is the main reason people are coming."

I laughed and said, "I don't know if that's true but it's nice of him to do all of that."

Hermione and Harry nodded and Hermione said, "Well Professor Snape is right we need to get to D.A.D.A."
