Chapter 7

Thursday afternoon, Amber was hanging out in her room. She was sitting on her bed, reading. She had missed the entire week of school. She got out of the hospital on Wednesday and Charlie told her to stay home for the rest of the week. She had been spending most of the week sleeping, despite the fact that she a lot of make up work for school. Bella has been bringing her work home with her from school, but Amber was too exhausted to do it. She admits that it wasn't smart of her to not eat anything on Monday and she was paying for it. She still hadn't been sleeping well, but it had nothing to do with being sick. Now, it had to do with the fact that couldn't sleep because she kept having dreams about Jasper. She didn't know why she was having dreams about him now when she hadn't before. She figured it had to do with him saving her on Monday. Amber smiled as she thought about Jasper. She hated to admit it, but she was starting to fall for him. The doorbell rang and she went over to the window, seeing Edward's silver Volvo. He was probably here to see Bella. They had gotten closer since Bella found our that he was a vampire and they had started dating. Although, she hadn't told Charlie yet.

"Hello Jasper." Amber heard her father say as he opened the door. She had a surprised look on her face as she went over to the stairs and quietly walked down them, enough so she could see who was at the door. She peered over the railing and saw that it was Jasper. She didn't expect it to be him.

"Hello Chief Swan." Jasper said. "Is Amber home? I was going to see if she wanted to work on the project."

"Sure." Charlie said. "Although I don't know if she'll feel up to doing school work."

"That's fine." Jasper said. "Could I come in?"

"Oh. Yeah." Charlie said. "Amber is in her room."

"Thank you, sir." Jasper said as he walked into the house. Amber hurried back into her room. She heard Charlie and Jasper walk up the steps.

"Amber, Jasper's here to see you." Charlie said as they walked into her room.

"Ok." Amber said, looking up from her book. "Thanks Dad."

"I have some work to do at the station. Are you going to be ok if I go?" Charlie asked.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." Amber said. Charlie had taken off of work the last couple of days, so he could stay home with Amber and keep an eye on her.

"Ok. Call me if you need to." Charlie said. "I'll be back by dinner."

"Bye Dad." Amber said.

"Bye. You kids have fun." Charlie said before heading downstairs and going out to his cruiser. They heard him start the cruiser and drive off. Amber looked at Jasper.

"Hi." He said.

"Hey." Amber greeted back.

"How are you feeling?" Jasper asked.

"Good." Amber replied.

"That's good to hear." Jasper said.

"I want to thank you again, for saving me." Amber said.

"You're welcome." Jasper said. "It was no big deal."

"Your family is always saving me." Amber said. "First with almost getting hit by a car and then with me fainting."

"Yeah." Jasper said with a chuckle.

"So, how have you been?" Amber asked.

"I've been good." Jasper said. "Worried about you."

"I'm fine." Amber said.

"Ok." Jasper said. "Do you want to work on our project. We don't have to if you don't feel like doing it."

"I have a pile of make up work and just haven't had the energy do it." Amber said. "I've been spending the week sleeping and resting. Although I need to do it before I go back to school on Monday."

"I'm sure your teachers will give you extra time to get all your work done." Jasper said. "Given the circumstances."

"Yeah." Amber said.

"Do you want to help you with your make up work?" Jasper asked. "We can work on our project some other time. We're almost done it, anyway."

"You don't have to do that." Amber said.

"I want to help you." Jasper said.

"Ok." Amber said.

"What do you want to start with first?" Jasper asked, pulling a chair over to the desk with all the school work.

"Let's get Math out of the way." Amber said. She took a bunch of math papers and set it in front of them. They started working.

"So, I'm sure you have a lot of questions for me." Jasper said.

"About what?" Amber asked, confused.

"About me being a vampire." Jasper said.

"Oh." Amber said. "I totally forgot about that. But yeah, I do have some questions. Do you mind if I ask them?"

"Go ahead." Jasper asked. "Ask away."

"So, you and your family are vampire?" Amber confirmed.

"Yes. We're vampires." Jasper answered.

"And you guys drink blood?" Amber asked.

"Yes." replied Jasper. "But we don't drink human blood." Amber had a confused look on her face. "We feed on animals, instead." Jasper explained. "We wouldn't ever feed on a human."

"Why?" Amber asked. "Every vampire thing I've read or seen shows that they feed on humans."

"It started with Carlisle. He didn't want to kill anyone." Jasper explained. "After he turned, he hid in a cave to keep from feeding on anyone. When he was so desperate for blood, he fed on a passing deer and realized that he didn't have to kill people to survive. We consider ourselves vegetarians."

"Are there any other vampires that are vegetarians like you guys?" Amber asked.

"Yeah there's a coven they live in Alaska, called the Denali coven." Jasper said. "We consider them our cousins because they live close to us."

"What happens when you go into the sun?" Amber asked.

"When we step into the sunlight, diamonds appear on our skin." Jasper explained.

"You guys don't burn in the sunlight?" Amber questioned.

"No." Jasper said, chuckling. "Could I see sometime?" Amber asked.

"Sure." Jasper said.

"Wait, how did you know that this was what I wanted to talk to you about on Monday?" Amber asked.

"Edward knew." Jasper replied.

"How did he know?" Amber asked.

"He can read people's minds." Jasper said. "He heard it in your thoughts."

"He can read people's minds?" Amber asked.

"Everyone except Bella." Jasper said. "For some reason he can't read her mind."

"Weird." Amber said.

"Yeah." Jasper said.

"So, can you all read minds?" Amber asked.

"No, but some of us have gifts like that." Jasper said. "Alice can see the future and I can control and manipulate others emotions."

"Did Alice see me and Bella coming?" Amber asked.

"Yeah." Jasper said. "She had a vision of you guys and knew the three of you would be great friends."

"Really?" Amber asked.

"Yeah." Jasper said. They sat in silence for a few minutes, continuing the schoolwork.

"Can I ask you something?" Jasper asked Amber.

"Sure." Amber said.

"I know you said you weren't looking to be in a relationship right now." Jasper started. "But now that you know my secret, I was wondering if you would consider going on a date with me. I really like you, Amber."

"I'm sorry, but no." Amber said.

"Can I ask why?" Jasper asked.

"I'm sick, Jasper." Amber said. She sighed before continuing. "I have Leukemia."

"I know. I overheard your sister and father telling Carlisle about it in the hospital." Jasper said. "But what does it have to do with us not going on a date."

"Because I don't want to hurt you, if something happens to me." Amber said.

"Something like what?" Jasper asked.

"Like if I get sick." Amber said. "And not like when I got sick earlier this week. I mean really sick."

"You couldn't hurt me like that." Jasper said. "I would understand."

"I know, but." Amber trailed off. "I'm sorry Jasper, but I just can't."

"Can we at least be friends?" Jasper asked.

"Ok." Amber said.

"Would you like to hang out on Saturday?" Jasper asked. "As friends."

"Sure." Amber said.

"Ok." Jasper said.

"Does your family know that me and Bella know that you guys are vampires?" Amber asked.

"Yes." Jasper said.

"Do they know that I have Leukemia?" Amber asked.

"Yeah." Jasper said.

"Can you guys please not tell anyone." Amber said. "I don't want anyone to know because I don't want to be considered the sick girl at school."

"Understood." Jasper said.

"Thank you for helping me with my make up work." Amber said, looking down at all the completed work.

"You're welcome." Jasper said. "I better get going."

"Ok." Amber said.

"I'll see you Saturday." Jasper said as he stood up.

"See you Saturday." Amber said. Jasper walked out of the bedroom and headed downstairs, going out to his car. Amber went over to the window and watched him leave. Just as Jasper drove away, Bella pulled into the driveway. Amber went downstairs, so she and Bella could make dinner.
