Chapter 16

A couple months went by since the Cullens left. It was the beginning of December. Both Amber and Bella had been taking it pretty hard. They didn't really do anything anymore. They stopped hanging out with their friends and they don't sit with them at lunch. Instead, they sit at the table the Cullens used to sit at. All they do everyday is get up, go to school, and come home. And stare out the window. They both haven't really been sleeping well because they would wake up in the middle of the night from having nightmares of Edward and Jasper leaving. It was the middle of night, when Amber woke up and felt nauseous. She sprinted to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet. After she finished getting sick, she cleaned herself up and flushed the toilet. She couldn't get off the ground. She was too weak and the coolness from the porcelain and the floor felt nice against her skin. She knew she needed either her father or her sisters help.

"Bella." Amber called. She heard her sister get out of bed and making her way to the bathroom.

"Amber?" Bella said as she stood in the entrance. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah." Amber said. "I just got sick."

"Come on. Let's get you back into bed." Bella said, starting to help Amber up.

"I'm not feeling too well." Amber said before she passed out.

"Amber." Bella said, catching her in her arms. "Dad!" She called.

"What." Charlie asked, rushing out of his room and to the bathroom. "What's wrong?" He then looked at Amber. "What happened?" He asked.

"She ended up getting sick and called me into the bathroom." Bella said. "Before she passed out, she said she wasn't feeling well."

"Ok. Let me get dressed." Charlie said as he went back into his room.

Bella felt Amber's forehead. "Dad, she's burning up." Bella said.

"Let's get her to the hospital." Charlie said, rushing into the bathroom and picking Amber up. "Bella can you grab the keys to the cruiser?" Bella quickly changed, put shoes on, and ran downstairs to grab the keys. She put the keys in the ignition, starting the car, and got in the backseat. Charlie came out, carrying Amber. He laid Amber in Bella's lap and got in the car. He pulled out of the driveway and quickly drove to the hospital.

When they got there, Charlie parked the car. He grabbed Amber from Bella and they rushed inside. "I need some help." Charlie said.

"What happened?" A nurse, coming over to them.

"She ended up getting sick and passed out." Charlie explained. "She does have fever."

"She has Leukemia." Bella said.

"Who's her doctor?" The nurse asked. Charlie had to think for a moment.

"Dr. Gerandy." Bella answered. Charlie looked at Bella.

"I'll have someone page him." The nurse said. "Let's get her to a room." She led them to a room. Charlie laid Amber on the bed and the nurse started hooking her up to monitors. "The doctor will be right in." The nurse said before leaving.

A few minutes later, Dr. Gerandy came into with the nurse. "Chief." He greeted.

"Dr. Gerandy." Charlie said. "We're going to bring your daughter to get some scans and tests done and see what's going on." Dr. Gerandy said. Charlie nodded. They took Amber out of the room.

A little bit later, Amber was brought back into the room. The expression on Dr. Gerandy's face showed that it looked like he didn't have good news. He motioned for them to follow him. They walked out of the room and followed him to his office. "So, what's going with Amber?" Charlie asked, once they were all in the office.

"The treatment that Dr. Cullen had Amber on." Dr. Gerandy started. "It looks like she isn't responding to it anymore."

"Can we try other treatments?" Charlie asked.

"I don't think so." Dr. Gerandy said. "I just talked to Dr. Cullen. That was the last option that he thought to try."

"So, what can we do?" Charlie asked.

"I can start her antibiotics for the fever." Dr. Gerandy said. "But there isn't much I can do."

"How long does she have?" Bella asked.

"I would say maybe a little over a year." Dr. Gerandy said. Charlie and Bella were quiet. "I'm sorry." Dr. Gerandy said.

"Thank you, Dr. Gerandy." Charlie said. He and Bella walked out of the office. They sat in two chairs in Amber's room and waited for her to wake up. Charlie looked at Amber and then at Bella. "I don't know what I'm going to do, Bells." Charlie said. Bella looked at Charlie. "Your Mom was right. I don't know how to take care of Amber properly." Charlie said. "I can barely take care of you and you don't have an illness."

"Dad, you're doing the best you can." Bella said. "No one's blaming you."

"I couldn't even remember who her doctor was." Charlie said.

"You were tired." Bella said. "It was an honest mistake."

"Up until a few months ago, I never had to take care of you two for more than two weeks and never had to worry that much about Amber, let alone be in this situation when ends up really sick." Charlie said. He had his head in his hands. "I don't know how's she's going to react to this." He said. "I don't know if I'm going to be able to comfort her and help her get through this."

"You still have me to help you." Bella said, comforting her dad. "We will all get through this."

"Thanks Bells." Charlie said. "Can you stay with Amber. I'm going to call your Mom and let her know what's going on."

"Yeah." Bella said. Charlie took his phone out and walked out of the room.

A few hours later, it was early morning, when Amber woke up. She looked around and saw that she was in the hospital. She saw her dad and Bella in two chairs, both asleep. "Dad." Amber said, quietly. Both Charlie and Bella woke up.

"Amber?" Charlie asked.

"What happened?" Amber asked.

"You got sick in the middle of the night last night." Bella explained. "You called me into the bathroom, said you weren't feeling well, and the fainted."

"You had a fever so we brought you here." Charlie added.

Amber could tell by the looks on their faces that they were keeping something from her. "What aren't you telling me?" She asked. Charlie and Bella looked at each other. "What?" Amber asked.

"When they ran tests and scans on you, they saw that you were no longer responding to the treatment that Dr. Cullen had you on." Charlie explained. "Dr. Gerandy gave you some antibiotics to bring your fever down, but there isn't much else he can do."

"How long do I have?" Amber asked. She was fighting back tears.

"A little over a year." Bella said. Amber let a few tears roll down her face.

"I'm so sorry, Amber." Charlie said.

"Mom's on her way here." Bella said. "She'll be here soon." Amber just nodded. She was trying to keep her herself from bursting into tears. Charlie just sat in the chair besides Amber's bed, not knowing what to do. He truly didn't know how he could comfort his daughter when she needed him. Bella leaned forward and took Amber's hand in hers.

"It'll be ok." Bella assured Amber. "You'll be ok." Charlie did what Bella did and held Amber's hand. Amber just laid in the bed.

AN: Hey guys. So I wanted to ask for your opinion. I wanted Amber to experience something similar with Bella hearing and seeing Edward, but I don't want her to do stuff riding motorcycles and jumping off cliffs. I was thinking that she could have dreams of Jasper, but I wanted to see you guys thought. Please let me know in the comments.
