Chapter 17

Another two months went by and it was February. Bella and Amber were still doing what they did after the Cullens. Only, Amber was even more down since she found out that she didn't have much time left.

Amber woke up and got out of bed. She went over to her closet to pick out an outfit. She decided on a purple sweater with black leggings and brown uggs. After getting dressed, she put a little bit of makeup and put her wig. If it wasn't for the fact that she was sick, Amber wouldn't be wearing any makeup because she didn't like wearing it. But she didn't want anyone to know she was sick, so she put makeup to keep people from asking questions. Once she finished getting ready, Amber grabbed her stuff and headed downstairs. "Morning Amber." Charlie greeted her.

"Morning." Amber said as she poured herself some cereal. She sat at the table and started to eat.

"How are you feeling today?" Charlie asked.

"Better." Amber answered.

"Do you feel up to going to school today?" Charlie asked.

"Yeah." Amber said.

"Ok." Charlie said. Amber had stayed home from school yesterday because she wasn't feeling well when she woke up in the morning.

Bella soon came downstairs. She grabbed something to eat and joined them at the table.

"Ok. That's it." Charlie said.

"What?" Bella asked.

"You guys are going to go live with your mother in Jacksonville." Charlie said.

"We don't want to leave Forks." Amber said.

"Girls, they aren't coming back." Charlie said.

"We know." Amber said.

"This behavior isn't normal and it's scaring the hell out of me." Charlie said. "I don't want you girls to leave, but just go to Jacksonville. Make some new friends."

"We like our old friends." Bella said.

"You never see them anymore." Charlie said.

"I'll make plans with them." Bella said. "I'll go shopping with Jessica."

"You hate shopping." Charlie said.

"We'll think of something to do." Bella said. Charlie looked at Amber, waiting for an answer.

"I'll hang out with Jacob." Amber said.

"Ok then." Charlie said. He put his dish in the sink and put his jacket on. "I'll see you girls later."

"Bye Dad." Bella and Amber said. They soon finished eating, grabbed their stuff, and headed to school.

At lunch, Amber and Bella walked into the cafeteria and got their lunch. Instead of sitting at their regular table, which was the Cullens table, they decided to sit with their friends. "Hey guys." Amber said as she sat down, next to Angela.

"Oh hi." Jessica said.

"Hey Amber! Bella!" Angela said. "How are you guys?"

"Good." Amber said.

"It's good to see you guys again." Mike said.

"Yeah." Bella said. "Hey Jessica, do you want to go see a movie this evening?"

"Uhh sure." Jessica said.

"How are you guys holding up?" Angela asked, genuinely concerned.

"Ok." Amber said. "Sorry we've been ignoring you guys for the last couple of months."

"Don't be sorry." Mike said. "We get it."

"Are you ok, Amber?" Angela asked. "You don't look so good."

"Oh. Yeah." Amber said. "I've just been feeling a little under the weather, but I'm ok." Amber guessed she hadn't done a good job at putting makeup on this morning, if Angela thought she looked sick.

"Ok." Angela said.

Amber continued to eat lunch, catching up with Mike and Angela.

Later that afternoon, Amber grabbed the rest of her books from her locker and made her way out to Bella's truck. She saw her leaning against the driver side, waiting. "Ready?" Bella asked.

"Yep." Amber said as she got in on the passenger side. "Can you drop me off at Jacob's house on your way home?"

"Sure." Bella said, getting into the car. She started it and drove to La Push. When she got to the reservation, Bella pulled up in front of the Black's house.

"Bye." Amber said. "Thanks for the ride."

"No problem." Bella said. "Have fun with Jacob."

"Have fun with Jessica." Amber said as she got out of the truck. She watched her sister drive off, before walking up the pathway. She knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer. Billy answered the door.

"Well hello, Amber." He greeted her.

"Hi Billy." Amber said. "Is Jacob home?"

"Yeah." Billy said. "He's in the shed. Just follow the path and you'll find it."

"Ok." Amber said. She followed the path and came to a red shed. As she got closer, she saw Jacob working on something. "Hey Jake." Amber said. Jacob looked up from what he was doing and saw Amber.

"Amber!" He said, smiling and going over to her. He engulfed her in a hug and lifted her off the ground. "How are you?"

"I'm good." Amber said as she walked into the shed. "What about you?"

"I'm doing good." Jacob said. "Is Bella with you?"

"Nope. It's just me." Amber said. "She's hanging out with a friend."

"Aww. Ok." Jacob said, looking bummed.

"What are you working on?" Amber said, pointing to what he was working on.

"I'm fixing up my own car." Jacob said.

"That's cool." Amber said.

"I can take you for a ride in it, when I'm finished with it." Jacob said.

"I'd like that." Amber said.

"Do you want to go the beach?" Jacob asked.

"Sure." Amber said. They headed out of the shed and made their to the beach.

"So, how have you've been?" Jacob asked as they walked on the beach.

"Truthfully, I haven't been doing so good." Amber said, honestly.

"Why?" Jacob asked, concerned.

"It's been really hard on me and Bella since the Cullens left." Amber said.

"Oh yeah. I heard about that." Jacob said. "I'm sorry. I know you and Bella were really good friends with them."

"And back in December, I found out that I wasn't responding to the treatment I was on for my cancer." Amber said. "The doctor told me I only have a little over a year left."

"I'm really sorry, Amber." Jacob

"It's ok." Amber said.

"Speaking of the Cullens, should you of really been hanging out with them?" Jacob asked.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Amber asked.

"I heard they were bad news." Jacob said.

"You don't even know them." Amber said.

"I know." Jacob said. "But some of the people on the reservation said they couldn't be trusted." Amber was about to get upset, when someone came up behind them.

"Hey Jake!" Someone said. Amber turned around and saw a young boy.

"Hey Seth." Jacob said. "Amber, this is Seth Clearwater. Seth, this is Amber Swan." Amber recognized the name Clearwater. Her dad had a friend named Harry Clearwater, that he would fish with. Seth must be his son.

"It's nice to meet you, Amber." Seth said, putting his hand out.

"Nice to meet you too." Amber said as she shook Seth's hand.

"What are you guys doing?" Seth asked.

"Just hanging out." Jacob said.

"Do you want to join us?" Amber asked.

"Sure." Seth said. They all hung out for awhile.

"Hey Amber, are you ok?" Seth asked. "You look really pale.

"Uhh yeah. I actually have cancer." She explained. "I was diagnosed with Leukemia when I was 10. But the treatment I was on isn't working anymore and I really only have a few months."

"Oh wow." Seth said. "I'm so sorry. That can't be easy to deal with."

"Yeah, but I'm getting through it ok." Amber said. Seth nodded. "Well, I better get home." Amber said, after a little bit.

"I'll give you a ride." Jacob said.

"Ok." Amber said. "See ya, Seth."

"Bye Amber." Seth said. Jacob and Amber walked back to his house. They got in his dad's truck and headed home. When they got to her house, she said goodbye to Jacob and walked into the house. She walked into the family room and saw her dad sitting on the couch.

"Hey Dad." Amber said.

"Hey kiddo." Charlie said. "Where were you?"

"Hanging out with Jacob and Seth Clearwater." Amber replied.

"Oh ok." Charlie said. "That's good."

"I'll get dinner started." Amber said, heading into the kitchen. "You don't have to make dinner." Charlie said. "I'll go and get a pizza for us." "Ok." Amber said. Charlie got up from the couch, grabbed his keys, and walked out of the house. Amber headed up to her room. A few minutes later, Bella came home.

"Amber, where are you?" Bella said, coming into the kitchen. "I have to talk to you."

"Upstairs." Amber called. Bella headed up to their room.

"What's up?" Amber asked, when Bella walked in.

"I heard him." Bella said.

"Who?" Amber asked.

"Him." Bella said. It took Amber a minute to realize Bella was talking about Edward.

"How?" She asked.

"When I went to the movies with Jessica, I saw a couple guys that I recognized." Bella explained. "When I walked closer to them, I heard his voice in my head, telling me to turn around."

"Why?" Amber asked.

"I think it has to do with the fact that before he left, he told me not to do anything reckless." Bella said. "So I guess when I start to do something reckless, I hear his voice in my head telling me to stop."

"How did you know the guys?" Amber said.

"When I went dress shopping with Angela and Jessica last spring, there were a couple guys following me after I got my book." Bella explained. "I thought they were them, but I was wrong."

"Ok." Amber said.

"Where's Dad?" Bella asked.

"Went our to get pizza for dinner." Amber said. Bella nodded. When Charlie got home, Amber and Bella headed downstairs. After dinner, Amber worked on her homework until she started to get tired and went to bed.
