Chapter 6

Monday morning, Amber woke up tired. She hadn't slept well the last few nights and she wasn't really feeling well this morning. She hasn't been feeling well since she had arrived in Forks. She figured it had to do with the climate change. So, she just ignored that fact she was feeling sick and got ready for school. Amber was going to be going to the hospital for a doctor's appointment today, anyway. Because of her illness, she had monthly doctor visits to make sure her cancer wasn't back. Charlie had told Amber last night that he made an appointment for her with Dr. Cullen and it was today. He had asked her if she wanted him to go with her, but she said no. She was used to the visits and Bella always went with her. Amber wasn't hungry so she took her time getting ready.

"Amber, come on." Bella called up the stairs. "We're going to be late."

"Coming." Amber said. She grabbed her bag and headed downstairs. "Ready."

"You're not going to eat breakfast?" Bella asked. "I'll eat something when we get to school." Amber said.

"Did you take your medicine?" Bella asked.

"Yes." Amber said. Bella looked at Amber, concerned. "I'm fine, Bella." Amber said. "We have to get going." Bella sighed, but grabbed the keys and headed out to the truck. When they got to the school, Amber got out of the car and headed to her first class.

"Hey Amber." Jasper greeted her.

"Hey Jasper." Amber said, sitting next to him.

"How are you?" He asked.

"I'm doing ok." Amber replied. "What about you?"

"Doing well." Jasper answered.

"Meet me outside the cafeteria at lunch." Amber said. "I need to talk to you about something."

"Ok." Jasper said. The teacher walked in and the class started.

"Hey, are you ok?" Jasper asked Amber, during class. "You don't look so good. You look really pale."

"Yeah. I'm feeling ok." Amber said. "I'm just a really pale person."

"Ok." Jasper said. After class ended, Amber headed to Biology.

"Hi Amber!" Eric greeted her.

"Hey." Amber said as she sat in her usual spot, next to him. She saw Bella walk in and waved to her. When the teacher walked in, he explained that they were doing blood typing. 'Great.' Amber thought to herself. She raised her hand.

"Yes, Ms. Swan?" Mr. Banner asked.

"Is it ok if I sit out of this one?" Amber asked. "I get queasy around blood."

"Do you need to go to the nurse?" Mr. Banner asked. Amber nodded.

"I can take her." Bella said.

"Ok." Mr. Banner said. "You two can go." Amber followed her sister out of the room. Instead of going to the nurse, they walked outside and sat on a bench.

"You ok?" Bella asked.

"Yeah." Amber said. "Are you? We both can't stand the sight of blood."

"Yeah. It's a good thing we got out of there before they started pricking their finger." Bella said, chuckling. Amber laughed. They sat outside until the period ended. They headed to the cafeteria for lunch. Amber went right to their table, not bothering to get lunch. She looked around for Jasper, but she didn't see him or his family yet. A few minutes later, Bella sat back down at the table.

"You really should eat something." Bella said. "You didn't have breakfast and now you're not eating lunch."

"I'm not hungry." Amber said.

"Amber." Bella said.

"I said I'm not hungry." Amber repeated. Bella said, sighing. While Amber waited for Jasper to get to the lunchroom, she started to feel lightheaded. She was thinking that Bella was right and she should get something to eat. She stood up from the table.

"Where are you going?" Bella asked.

"To get something to eat." Amber said. She looked to the side and saw Jasper walking towards her. She decided to get some lunch before talking to him. As Amber walked over to the lunch line, she started to feel even more lightheaded. She tried to continue walking, but she ended up passing out.

When she woke up, she noticed that she was in a bright room and heard beeping. She looked down and saw that she was wearing a hospital gown and saw wires around her, so she assumed that she was in a hospital. She saw Bella and Charlie sitting in chairs, next to the bed.

"Dad." Amber said.

"Hey." Charlie said.

Amber looked at Bella. "What happened?" She asked.

"You fainted in the cafeteria." Bella said.

"I know." Amber said. "What happened after that?"

"Jasper was the first one to see faint. He rushed over to you and carried you to the nurses office." Bella explained. "We called an ambulance and brought you here."

"How long have I been out?" Amber asked.

"About two hours." She heard someone else say. She looked over and saw Carlisle standing on the other side of the bed.

"Ok." Amber said.

"Could you tell me why you fainted?" Carlisle asked.

"I was dizzy and lightheaded." Amber replied.

"Probably because you didn't eat today." Bella said.

"You didn't eat anything today?" Charlie asked. Amber sighed and shook her head, no.

"Why?" Charlie asked.

"I wasn't feeling well and I just wasn't hungry today." Amber said.

"Were you not feeling well before you felt dizzy and lightheaded?" Carlisle asked.

"Yes." Amber said. "I woke up this morning not feeling well."

"Why didn't you tell us?" Bella said.

"Because you would've told me to stay home and I didn't want to." Amber said.

"What would be bad about staying home?" Charlie asked.

"Nothing. But." Amber said. "Dad, I get that you haven't seen me and Bella for a few years and we just moved in with you, but every time I wasn't feeling well, Mom would make me stay home from school and I got tired of it. I'm tired of being the girl who was always out of school because she was sick." Amber looked at Carlisle. She had no idea if they had told him about her illness, but figured she tell him in case he didn't. "I have Leukemia." She said to him.

"I know." Carlisle said. "I called the hospital you were treated at in Phoenix and had them send your file here. I had a chance to look over before I was supposed to see you this afternoon."

"Ok." Amber said. With what happened, she had forgotten that she had a doctors appointment.

"This is why Mom always kept you home all the time. To keep this from happening." Bella said. "You know she only did it because she worried about you."

"I know." Amber said. "I'm sorry."

"It's ok." Charlie said.

"How are you feeling now?" Carlisle asked as he examined her.

"Ok." Amber answered. "I still feel a little lightheaded, though."

"Let's see if getting some food into your system will help with that." Carlisle said.

"How long do I have to stay here?" Amber asked.

"I would like to keep you here for a few days to monitor you." Carlisle said. "You should be able to leave in a day or two."

"I'll go to the cafeteria and get you something to eat." Charlie said. Amber nodded.

"Let me know if you're still feeling lightheaded or dizzy after eating." Carlisle said. "I'll come by to check on you later."

"Ok." Amber said. Charlie and Carlisle walked out of the room, leaving Amber and Bella together.

"Did you talk to Edward?" Amber asked.

"Yeah." Bella replied.

"What did he say?" Amber asked. 

"He didn't deny it and said it was true." Bella said. "Did you talk to Jasper?"

"I never got a chance to, but I guess I don't have to anymore." Amber said. "Is he here?"

"Yeah. He's sitting out in the waiting room." Bella said. "He wanted to make sure you were ok."

"Can you send him in here?" Amber asked.

"Yeah." Bella said, getting up from the chair.

"Also, can you go home and get a couple of books for me to read?" Amber asked.

"Sure." Bella said. She stepped out of the room and a couple seconds later, Jasper walked in.

"Hey." Amber said.

"Hey." said Jasper. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah." Amber said. "Thank you."

"For what?" Jasper asked.

"I heard you were the one to rush over to me and bring me to the nurses office after I fainted." Amber said.

"Oh, you're welcome." Jasper said, rubbing the back of neck nervously. They were quiet for a moment. "I know what you want to talk to me about." He said.

"You do?" Amber asked.

"Yes. And it's true." Jasper said.

"It is?" Amber asked.

"Yes." Jasper said. "But lets not discuss it now. We can talk about it after you get out of the hospital.

"Ok." Amber said. Jasper said goodbye and walked out of the room. Amber was still tired, so she closed her eyes and went to sleep.
