Chapter 43

AN: Hey guys. So, after two years of this book being on hiatus I have finally uploaded a new chapter!!!

A week had passed since Carlisle had turned Amber. Amber was still unconscious and everyone was waiting for her to wake up. Jasper was getting very anxious, pacing back and forth.

"Jasper, just sit down." Alice tried to encourage.

"Why isn't she awake yet?" Jasper asked, looking at Carlisle.

"The transformation takes time." Carlisle explained. "As you already know."

"It takes three days." Jasper said. "Not seven."

"Amber is not like the rest of us." Carlisle continued. "She was extremely sick when I turned her. It's going to take time for her to heal."

"Edward was extremely sick when you turned him and his transformation only took three days, right?" Jasper asked.

"It's not the same thing, Jasper." Edward said. "I was only sick for a little bit. Amber has been sick for many years, which has weakened her immune system."

All of a sudden, they heard something upstairs. Jasper sped upstairs, with Carlisle close behind him. Carlisle stayed outside of the room, while Jasper walked in.

Jasper walked over to Amber, who was laying on a bed. "Amber?" He asked, softly. No response.

"Amber, wake up." Jasper tried again, lightly stroking her hair.

Amber's eyes opened.

Jasper backed up a couple steps. "Hey." He said, softly.

Amber looked up towards the noise. She frantically started looking around. She saw a full length mirror and walked towards it, ignoring Jasper. She was shocked to see she had her long brunette locks back. She was still pale, but not sickly pale. She also noticed her red eyes. Amber started frantically looking around, again. She heard noises all around her and could see everything. It kind of freaked her out. She started to cover her ears, but Jasper gently stopped her.

"Hey. Hey." He said. "Look at me."

Amber looked at him.

"There's a lot happening to you right now and I know it's hard to concentrate, but I need you to focus on me for the moment." Jasper said. He kept hold of her hands. "I know this is overwhelming and there's so much going through your head right now." He continued. "It's going to be ok. I'm going to help you."

Amber didn't say anything.

"How do you feel?" Jasper asked.

"Different." Amber finally spoke. She looked at her eyes again in the mirror.

"They won't be like that forever." Jasper explained. "Once you start feeding on animals, your eyes will turn the color that we have after a few months." Amber nodded.

"Do you want to go downstairs and see everyone?" Jasper asked.

Amber nodded, again and followed him downstairs. Everyone was waiting.

"Hi Amber." Alice said, going over to hug her.

Amber hugged her back, but was hugging her a little too hard.

"Amber." Alice said.

"Hey." Jasper said, gently pulling her away.

"Oh." Amber said, realizing what she had just done. "I'm so sorry, Alice."

"It's okay, Amber." Alice said.

It was a little hard for Amber to focus on anything or anyone.

"Jasper, I think being around everyone is a little overwhelming for her." Carlisle said. "Maybe you should take her hunting or at least get her out of the house. Just the two of you."

Jasper nodded. He gently took her hand in his. "Come on." He said as he lead her outside.

Amber just followed him.

Jasper noticed she kept looking down at them holding hands. "What is it?" He asked.

"You're not cold to me anymore." She said.

"We're the same temperature now." Jasper said. Amber nodded.

"I know everything is overwhelming right now, but I promise I'll help you through it. It's just going to take some getting used to." Jasper added. "It's going to be okay."

"I'm sorry." Amber said.

"It's alright." Jasper said. "We all went through it. We understand."

He kissed her hand and Amber smiled.
