Chapter 31

Saturday evening, Amber was in Alice's room. Alice and Rosalie were helping her get ready for her date with Jasper. Amber was really excited for the date. She had been looking forward to this all week. "Do you guys know where's he taking me?" She asked Alice.

"We're not going to tell you." Alice said.

"Aww. Come on." Amber said. "Jasper won't tell me and neither will anyone else."

"Sorry Amber." Rosalie said. "He wants it to be a surprise." Amber groaned and Alice and Rosalie laughed.

"There. We're done." Alice said. "Take a look." Amber looked in the mirror. She actually looked really good and didn't look like she was ill. She was also surprised that they didn't go overboard. Mainly Alice. She was wearing a dress with grey and white on top and pink on the bottom. Alice had braided her wig into a waterfall braid.

"Thank you, guys." Amber said, hugging her.

"Of course, Amber." Rosalie said.

"Now, come on. Jasper's waiting." Alice said. They walked down the stairs and Jasper was waiting at the bottom. He looked at Amber in awe. She looked stunning.

"Wow." He said.

"Too much?" Amber asked.

"Not at all." Jasper said. "You're perfect." Amber nodded. "Ready to go?" Jasper asked.

"Yeah." Amber said.

"Have fun." Rosalie and Alice said. Amber walked out of the house and got in Carlisle's car.

"Carlisle said we could use his car." Jasper said.

"Ok." Amber said as she buckled up.

"Are you sure you want to go tonight?" Jasper asked. "You look pretty tired."

"I'm fine, Jasper." Amber said.

"Ok." Jasper said, not really convinced. He started the car and pulled out of the driveway. Truth was, Amber was a little tired. She had felt tired all day. She took a nap that afternoon, but she was still tired. But Amber was determined to enjoy the night with Jasper. "You look beautiful, Darling." Jasper complimented.

"Thank you." Amber said. "So, are you going to tell me where we're going?"

"I'm taking you to a nice restaurant in Port Angeles and then a movie." Jasper answered.

"We don't have to go out to eat." Amber said. "That's not fair to you."

"Let me take you out to dinner." Jasper said.

"Ok." Amber said.

Thirty minutes later, they arrived at the restaurant. They parked in a spot and got out of the car. Jasper held the door to the restaurant open for her. "Thank you." Amber said. They went up to a hostess.

"Reservation for Jasper Hale." Jasper said.

"Follow me." They followed the hostess to a table. Amber looked over the menu. After a little bit, a waiter came over to them.

"Are you two ready to order?" The waiter asked.

"I'll have chicken Alfredo and a coke." Amber said.

"What about you, sir?" The waiter asked.

"Nothing for me." Jasper said. The waiter nodded.

"Your order will be right out." He said. Amber nodded.

A few minutes later, Amber had her meal and drink. "How are you?" Jasper asked.

"Good." Amber said. "I hung out with Seth the other day."

"You guys seem close." Jasper said.

"We became close after you guys left." Amber said. "He's my best friend." Jasper was quiet for a moment.

"Well, I'm glad you have him as a friend." Jasper said. "Amber, I'm so sorry I left you."

"It's ok, Jasper." Amber said. "I get that you did it because you thought you guys were dangerous for me and Bella."

"How have you been feeling?" Jasper asked.

"The same." Amber said. "Not better. Not worse." Jasper nodded. They continued to talk.

"Are you finished eating?" Jasper said, after a little bit.

Amber looked down at her half eaten meal and nodded. She looked at Jasper, guiltily. "I'm sorry." She said. "I'm just not really hungry."

"It's ok." Jasper said.

"No it's not." Amber said. "I barely ate my meal. I'll finish it."

"Amber, I'm not going to force you to eat." Jasper said.

"At least let me pay for it." Amber said.

"No." Jasper said. "It's fine, Amber. I understand." Amber nodded.

A few minutes later, Jasper paid the bill and they were walking outside. "Cold?" Jasper asked as he noticed her shiver.

"A little." Amber said. Jasper put his jacket over her shoulders. "Thanks." Amber said. She stopped for a moment.

"You ok?" Jasper asked.

"Yeah. I just need to find a bathroom." Amber said.

"The movie theater is up ahead." Jasper said. When they got there, they walked inside and Amber rushed to the girls room. Jasper waited outside the bathroom. Amber walked out a few minutes later. "Are you alright?" Jasper asked, concerned.

"Yeah." Amber said.

"Did you get sick?" Jasper asked. Amber nodded. "Why don't I take you home." Jasper said.

"No." Amber said.

"Amber, you're exhausted." Jasper said. "Let me take you home."

"I'm fine." Amber said. "Let's just get the movies tickets."

"Amber, hold on." Jasper said. He brought her over to a bench and they sat down. Amber started to cry.

"I'm so tired of being sick." She said. "I just wanted to feel like everyone else for one night."

"Shh. I know." Jasper said, comforting her. He rubbed her back, trying to calm her. "Let me take you back home. Please." He said. "We can watch a movie at the house." Amber nodded. "Come on." Jasper said. They stood up and headed to the car.

A little bit later, Jasper pulled up to the Cullens house. He looked over at Amber and saw she was asleep. He picked her up and brought her into the house. Everyone was in the living room. "We didn't think you guys would be so early." Emmett said.

"Amber was tired." Jasper said.

"Is she ok?" Carlisle asked.

"She wore herself out and fell asleep." Jasper asked. "Can I lay her in one of the rooms with a bed?"

"You can use our bedroom." Esme said. Jasper went up Carlisle and Esme's bedroom and laid her on the bed. Alice followed to help. Jasper headed back downstairs.

"I called Charlie to let him know that Amber was staying over for a sleepover." Rosalie said. Jasper nodded. "How did she wear herself out?" Rosalie asked.

"She was just tired." Jasper said. "We went to dinner. She didn't eat very much of her meal. When we got to the movie theater, she got sick in the bathroom. I got her to let me bring her home and she fell asleep in car." Everyone nodded. "I could see how tired she looked even before we left." Jasper said. "But she was looking forward to this and I didn't want to upset her by saying that we shouldn't go."

"Me and Rose noticed she looked tired too." Alice said.

"We didn't want to say anything because we didn't want to upset her either." Rosalie said. Jasper nodded. He went back upstairs to Carlisle and Esme's room. He got into the bed with Amber and held her in his arms. He saw her curl in closer to him. He kissed her on the top of the head.
