Chapter 25

Amber woke up the next morning. She thought that she had dreamed that she saw Jasper here, but she felt cold arms around her. "I still must be dreaming." She said.

"You are not." Jasper said. Amber looked up at him.

"Jasper?" She asked.

"Yes?" Jasper said.

"You're actually here?" Amber said. "I'm not dreaming?"

"I can assure that you are not dreaming and I am very much real." Jasper said as he kissed Amber on the lips. Amber's heart started beating faster, like it does whenever Jasper kissed her.

"So, you were here last night when I got sick?" Amber asked.

"Yes." Jasper said.

"Why do you not have a shirt on?" Amber asked. "Not that I'm complaining." Jasper chuckled.

"You had a fever last night." He explained. "Bella asked if I could help bring it down." Amber nodded. "Do you want to come over today?" Jasper asked. "I know Rosalie and Esme wants to see you."

"Sure." Amber said. They both got out of the bed.

"I'll let you wake up and get ready." Jasper said as he put his shirt on. "I'll come back in a little bit to pick you up."

"Ok." Amber said. She watched Jasper climb to the window, down the tree, and took off.

Amber got dressed, changing into a pink sweatshirt, jeans, and sneakers. Once she finished getting ready, she headed downstairs. Bella was already in the kitchen. "Morning." Amber said.

"Hey." Bella said. "How are you feeling today?"

"Better." Amber replied. Bella took her temperature.

"Well, your fever's gone." She said. "I guess what Jasper did helped." Amber nodded. "Are you hungry? I can make you some breakfast."

"I'm not really hungry right now." Amber said.

"You need to eat something." Bella said.

"I'll eat something later." Amber said. "I'm just not hungry right now."

"You better." Bella said.

"I'll make us some coffee." Amber said. Bella nodded. "Jasper said he was going to pick me up in a little bit and bring me to his house." Amber said.

"Ok." Bella said. "I went over there during the night."

"As in the middle of the night?" Amber asked.

"Yeah." Bella said.

"Why?" Amber asked.

"To talk to them about us becoming vampires." Bella said.

"What did they say?" Amber asked.

"Carlisle said he would turn us after graduation." Bella said.

"Ok." Amber said. She finished with the the coffee, poured it two mugs, and joined Bella at the table, who was eating a bowl of cereal. "So, I heard you went to Italy." Amber said. Bella looked at her. "Jacob told me." Amber said.

"Ahh ok." Bella said.

"Edward's ok?" Amber asked.

"Yeah." Bella said. They sat in silence, until Amber got a text from Jasper.

"Jasper's here." Amber said as she put her mug in the sink. "See you later."

"Make sure you eat something today." Bella said.

"I will." Amber said. She grabbed her jacket and headed outside. She saw Jasper waiting in Carlisle's car.

"Hey love." He greeted her with a kiss, when she got in the car.

"Hi." Amber said, smiling. She buckled up and Jasper pulled out of the driveway. He drove back to his house.

When they got there, Jasper parked the car and they got out. Jasper put his arm around Amber as they walked into the house. "Amber's here." He called. Esme, Carlisle, and Rosalie came into the hall.

"Hello Amber." Carlisle greeted her.

"Hi." Amber said to them.

"Oh my god, Amber." Rosalie said in a somewhat shocked tone.

"What?" Amber asked.

"You look terrible." Rosalie said.

"Rosalie!" Jasper said.

"Oh. I'm really sorry, Amber." Rosalie said. "That was insensitive of me to say."

"It's ok." Amber said. "You're not wrong. I do look terrible."

"No you don't. You look beautiful." Jasper said, kissing her on the cheek. Amber smiled at Jasper. She looked at the rest of them.

"But yeah, the past couple of months have been rough for me." Amber said.

"I'm so sorry, Amber." Esme said as she hugged Amber.

"Thanks Esme." Amber said. "I'm doing ok, though."

"Hey Amber." Alice said, coming into the hall. She hugged Amber.

"Hi Alice." Amber said.

"I'm sorry about the other day." Alice said. "I'm sure you were upset when you came home that day and saw I wasn't there when I said I would."

"It's ok." Amber said. "Obviously, it was for a good reason."

"Come on. Let's go upstairs." Jasper said, taking Amber's hand and leading her upstairs. Amber followed Jasper up to his room. She sat with him on the couch.

"I've missed you so much." Amber said.

"Me too." Jasper said. They were both quiet for a moment.

"Amber, I'm so sorry I left you." Jasper said. "I never meant to hurt you. We thought we keeping you guys out of danger by now being around you guys."

"It's ok." Amber said.

"Let me finish." Jasper said. "I'm sorry you've had to go everything that you've gone through. It couldn't of been easy."

"It wasn't." Amber said. "I'm dying, Jasper."

"I know." Jasper said. Amber looked at Jasper.

"You know?" She asked. "Did Bella tell you?"

"No." Jasper said.

"Then, how do you know?" Amber asked.

"I couldn't leave you completely knowing that you were sick." Jasper said. "I asked Carlisle if he could ask Dr. Gerandy to tell him how you were doing and Carlisle told me." Amber listened to Jasper. "After I found out that you were getting worse, I wanted to come back and be there for you so badly." Jasper said. "Carlisle kept me from doing so."

"Do they all know?" Amber asked.

"No. It was just me and Carlisle." Jasper said. Amber nodded. "Amber, I promise I will never leave you again." Jasper said. "I am going to be here for you through everything."

"Thank you." Amber said. "So, I heard you took a philosophy class while you were gone."

"I did." Jasper said.

"How was it?" Amber asked.

"It was good." Jasper said. "I enjoyed it."

"What else did you do while you were gone?" Amber asked.

"Nothing much." Jasper said. "I did help Alice do some research on her human life." Amber nodded. "What about you?" Jasper asked. "What did you do?"

"Well besides from being sick, I spent a lot of time with these two guys Jacob and Seth." Amber answered.

"That's great." Jasper said.

"Seth's like my best friend." Amber said.

"Cool."  Jasper said.

"Yeah." Amber said.

"Are you hungry?" Jasper asked. Amber sighed. "What's wrong?" Jasper asked.

"Nothing. I'm just not really hungry today." Amber said.

"You sure?" Jasper asked. "I can have Esme make you a sandwich or something."

"I might as well." Amber said. "Bella will bug me about later."

"Come on." Jasper said. Amber followed Jasper downstairs. "Esme, can you make a sandwich for Amber?" Jasper asked as they walked into the kitchen.

"Sure." Esme said.

"You really don't have to do that." Amber said.

"Nonsense." Esme said. "I'd be happy to make you a sandwich." Amber nodded.

"Let's go watch tv while we wait." Jasper said. Amber went into the living room with Jasper. She sat on the couch and Jasper turned the tv on.

A couple minutes later, Esme came into the room with a sandwich and a glass of lemonade. "Here you go, Amber." She said as she set them in front of her.

"Thank you, Esme." Amber said.

"You're welcome, dear." Esme said. Amber started to eat as she watched tv with Jasper. When she finished eating, she cuddled up next to Jasper.

"How are you feeling?" Jasper asked.

"A little tired." Amber said.

"Why don't you take a nap." Jasper said.

"But I want to spend time with you." Amber said. "I haven't seen you in months."

"Amber, if you're tired, you should take a nap." Jasper said. "We can continue to hang when you wake up. I promise I'm not going anywhere."

"Ok." Amber said. She leaned against him.

"Would you like to sleep in a bed?" Jasper asked. "I'm sure it would be more comfortable."

"I thought you guys didn't sleep." Amber said.

"We don't, but we do have beds in the house." Jasper said. "You can sleep in Carlisle and Esme's room."

"I couldn't do that." Amber said.

"It's fine, Amber." Carlisle said from another room.

"Thank you." Amber said.

"I can give you some comfortable clothes to sleep in." Rosalie said.

"Ok." Amber said.

"Here. Follow me." Rosalie said. Amber followed Rosalie up to her room. She grabbed some comfortable clothes out of her drawer. "Here you go." Rosalie said, handing them to her.

"Thanks." Amber said. She went into the bathroom to change and then went into Carlisle and Esme's room. Jasper was in the room, waiting. Amber went over to the bed and got in, cuddling up to Jasper. Jasper pulled the covers over her.

"Good night." Jasper said as kissed her on top of the head. Amber smiled at Jasper before closing her eyes and falling asleep.

After she woke up from her nap, Amber spent the rest of the day hanging out with Jasper.
