Chapter 11

"So what, now he's coming after us?" Bella asked.

"James is a tracker. The hunt is his obsession." Edward explained as he sped out of the clearing. "I read his mind. Mine and Jasper's reactions at the field set him off. We just made this the most exciting game ever. He's never going to stop."

"What should we do?" Bella asked.

"We have to kill him. Rip him apart and burn the pieces." Edward said.

"Where are we going?" Amber asked.

"Away from Forks." Edward said.

"We have to go home." Bella said. "You have to take us home."

"You can't go home." Edward said. "He'll trace your scents there. That's the first place he'll look."

"But our dad's there. He's going to get killed because of us." Amber said.

"Just let me get you guys out of Forks." Edward said.

"He's our dad. We have to go back." Bella said. "We'll figure out a way, but we have to do something."

"Fine." Edward said.

A few minutes later, they arrived at the house. "Just go along with it." Bella said. "Just know that I don't mean anything of what I'm about to say." Edward nodded. "Edward, I said leave me alone." Bella said as she and Amber walked through the door.

"Bella, don't do this." Edward said.

"It's over. Get out." Bella said. Amber hurried up the stairs with Bella.

"Bella, what's going on?" Charlie asked as he followed.

"I have to get out here." Bella said. "I'm leaving, now. And Amber is coming with me." She closed their bedroom door behind them. Amber quickly started packing. She saw Edward starting to pack Bella's stuff.

"Bella." Charlie said. "Amber, what's going on?"

"What are we going to say him?" Amber asked.

"We can't lie to him." Bella said.

"You have to." Edward said. "Just tell him the truth." Bella and Amber walked out the room.

"Did he hurt you?" Charlie asked.

"No." Bella said, walking into the bathroom and packing her and Amber's sundries.

"Break up with you?" Charlie asked.

"No, I broke up with him." Bella said.

"I thought you liked him?" Charlie asked.

"I do. That's why I have to leave." Bella said. "We have to go home."

"Home?" Charlie asked. "But your mom's not even in Phoenix."

"We'll call her on the way." Bella said.

"You guys don't have to leave for home right now." Charlie said. "Sleep on it and if you still want to go in the morning, I'll drive you guys to the airport myself."

"No, I want to drive. It'll give me time to think." Bella said. "If I get tired, we'll stop at a motel."

"Look girls, I know I'm not that much fun to be around." Charlie said. "But I can change that. We can do more stuff together."

"Like what, watching baseball games, going to the diner every night?" Amber asked. "Dad, that's you. That's not us."

"Come on, girls." Charlie said. "I just got you guys back."

"Yeah and if we don't get out now, we're just going to be stuck here like mom was." Bella said as they walked out of the house. They got in the truck and drove off.

"Your father's going to forgive you." Edward said as he hung onto the side of the truck. "Why don't you let me drive." Bella scooted over and Edward got in.

"He won't." Bella said. "I said the last thing my mom said to him before she left."

"It's the only way he would let you go." Edward said. There was a thump behind them that made both Amber and Bella jump. "Relax. It's just Emmett." Edward said. "Alice is in the car behind us." They turned around and saw Emmett in the trunk.

They got to the Cullen house and walked into the house. They saw Laurent there. Edward tensed up. "Wait." Carlisle said. "He came to warn us about James."

"This isn't my fight and I've grown tired of his games." Laurent said. "He has unparalleled senses. Completely lethal. And the woman, Victoria. Don't underestimate her." He walked out of the house. They all walked into the garage.

"I've fought his kind before." Jasper said. "Not easy to kill, but possible."

"I don't like relishing the thought of killing another creature." Carlisle said. "Even a sadistic one like James."

"Esme. Rosalie. I need you guys to put Bella and Amber's clothes on." Edward said, taking some clothes out of the bags and handing them to them. "Run through the woods. Lure James away."

"Why should I help Bella?" Rosalie asked. "What's she to me?" "Rosalie, Bella is with Edward and Amber is her sister." Carlisle said. "They're part of the family now. And we will protect our family." Bella and Amber were standing by one of the cars.

"Alice and Jasper are going to drive you guys south." Edward said to them.

"We have to get going." Alice said. Bella, Amber, Alice, Jasper got in the car. Jasper started the car and drove out of the garage.
