Chapter 14

A few months went by. It was the beginning of a new school year. Over the past couple of months, both Amber and Bella have hung out a lot with the Cullens. They would hang out with Alice and Rosalie. And Bella would spend time with Edward. Amber would spend a lot of time with Jasper. They have gotten closer since Amber admitted how she felt about him. They would hang out and spend time together all the time. Jasper would even go with Amber when she doctors appointments and chemo treatments. Amber's hair had started falling out during the summer because of the chemo. She still had a little bit of hair, but not very much of it. Charlie had allowed her to get a wig so no one would know she has cancer. It was September and Amber and Bella's birthday. Amber woke up to hearing a knock on her door. She opened her eyes just as her Dad walked in.

"Happy birthday, girls." He said.

"Thanks Dad." Amber said as she sat up in bed. She saw that her father had a camera and a wrapped gift.

"I thought we said no presents." Bella said.

"Well, the one on that's not wrapped is from me." Charlie said. "The one that is is from your mother. It's a scrapbook to fill with moments from senior year."

"Thanks Dad." Bella said.

"Senior year." Charlie said. "How did you two get to be so old?"

"Eighteen's not that old." Bella said.

"I don't know." Charlie said. "Is that a grey hair?"

"No way." Bella said.

"There better not be." Amber said. "It's not like I have a ton of hair." They both looked in the mirror, but didn't see any grey hairs

"Happy birthday." Charlie said, chuckling.

"Very funny." Bella said. Charlie walked out of the room.

Amber got out of bed and started to get ready. She changed into a pink short sleeved blouse, black leggings, and brown boots. She put some makeup on to makeover look less sickly. The last thing she did was put her wig on. After she finished getting ready, Amber grabbed her bag and headed downstairs.

"So, I figured I would give you girls a break from cooking and pick up pizza on my way home from work." Charlie said.

"Ok." Amber said. A little bit later, Amber and Bella pulled into the school parking lot. As they got out, they saw their friends in the parking lot.

"Hey Bella. Today's the big day." Jessica said. "R and J essay due today."

"Oh right." Bella said.

"Can we take a picture of you guys?" Amber asked. "Our Mom want us to put a scrapbook together."

"Sure." Mike said. Bella took the camera out of her bag and took a picture of them. "Oh good." Mike said. "Cullens here." Bella and Amber turned around and saw Edward walking over towards them. The rest of them walked away.

"Happy birthday." Edward said as he approached them. He kissed Bella. "Happy birthday, Amber."

"Thanks Edward." Amber said.

"You're welcome." Edward said. He stood there for a moment, quiet.

"What is it?" Bella asked him.

"Someone's here to see you guys." Edward said.

"Bella. Amber." They heard Jacob say.

"Jacob." Bella and Amber greeted him.

"I'll see you guys in class." Edward said, walking away. Amber saw how buff Jacob was.

"Hello biceps." She said. "You know steroids are really bad for you."

"Maybe I'm just filling out." Jacob said. "It wouldn't be such a shock if we hung out more."

"You should switch schools. Come hang out with the pale faces." Bella said.

"I'm good." Jacob said. "Hey, happy birthday." Both Bella and Amber looked confused. "Your dad told told my dad."

"Oh right." Bella said.

"I got you guys something." Jacob said, taking two things out of his pocket. "They're dream catchers. They keep away the bad dreams."

"Thank you." Bella and Amber said.

"No problem." Jacob said.

"We have to get to class." Amber said.

"Oh yeah." Jacob said.

Amber and Bella headed into the school. As Amber walked through the halls, she was pulled into a corner. She looked up to see Jasper.

"Hi." She greeted him.

"Happy birthday, darling." Jasper greeted back. He looked around before taking Amber's wig off and kissed her on the top of the head. "I wish you wouldn't wear the wig." He said.

"You know why I wear it." Amber said as she took it from him and put it back on.

"I know, but you shouldn't care what other people think." Jasper said.

"I don't want them to know I'm sick." Amber said. Jasper took her hand in his and walked over to where Bella, Edward, and Alice were.

"Happy birthday, Amber." Alice said, hugging her.

"Thanks Alice." Amber said. Alice handed Amber a gift.

"Here." She said. "You're going to wear it tonight. At our house."

"Ok." Amber said. The bell rung and they all headed to their classes.

Later that afternoon, Amber was working on homework in her room. Jasper was there with her. Bella and Edward were downstairs with Charlie. "How are you today?" Jasper asked.

"Tired, but other than that, I'm ok." Amber said.

"Then, take a nap." Jasper said.

"I guess I should if I'm going to a party later." Amber said.

Jasper moved the schoolwork off the bed and pulled the covers back. Amber was already in some loungewear. Because she was always tired often, Amber usually would take a nap whenever she got home from school. Jasper got back into the bed and pulled the covers over them. Amber cuddled up to Jasper. He put his arm around her and she fell asleep.

An hour or two later, Amber was woken up by Jasper. "Come on." He said, quietly. "We have to get going."

Amber sat up as she yawned and stretched. "I need to get ready." She said.

"I'll wait outside your room." Jasper, getting off the bed and walking out of the room. Amber changed into the dress Alice got her and put her wig and shoes on. She opened her door. "Don't wear the wig." Jasper said. "You don't need it."

Amber sighed and went back into the room. She took the wig off and put a bandanna on. "Better?" She asked, walking out of the room.

"Much." Jasper said. They headed downstairs, where Edward and Bella were waiting.

"Ready to go?" Edward asked.

"Yeah." Amber said.

"Bye Dad." Bella said. "We'll be back later."

"Bye. Have fun." Charlie said. The four of them headed outside. Amber and Jasper got in the truck while Bella and Edward got in the Volvo.

When they all got to the Cullen's house, they all waited on the second floor for Alice to finish decorating. "Come on." Alice said, coming into the room. "It's time." She pulled Bella and Amber towards the door. As they walked down the stairs, they saw everyone waiting.

"Sorry about all this." Carlisle said as they got to the bottom of the steps. "We tried to reign Alice in."

"Happy birthday." Esme said, hugging both Amber and Bella.

Jasper came over to Amber with a small wrapped gift. "Happy birthday, love." He said as he handed it to her. Amber opened it and saw a necklace with her name on it.

"Thank you, Jasper." She said. "I love it."

"I'm glad you do." Jasper said. Amber and Bella started opening gifts. They got bracelets from Rosalie and a new stereo for the truck from Emmett.

"Open Carlisle and Esme's next." Alice said, handing Bella an envelope.

"Just a little something to brighten your guys day." Carlisle said.

"You two have been looking a bit pale." Esme said.

"Well, I have a reason for why I look so pale." Amber joked. "I don't know what Bella's excuse is."

"Shut up." Bella said. Everyone laughed.

As Bella started to open it, she cut her finger and it started to bleed. Everyone stood still for a moment. Just then, Jasper lunged at Bella and Amber. Edward pushed them away. They both hit the wall and fell to the floor. When Amber looked up, she saw Jasper being held back by Carlisle and Emmett. Alice went over to Jasper.

"Jaz, hey. It's ok." She said to him. "It's just a little...blood." Amber saw everyone looking her and Bella. She looked down at her arm and saw blood and glass.

"Get Jasper out of here." Carlisle said before he rushed over to Amber and Bella. Emmett took Jasper out of the house. Rosalie followed. Alice and Esme looked at them apologetically.

"We're sorry." Esme said, before they walked out of the house.

"I'll have to stitch these up in my office." Carlisle said. "Edward, check on Jasper. I'm sure he's very upset with himself and doubt he'll listen to anyone but you." Edward hesitated before walking out of the room.

Amber and Bella followed Carlisle to his office. They sat on the table as he got supplies out. Carlisle grabbed two rags and started cleaning the blood off of their arms. "We never wanted to have a party." Amber said.

"It's neither of your guys faults." Carlisle said. "Jasper hasn't been away from human blood as long as the rest of us have."

"How do you do it?" Bella asked.

"Years and years of practice." Carlisle replied as he started pulling the glass pieces from their arms.

"Did you ever think of doing it the easy way?" Bella asked.

"No. I knew I wanted to help people." Carlisle said. "It brings me happiness. Even if I'm damned, regardless."

"Damned?" Amber asked. "Like hell?" Carlisle looked at them.

"Carlisle, you couldn't be damned." Bella said. "It's impossible."

"Thank you, girls." Carlisle said. "You two have always been gracious of us." He started stitching up their arms.

"Do they all think like this?" Amber asked. "Edward and Jasper don't believe that there's an afterlife for our kind. They believes this is our afterlife." Carlisle explained. "And exchange for this limited immortality, we've lost our souls."

"So, that's it?" Bella asked. "That's why they won't change us?"

"Imagine the situation in reverse." Carlisle said. "If you believed as Edward and Jasper did, could you take away their soul?" Carlisle finished stitching them up and Bella and Amber got off the table. They all headed back into the room. Everyone was there, again.

"I'm so sorry, Amber and Bella." Jasper said, apologizing.

"It's ok, Jasper." Bella said. "It was just an accident."

"I'll take you girls home." Edward said. Bella and Amber started to head out of the house with Edward, but Amber noticed that Jasper wasn't following.

"Jasper?" She asked. "Are you coming?"

Jasper shook his head. "I'll see you tomorrow." He said, not making eye contact with her. Amber went over to him.

"Hey. Look at me." She said. Jasper looked up at Amber. "I'm ok." Amber said. "Will you please come back to our house tonight?" Jasper nodded and stood up. Amber smiles and took his hand. But he pulled it away. Amber frowned, but walked out of the house. They got in the truck and drove to the house. When they got there, they both got out.

"I'll see you upstairs." Amber said. Jasper just nodded and went to the side of the house where her and Bella's window was. Amber walked into the house with some of the gifts.

"How was the party?" She heard her father ask from the living room.

"It was good." Amber replied as she headed upstairs. When she walked into her room, she saw Jasper sitting on her bed. She noticed how tense he was. It reminded her of when she first met him. "I'll be right back." She said. "I'm going to change." Amber grabbed her pajamas and went into the bathroom. After she finished, she walked back into the room. "Can I ask you for something?" Amber asked.

"What?" Jasper asked.

"I've been very patient with because how hard it would be for and I understand that." Amber said. "But it's my birthday and I wanted to ask you for something."

"What are you asking for, Amber?" Jasper asked.

"I want you to kiss me." Amber said. Jasper's eyes widened.

"No." Jasper said.

"Please." Amber said.

"Not after what happened tonight." Jasper said. "It's too dangerous. I could lose control." Amber looked down, disappointed. She would it was a long shot asking for a kiss. Jasper sighed. "Ok." He said. Amber looked up at him in surprise.

"Really?" She asked.

"Yes." Jasper said. "But, I'll need you to be absolutely still and not move at all."

Amber nodded. She sat on the bed and faced Jasper. As he leaned in, Amber made sure not to move. Their lips touched and Amber stayed still. After a few seconds, Jasper pulled away. "Thank you." Amber said.

"You're welcome." Jasper said.

Just then, Bella and Edward came into the room. Bella walked through and Edward came in through the window. Amber cuddled up next to Jasper. He pulled the covers over her and wrapped his arm around her. "Good night, love." Jasper said, kissing Amber on the top of the head. "Happy birthday."

"Good night." Amber said before falling asleep.
