Chapter 24

Charlie woke Amber up early the next morning.  "Huh." Amber said as she yawned.

"I know it's early, but I wanted to see if you wanted to go to the funeral." Charlie said.

"Yeah. I wanted to go." Amber said.

"Ok. Hurry up and get ready." Charlie said before walking out of the room.

Amber got out bed and went into the bathroom. She turned the water on and started to undress. When the water was warm enough, she stepped into shower. The hot water woke her up. When she finished finished, she stepped out of the shower and dried off. She wrapped the towel around her and went back out into her room. She looked through her closet for a dress. She picked out a three quarter inch sleeved black dress. She changed into it and put on a pair of black flats. She put her wig on and applied some makeup. Once she was finished, she grabbed her clutch, a sweater, and headed downstairs. Charlie was in the kitchen, eating breakfast. Amber made herself some oatmeal and joined her father at the table. They sat in silence as they ate. Once they finished, they put their dishes in the sink. Charlie grabbed the keys and they walked out to the cruiser, getting in.

When they got to the church, Amber went over to Seth and hugged him tightly. During the funeral, Amber stood between Seth and her Dad. Seth on her left and Charlie on her right. Afterwards, everyone went to the Clearwater's. Amber hung out with Seth and Jacob the entire time. "Bella and Alice left yesterday." Amber said.

"Why?" Seth asked. "Where did they go?"

"I have no idea." Amber said. "When me and my Dad got home last night, we found a note from Bella. It said that Edward was in trouble and her and Alice went to go help him." Seth nodded. Amber saw the expression on Jacob's face. The look on his face said that he knew something about it. "Do you know something about this?" Jacob was quiet before speaking.

"Apparently, Rosalie told Edward what Alice saw of Bella jumping off the cliff. And then, Alice had a vision of Edward going to some Volturi and asking them to kill him." Jacob explained. "They went to Italy to stop him." Amber nodded.

Later that evening, Amber was starting to get tired. She went over to Charlie. "Hey. I'm getting tired, so I think I'm going to head home." She said.

"Do you want me to go home with you?" Charlie asked.

"No. Stay here." Amber said. "I'll be ok."

"I can take her home, Charlie." Jacob said.

"Thank you, Jacob." Charlie said. He looked at Amber. "I'm won't stay much longer and I'll be home."

"Ok." Amber said. She went to get her sweater.

"I'm going with you and Jacob." Seth said.

"No Seth." Amber said. "You should stay with your Mom and sister."

"I already told my Mom and she said it was alright." Seth said.

"Ok." Amber said. She, Jacob, and Seth walked outside and got into Jacob's car.

"You aren't going to sick, are you?" Jacob asked as they all got in.

"At least I didn't throw up the last time I was in your car, when I felt sick."

"I know." Jacob said. "I was only joking."

"Very funny." Amber said. Jacob chuckled.

A little bit later, they pulled up in front of Amber's house. They all walked into the house. "I'm going to change into comfortable clothes." Amber said. "You guys can pick out a movie."

"Ok." Seth said. Amber went upstairs. She took off her dress, wig, and makeup. She changed into loungewear. She walked downstairs and went into the living room. Jacob and Seth were sitting on the couch. Amber joined them, sitting in between them.

"Are you ok?" Seth asked.

"Yeah, I'm just tired." Amber said. "I usually take a nap in the afternoons, but with everything that's happened over the last couple days I haven't been able to do that." Jacob and Seth nodded.

"Are you cold?" Jacob asked.

"A little." Amber said.

"Well, the the good thing about being friends with werewolves, is that you have your own personal heaters." Seth said. Amber gave them a confused look.

"Once we start transitioning, our body temperature gets higher." Jacob explained. Amber nodded. She leaned against Seth and saw what Jacob was saying. Seth felt like he was on fire. Seth started the movie and they watched it. It wasn't long before Amber was asleep. Jacob brought her up to bed and pulled the covers over her. He went back downstairs and watched the movie with Seth until Charlie came home.

Two nights later, Bella came back from Italy, with Edward. Charlie had allowed Edward to bring Bella up to her room and put her bed, who her dad was furious with. Amber was already asleep when Edward brought Bella up to their room. It was sometime during the middle of the night, when Bella decided to go talk to the Cullens.

"Do you want Amber to go with us?" Edward asked. "This has to do with her too. She wants the same thing you do."

"I don't want to wake her." Bella said. "I can fill her in later." Edward nodded.

Bella on Edward's back and they went out the window. When they got to the Cullens, they walked inside and Edward called everyone's name. Carlisle was the first one to appear.

"Hello Bella." He greeted them. "I'm assuming by the hour that this isn't a social visit."

"Yes." Bella said.

"What can we do for you?" Carlisle asked.

"I'd like to talk to everyone together." Bella said.

"Of course." Carlisle said. "Let's go in the other room." They headed into the dining room, where the rest of the family was waiting. Bella sat at the head of the table. "Go ahead, Bella." Carlisle said.

"You all know what I want." Bella started. "I'm hoping Alice told you guys everything that happened in Volterra." Bella said.

"Yes, everything." Alice said.

"And the plane ride?" Bella asked.

"Yes." Alice said.

"So, Alice told the Volturi that I would become one of you." Bella said. "And I'm sure that they'll send someone to make sure I am one, which I'm sure is something we want to avoid. I think it's only fair that we vote." Everyone nodded, understanding. "She may not be here, but I know Amber wants the same thing." Bella said.

"Where is she?" Rosalie asked.

"She's at home,sleeping." Bella replied "I didn't want to wake her up. I'll tell her everything later." Bella said. Rosalie nodded. "So, vote yes or no on whether you want me and Amber to become vampires." Bella said. Everyone voted yes, except for Edward and Rosalie. "So Alice, where do you want to do this?" Alice's eyes widened.

"Bella, I don't think I'm ready for this." Alice said. "I need to prepare."

"But, you promised." Bella whined.

"I know, but I don't know how not to kill you." Alice said.

"Carlisle?" Bella asked, turning towards him.

"I can do it." Carlisle said. "I will turn both you and Amber and neither of you will be in danger of me losing control."

"Sounds good." Bella said.

"Hold on." Edward said. "We don't need to do it right now."

"There's no reason for it not to be now." Bella said.

"Well, for one, Amber is not here." Edward said. "And two, what about Charlie? I think you should wait until after graduation."

"I think that's reasonable and fair, Bella." Carlisle said.

"Fine." Bella said.

"I'll take you home." Edward said.

"Do you mind if I go with you guys?" Jasper asked. "I want to see Amber."

"Sure." Bella said. The three of them walked outside. When they got to the house, they went through the window. Edward and Jasper looked at Amber in awe over how sick she looked.

"How bad is it?" Edward asked.

"Back in December, they said she maybe a little over a year." Bella said. "Now, they don't think she'll make it a year." Jasper went over to Amber and held her.

It wasn't long after Bella got back, that Amber woke up, feeling like she was going to get sick. She ran to the bathroom, not even noticing Bella, Edward, and Jasper. "Amber." Bella, who was still awake, said as she followed Amber to the bathroom.

"Bella?" Amber asked. "You're back."

"Yeah." Bella said. She felt Amber's forehead. "You're a little warm." She said. Bella grabbed the thermometer and took Amber's temperature. "You do have a little bit of a fever." She said. "Jasper."

"Jasper?" Amber asked. Just then, Jasper appeared in the bathroom doorway.

"Yes Bella?" He asked.

"Can you bring Amber back her bed?" Bella asked. "And can you see if you bring her temperature down, please." Jasper nodded before going over Amber and picking her up.

"Jasper?" Amber said, again.

"Hey darling." Jasper said as he carried her back into the room. He got in her bed with her. He wrapped the covers over her. He then, took his shirt off and held her against him.

"What are you doing here?" Amber asked.

"I'll explain in the morning." Jasper said, kissing her on the top of the head. "Go back to sleep." Amber nodded and closed her eyes, falling back asleep.

An: So, I plan on having Amber become a vampire before Bella. I've been trying to think of abilities she could have and I need a little help. Do you think she should have the same gift as Bella or have a different one. If a different one, does anyone have any ideas what her gift could be.
