Unexpected House Guest

Peter's flashback of Gwen's death consumes him so deep it triggers another hallucination of Gwen staring dead at him again

Peter sighed and looked directly at MJ 

Peter: I can't let you take that risk. 

Mary Jane: Why?

Peter: Because it cost Gwen her life. She knew.....about this too. I told her everything. And.....it got her killed. Harry....had the same stuff that his father did and he needed my blood to cure himself. I didn't give it to him cause I was afraid it do something worse to him. He retaliated and....became a Goblin too. He found out who I was just seeing Gwen with Spider-Man.....and....he killed her.....to punish me for letting him die. 

Mary Jane: Oh God.....

Peter: And I can't let that happened with you. Osborn now knows who I am and almost showed all of New York. Making you and May in grave danger. I have to do this alone.....I'm sorry. 

Peter puts his mask back on turns away 

And swings off leaving the adventuress Redhead down 

Soon as morning arose we come back to May's house

Peter rushed in calling for May 

Peter: Aunt May?! May!

I'm in here Peter. 

Peter rushed in a hurry like a tornado was on the way

Peter: May we have to----

Peter stopped DEAD in his tracks to another surprise

Norman was sitting with May in the kitchen and he gave our hero the most wicked smile unimaginable 

May: Peter you're just in time. Mr. Osborn stopped by earlier this morning saying how impressed he was with your photography. 

Norman: Indeed I was. Especially after my son's sudden relapse it surely brightened things for me. My colleagues before they were killed were very impressed with him too. 

Peter knew Norman was playing at May to get to him he needed away to get her away from him

Norman: May told me you have a degree on science. Which is the main reason I'm here. 

May: Mr. Osborn wants to offer you a new job. 

Peter: New job?

Norman: It's nothing much really. But it pays better money than what Jameson pays you. I knew the guy for a long time and....he wasn't always a hothead. You should have seen how he was when we were college roommates. Now he just has issues with people in masks. But.....for personal reasons. 

Peter: I....I guess...

Norman: But off subject. Peter I like to offer you a place with me in Oscorp. Harry use to tell me how you use to help him with his science essays and May tells me you're a genius.....like your father Richard Parker. God rest his soul. 

Peter knew this was a trap but to go along with it to get May out of danger 

Peter: Uh.....thanks. Aunt May would it be cool if I talk to Mr. Osborn in my room? 

May: Certainly dear. You boys go chat and I'll start breakfast.

Peter lead Norman upstairs who was smirking and pulled him in his room closing the door and locking it and he turns to the unmasked Goblin with a serious stare 

Peter: Whatever game you're pulling leaving my Aunt out of it. 

Norman: Why Peter I'm hurt. I came by to offer you place in Oscorp and you....think I'm playing mind games? Didn't your Aunt tell you it's not polite to be a rude host? 

Peter: What'd you want? 

Norman: I want your blood. The same spider blood Richard Parker's spider venom gave you. Obviously by accident your father gave you this power. And I don't think it'll be wise to tamper with me boy. You may know my secrets. But I know yours too. I even know Harry came to you for help and you....just slammed the door in his face. 

Peter: You want revenge for your son then take it all on me. Just keep my family out of this. 

Norman: YOU left mine to die. And now he's rotting in Ravencroft because of you. 

Norman gave Peter another smirk as he walked around the room pass Peter and he eyed.....at the framed picture of him and Gwen on his desk and picks it up

Norman: Cute girl. Makes me wonder......what would you do.....if we invite the redhead rebound to our....little game. 

Peter: No! Alright. 

Norman looks back at Peter with a smirk 

Peter: I'll give you my blood. 

(Has Peter given up.....is sacrificing his spider blood the only way to save MJ and May from suffering the same fate as Gwen......?)
