The Spider Meets The Cat

We cut to later that night where everything seemed to be as quiet and peaceful

But unknown to them the Black Cat was once again on the prowl 

She was scanning another target to steal from 

No doubt another Oscorp Property which she tend to rob for Norman Osborn she dives down and grapples and leaps forward to the mansion and then she uses the same device to deactivate the protocol 

Felicia strolled over scanning the whole room

And soon she detected the safe 

Black Cat: Yeah. 

Using her unlock device again she cracks the code and unlocks the safe to steal a family air loom carved in the Osborn initial  

Black Cat: So what's this Osborn? Your great great great grandmother's locket? 

She places it in her pouch and then makes her way out where she came in only.... be startled.... the friendly neighborhood himself

Spider-Man: So what's your story? Cheated death with nine lives? Or bitten by a radio active cat? 

Black Cat: That depends which isn't a cheap comic book origin story. What's yours? Wait don't tell me. From the planet of the spider-ton? Parents sent you off when it was blowing up? 

Spider-Man: Do I look like Superman to you lady? 

Black Cat: Depends how you want this first date to go. 

Spider-Man: Who said this was a date? I'm here to catch the criminal. And I mean you. 

Black Cat: Some gentleman you are. 

She kicks him back and she grapples up and he lands on another wall seeing her make a run for it

Spider-Man: If this was a first date it ain't working it out. 

He webzips up and gives chase 

He chases her from roof top to roof top swinging through SoHo 

Felicia tries to slow Pete down by throwing smoke bombs at him but hardly did when he web zips out of the smoke and then blocks her path 

Spider-Man: You're good I'll give you that. 

Black Cat: Then forgive me for not thinking you're a gentleman. Tell me something. Spider. You're not the type of guy who would lay a fearful hand on a sweet lady would you? 

Spider-Man: No. I'm just one trying to do the right thing. And what you're doing is the exact opposite. 

Black Cat: Handsome strong wearing cheap spandex and hardly listens to his feelings. I kinda like that in a man. 

Spider-Man: Well I don't like crime in a woman. 

Black Cat: That's only the beginning. 

Spider-Man: Beginning of what? 

Black Cat: Beginning of a star cross love story. 

Spider-Man: In your dreams lady. 

He webs zips at her but she leaps back and makes another run for it 

Spider-Man chases after her again 

It soon started to rain as the chase ran on through Townsquare as people looked up seeing them and take pictures 

Spidey then flips over her and blocks her way again 

Black Cat: Wow. Spider agilities. I think I'm in love. Where have you been all my life? 

Spider-Man: Lady I'm not gonna keep up this flirty chit chat. And hand over whatever you took.

Black Cat: First off: The name's Black Cat Spider. And second: If you're gonna play hard to get show a little respect at least. And THIRD: Finders Keepers. Losers Weepers. 

Spider-Man: Then you're no better than school bully. 

That's when the chase turns into a fight 

She presses out her claws tending to slash him but he dodges them trying to counter her attacks 

She jumps tending to pounce him but he leans back kicking her away then leaps over her and lands on a wall 

Spider-Man: In case you don't know I faced the Lizard. Electro. And someone who I thought was my friend and they all end up in police custody. And all three of them had in common they were all stronger than you. 

Black Cat: Well what I got in common with them? We're all very cunning. Plus....I work for higher power than them. 

Felicia lunges at him then Pete kicks off the wall to dodge her attack then webs her to the wall 

Spider-Man: Games up Black Cat. Who is this Higher Power you're working for? 

Black Cat: You're a smart spider. YOU figure it out. 

She cuts her self free and throws another smoke bomb at him which is....a KNOCKOUT gas and he falls to the floor out cold 

Black Cat: Now Spider. Let's see who's behind the mask.

She reaches for his mask 

(Will the Black Cat unmask our hero......? Will his identity be in the higher power......?)
