MJ's attempt

Peter and Norman descend down the stairs just when May had breakfast ready 

May: So....you boys talk it over? 

Norman: We sure have. Peter? Would you like to tell her or shall I....?

Peter gave Norman a serious look but for May's sake he had to play along and turned to May with a fake smile 

Peter: I....decided to his offer. 

May: Well that's great. Norman why don't you join us for breakfast to celebrate? It would mean a lot to us especially for you to offer better money to Peter to pay for his college. 

Norman: I'd love to. 

Norman made another smirk

As Peter gave him a frown 

Later on that noon MJ pulled up to her house eyeing at Peter's house she tended to talk to him try and reason with him on partnering up 

But to her surprise she saw Norman leaving the Parker house

She gasped and hid behind a tree and saw him walking to his limbo.....with Peter following him 

She was confused seeing Norman lead him to his limbo opening the door for him and he....hesitantly but willingly get in the limbo 

MJ knew something wasn't right and she rushed back on her bike grabbing her helmet 

Soon as Norman got in MJ started her motor and then she followed the limbo 

While on the road Peter and Norman had time to talk more 

Peter: I just want to ask....if I give you my blood....I have your word my family won't be harmed? 

Norman: On Harry's life I swear. 

Peter: I wanted to help Harry but you know as my father and I do....that the spider blood is radio active. What if it killed him? He....didn't had to kill Gwen. 

Norman: Look at this way. If he hadn't killed Gwen....you'd never be with MJ. And she's really got fire doesn't she? 

That made Peter more pissed off but his cell phone rang 

Norman: You wanna get that? 

Peter gave him another cold stare but answered 

Peter: Hello? 

Parker! I got a new assignment for you which will pay extra if you can achieve it. 

Peter: Really Mr. Jameson? 

Norman smirked hearing that 

That's right. Last night Spider-Man was unmasked. I couldn't get a close shot cause someone tasered me from behind. So now I'm relying on you to get me a photo of Spider-Man UNMASKED. You do that and Parker you will be paid in extra advanced! Enough to pay for your college fund AND your bills all at once! 

Peter: Uh....thanks Mr. Jameson. 

Don't thank me yet till I expose that menace's identity! Now get to it!

The line cut and Peter felt doubled screwed his boss offered him an advance payment which will only expose himself and Norman....having him hostage 

Soon they came to Oscorp 

This gave Peter chills since Gwen use to work there as he and Norman step out the limbo and Peter followed him inside 

But they were unaware MJ rode after them she parked her bike across Oscorp and looked up to the building

Oscorp too gave her chills cause Gwen use to tell her all about interning here even flashbacking when her and Gwen met up at her house

Mary Jane: Girl. If only you could see how corrupt your old job has become. It's create monsters. That lizard creature. That Electric thing and.....that Harry became something that murdered you. And the man we both care deeply about is in grave danger. So what would you do....if you were still here. 

She pulls out her taser 

Mary Jane: What I'm about to do. Kick ass. And take names. With all the lives Pete saved I'm sure you saved his God knows how many times. But....if you can do it so can I. God I miss you and I'll look after Pete for you....despite.....

MJ paused for a moment 

Mary Jane: Despite....I have feelings for him. 

Finally MJ admit her growing feelings for Peter

Mary Jane: I hope you don't think less of me for falling for your boyfriend but....it's not cause he's Spider-Man....it's cause he....helped me find closure on my father....and for looking at me....for me. And I'm gonna repay him.....by helping him put Norman away. 

(Can MJ save Peter in time.....?)
