Repeated History.....?

Peter quickly rips open his clothes revealing his Spidey suit underneath and web zips after the Goblin and MJ

The Goblin races on through the skies of the city with Spider-Man on his tail which he was counting on 

MJ screams on and on driving Pete to go faster trying not to loose him 

Spider-Man: This is between you and me Osborn! Leave her out of it! 

Green Goblin: Osborn's gone boy! There is now just.....the Green Goblin! 

He chased the Goblin all the way to the George Washinton Bridge 

The Goblin makes a turn holding Mary Jane in his grip as Spidey lands on the railing

Green Goblin: I held the door open for you Spider-Man! Now the show can finally begin. 

Spider-Man: I'm warning you Osborn.....if you harm her then you'll suffer worse than your son! 

Green Goblin: I told you! Norman Osborn is dead! I am now the Green Goblin! 

Spider-Man: You've lost it worse than I thought. 

MJ soon pulls out her taser and stuns the Goblin by the neck

The Goblin screamed and he drops her she lands on the panel roof of the bridge then Spidey took his chance to attack 

He webzips up to the Goblin and throws punches while flying around the glider 

MJ looked up in horror at the fighting

The Goblin then grabs Pete by the head and slings him down

Our hero falls of the glider but shoots a webline at it and the Goblin flies him around 

Green Goblin: Webbing for a ride eh? Well...I'll give you a REAL ride!

The Goblin flies him down to the bridge where traffic was held Spidey dodges any car in his way as best as he could but there were so many cars close together he couldn't dodge them all 

And soon one car hit him he fell completely on the road of the bridge 

People came out in shock and then he looked up and he saw the Green Goblin flying down with his laugh echoing


People screamed and ran and then the Goblin blasts weaponry from his glider

Spidey dodged but the weaponry blew up some of the cars 

MJ looked down in horror feeling hopeless to help Peter

Mary Jane: I gotta get down somehow.  

MJ looked around and to her luck she found a later on the left of the panel which more lucky for her was left open she ran to it and attended to climb down 

But unluckily for her the Goblin spotted her

And grabbed her again from behind laughing MJ screamed and Spidey looks up 

Spider-Man: No....MJ! 

He webzips straight up to the panel and then lands on it with Goblin carrying her 

Spider-Man: Enough of this Goblin! Let her GO! 

Green Goblin: If you insist! 

And just then.....he DROPS her

Spider-Man: NO!!!! 

MJ screams as she fell

And Spidey dives down to her 

The flashback of Gwen's death sets off in his head again seeing this happen for the second time

Spider-Man: Please.....don' me.......AGAIN! 

Spidey shoots a webline to push himself down faster and just when he and MJ were five stories down and then......

.....he CATCHES her zipping down but land roughly on the bridge street with MJ on top of him

Mary Jane was out of breath relieved to be alive looking down at Peter and hugged 

Mary Jane: Oh Pete! 

Spider-Man for the first time felt whole after failing to save Gwen he made up for it by saving MJ and he hugged her back 

Spider-Man: I thought I wouldn't get to you too.

Mary Jane: Why? 

Spider-Man: Cause this is how she died.

MJ realized he was talking about Gwen and looked at him with glee and tears 

Suddenly.....Peter's cell was Jameson he looked at MJ again for a moment before answering


Spider-Man: Jameson. Kiss my ASS! I QUIT!! 


Peter just hangs up on him making MJ laugh

(MJ's safe Jameson got it bit but.....the battle isn't over yet.....)
