Identities Struck

MJ soon came back home still in shock of what she just figured out 

But then Anna turned around and looked intense 

Anna: MJ! You gotta see this. That super hero of yours is on tv. 

Mary Jane: What?? 

She ran into the living room and saw Whitney Chain reporting a disturbance outside the Daily Bugle The Green Goblin and Black Cat had Spider-Man tied up on the roof the Bugle 

Mary Jane: Oh my god......

 Spider-Man regained consciousness feeling lightheaded as he looked up 

The Goblin and Cat turned around and both grinned 

Spider-Man: You....I knew I couldn't trust you. 

Black Cat: Sorry spider. But I'm in it for the money. 

Green Goblin: And you're in for the night of your life. 

Spider-Man: We'll see about that. 

Spidey leaped up pressing to attack 

But Black Cat struck defending the Goblin

Spider-Man: Are you some kind of gold digger or something?! 

Black Cat: I was wealthy as a child! But lost it all! Now I do what I have to keep my purse full. 

Outside both Jameson and Robbie came out of the building and saw the commotion on the roof

Jameson: What in the blazes is going on up there? 

Robbie: Reports say they saw the three masked people up there. 

Jameson: Then this is a story of life time! If only Brock hadn't left town. And where the hell is Parker?! Someone get me a camera for Pete sake! 

Spider-Man and The Black Cat continued fighting 

As the Goblin flew above them with a sinister grin

Green Goblin: I could watch you two kids all day. But I'm afraid I'm a little tight on schedule. 

The Goblin took a pumpkin bomb and suddenly......he THROWS it at both of them 

Causing an explosion on the roof of the Bugle 

Jameson: Bahh! Someone get me a camera for crying out loud!

Spidey soon recovered coughing as he looked over and saw.....

....the Black Cat's mask was blown off by the impact 

Pete recognized her as the woman from both Oscorp and Osborn Manor 

The Goblin laughs as he hovered down on his glider 

Felicia was mad as hell for her own double cross from him


Green Goblin: Hey. I learned this from YOU! 

The Goblin kicks the unmasked Black Cat off the edge of the roof and she falls screaming 


The Black Cat lands in a green house below crashing hard in it 

The Goblin then turns to Spider-Man who was ready for combat 

Green Goblin:'s just....YOU.....and ME. 

Spider-Man: You're going down for this. 

The Goblin flies at him but Spidey web zips over him to attack from behind but Goblin elbowed him knocking him to the floor 

While they were fighting MJ pulls up to the crowd on her motorcycle 

And looked up to the commotion seeing Spider-Man and the Green Goblin fighting in air 

Mary Jane: Peter.....

She got off the bike and squeezed into the crowd 

The Green Goblin and Spider-Man continued fighting but Goblin still the apprehend he soon grabbed him from behind and held him above 30 stories

Green Goblin: Now.....let's give New York a new show....shall we? 

The Goblin then pulls off Spidey's mask!

Green Goblin: WHAT?! Why you're just a boy you---

The Goblin then a familiar voice....

Green Goblin (Norman's voice): Peter....Parker.....?

Pete recognized that voice

Peter: Mr. Osborn? 

Green Goblin: Ohhhh.....AAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! NOT OSBORN! Goblin! 

He then held him to the air

Green Goblin: GOBLIN!!!!!

The crowd could see Spider-Man was unmasked but they couldn't get a glimpse of his face he was too high up 


Jameson spotted a cameraman and he SWIPES it from him and aims it at them 

Jameson: Hahaha! Now you're mine you wall crawling lunatic! Once I see your face I'll SHOW IT TO THE WORLD! HA HA! 

(Spidey's in trouble now! He may have unmasked his enemies but he's unmasked and if Jameson catches it on's over......can he escape in time......?)
