A New Chapter

Morning came later and when cutting three days later after the Green Goblin incidents we come back to Oscorp 

Where Norman fully recovered unknowing of the dormant Goblin genes still flowing in him closes off the chemical war fares and the spider projects for good 

Norman: And from now on. The Chemical War Fares and the Spider Venoms are here by banned from Oscorp.....forever. As president of the Contract Deques Labs I will start on a new project....for a BETTER tomorrow. 

The audience applaud but.....from the far back.....

.....Felicia Hardy stared dead at him with a grudge even though Norman doesn't remember Felicia still wanted payback on him for almost killing her 

But Eddie Brock was there back from his vacation with his fiancé taking pictures hearing Peter quit he was gonna miss him and hoped they'll see each other again 

But speaking of Peter he was watching Norman's speech live on his laptop at a diner nodding hoping Norman's really back to normal but part of him suspects the Green Goblin is still sleeping inside him planning to keep an eye on him for awhile 

But then heard a motorcycle outside and looked at the window beside him and saw MJ parking her bike

He smiled and then soon MJ came in and gave Pete a smile back 

Mary Jane: Hey tiger. 

Peter: Hey. 

She sat across from him putting her perse beside her 

Mary Jane: So....is Osborn still normal from what you told me the other night?

Peter: so far. He really doesn't remember anything. Not even my identity. 

Mary Jane: So he won't be exposing you? 

Peter: Think so. Just....part of me thinks we haven't seen the last of the Green Goblin.

Mary Jane: Smart to keep eyes on the back of your head. And what about the Black Cat? 

Peter: Still out there. But....I found out her real name after I saw her unmasked that night at the Bugle. Her real name: Felicia Hardy. She worked with both Norman and Harry at Oscorp. And I think she stole that serum which turned them both into Goblins. I have no proof for the authorities on her identity so....only chance is to catch her. 

Mary Jane: And speaking of the Bugle....now that you quit it....how you gonna pay for your college fund. 

Peter: May and I are working on that actually. May was just hired at homeless shelter called F.E.A.S.T. I....started working to deliver pizza.

Mary Jane: Pizza? Really. But you're a photographer. A good one. I'm not trying to judge but....you got a wonderful shot. I mean.....the auditions I'm working for....are looking for a new photographer for images. 

Peter: Really? 

Mary Jane: Yeah. I mean....I'd love to have you.....as my screen shooter. 

Peter: I'll....definitely put it on my list. 

Peter and MJ took a moment of silence and soon held each other's hands and then looked out the window hallucinating Gwen again standing outside but this time.....she smiled at him

This made Peter fully feel better knowing now officially Gwen would want him to be happy in his life and he turns to Mary Jane

Both stood up from their seats and sealed their newly relationship.....in a kiss

Closing the scene fading in black......

(.....End Credits and after credit scenes coming soon......)
