The Real Truth

Cops came on the scene at Phillip's house after receiving Spider-Man's info but by the time they got there.....they found Phillip.....lying on the floor his hand still webbed up on the table....but dead 

The guy had no intention of giving MJ closure weather he was proved she was his daughter or not nor going that quietly 

Paramedics had already brought his body out in a stretcher and wrapped in a sheet 

Spider-Man was on the roof of another house and saw them bring out his corpse

Spider-Man: Dammit! What were you thinking?! Poor MJ. 

MJ is it?

Spidey turned to that voice and to his was the Black Cat

Spider-Man: You?! 

Black Cat: Cool it Spider. I'm not here to fight. I actually have a lead....on a mutual friend of ours.....this Goblin or whatever he calls himself. 

Spider-Man: And you're sharing this with me because? 

Black Cat: Because....he's the higher power I mentioned before. 

Spider-Man: Really. So the Goblin has you robbing Oscorp blind while he murders Cooperate Members?'re telling me a lead on him? What happened? He not paying you enough? 

Black Cat: No. Let's just say.....I'm just a pawn to him. With all the Oscorp intel I stole for him I'm soon a means to an end to him. And when he feels I'm no use.....he'll turn on me....and then kill me. 

Spider-Man: So you come to me for help? You must be desperate. 

Black Cat: Look believe me or not but I might be your only way to him. He may target Norman Osborn too and if he goes down Oscorp goes down with him with all the company members killed. 

Spider-Man: Say I agree to this....I'm still gonna have to turn you in for your own crimes. 

Black Cat: Look trust me or not....but you're never gonna find him on your own. Think it over over the night. And once you made your me at the Chrysler Building. Either come turn me in or.....follow my lead if you wanna catch this guy. Catch ya later spider. 

Black Cat blows him a kiss and grapples away 

Spider-Man wasn't sure to trust her given she's a thief and his gut was telling him otherwise but he also wanted to catch the Green Goblin he didn't know what to do 

Back at the Watson House Whitney Chain was already live reporting Phillip's suicide and she....was now in tears more broken than ever 

She turns around and saw......

....Anna behind her in shock and proven by the news she hid this from her niece

Anna: Mary Jane....I....

Mary Jane: You knew he was alive....till now. Didn't you? 

Anna:.....I did. Sweetheart I....I'm so sorry.

Mary Jane: How could you lie to me? I know he abandon us. But how could you keep this from me. He forsaken his family but he was still my father. Did you even realize just I would feel about this? 

Anna: Course I did sweetie. But.....the truth is.....the reason I lied was because I didn't want the life he was living destroying yours. Especially after you lost your mother. The truth is MJ he sold everything he had to the corrupt. He wanted money and gave up everything for it. He even did deals with criminals. And went to higher power. I want you to know I had my suitcase ready. I couldn't stand to be around your father after all the venom he polluted in this family. But then.....after he was gone....your mom passed and you....were all alone. When they called me I thought they finally arrested him. But my heart shattered when they informed me of your mother. Everything I did everything I ever done....was out of love.....for you Mary Jane. I hope you can forgive me. 

Mary Jane was silent at first 

Mary Jane: Did mom know another man? 

Anna frowned in confusion

Mary Jane: Tell me the truth did mom.....sleep around? 

Anna: Of course she didn't. She had close friends who wanted to help take care of you when your mother was ill. There was a man....named Gustav Fiers. He was a close friend of your mother long before she met your father. He came by to tend her when her tumor came at it's second stage. But after she passed away.....he was never heard from again. But....he's not your biological father if that was what you were worried about. Phillip Watson is.....WAS your father. No matter what he said. The man was just too greedy and STUPID to see that. But that's the truth MJ. I can find closure in that....despite my lies. I only lied....just to protect you from great pain he'd give you. 

MJ was still in tears but grew a mild grin

Mary Jane: How could I hold this against you Anna. You're all I have left in this world. 

The Watsons embraced crying out 

(MJ may finally have her closure but can Black Cat be trusted to lead our hero to the Goblin.....?)
