Norman Osborn's Return to Oscorp

As we roll on that morning we come back to Oscorp 

Where a limbo pulls up to the entrance 

Where a press was already standing

Reporter # 1: Who's this? 

Reporter # 2: Probably just another boring fallibilist like that fat one. 

The rider in the back steps out which shocks the entire press 

Reporter # 1: No that's Norman Osborn! 

They all shout at once taking his pictures as Norman gave a wave and smile as he walked to the building 

We cut back to the Daily Bugle 

Where Peter rode his bike in a hurry after more snapshots of himself as Spider-Man busting up a gun fight 

But his bike bumped on the sidewalk and fell over with people just walking passed him 

Peter: Please don't help all at once.

Peter soon saw a hand being held to him......

.....he looks up and a man (Played by Sam Worthington) offered his hand to him

Man: May I give you a hand kid? 

Peter grins and he takes the man's hand gladly 

Peter: Thank you Mr......

Man: Brock. Edward Brock Jr. My friends call me Eddie. 

Peter: It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Brock. I'm Peter Parker. 

Eddie: Parker? You're Johnna's youngest and freelance Photographer that takes Spider-Man's pictures? 

Peter: Yes sir. That's what he assigned me.

Eddie: Then I hope your pictures are dropping his guard. Me? I'm sort of his....traveling Photographer. 

Peter: What pictures do you take? 

Eddie: Around the world kid. But us photographers got to stick together against a dickhead like Johnna.  

Peter laughs and Eddie shakes his hand again

But inside Peter rushed into Jameson's office

Peter: Mr. Jameson I know I'm late again but I got more---

Jameson: What'd you doing here boy?! You and Brock both get down to Oscorp Tower! Now! 

Peter: What?

Jameson: There's a press conference going down there. Norman Osborn is back from the dead. He's about to reinstate as CEO. I want pictures. 

Peter: Osborn? But....I thought he died while he was sick. 

Jameson: Turns out he didn't! Now get down there now! 

A press conference was taking place in the main hall of Oscorp 

Norman: Ladies and Gentlemen thank you all for coming. I'm sure you all have a million questions and I will gladly answer as much as possible. But the main one on your minds I can of my survival to a terminal disease. Well that answer is very simple. I been secretly conducting an anti-serum more developable than Peter Parker's spider venom.....and....the chemical my....own son tragically took to treat his own illness. It saddens me what he's become and what it's made him do. But my legacy will for shine for Oscorp's future. But as of now I will proudly donate the serum that treated my condition to every hospital around the country for those in the worst condition. Cancer. Blood Disease. And anything severely terminal. Thank you. 

The crowd applaud and took pictures of him 

Norman: Thank you. 

Peter was among the crowd taking pictures confused as ever 

Peter: This doesn't make sense. How can Osborn be all healthy again? Is it possible the spider blood cured him? If it did then I owe Harry the biggest apology. I just wasn't sure. But I got to find out somehow. 

Peter got what he needed but once he escape the crowd he soon encounters Felecia by bumping into her as she walked down the hall

Felicia: Watch it junior! 

Peter: Sorry. Awfully crowded. 

Felicia: It's New York. What you expect. 

Peter thought this girl was rude much especially as she stormed towards Norman's position 

Peter just walked out but his mind was still spinning with questions and against his better judgement there was one man who might give him the answers 


Peter was escorted by guards to a high secured cell to visit an old friend

Harry: Hello.....old buddy. 

(A Reunion in between former friends now enemies has accured.....)
