MJ and Spidey

As Black Cat reached for the mask 

She was suddenly.....TASERED from behind and fell off of our friendly neighborhood hero 

.....by MJ herself with a taser 

Mary Jane: Back off Catwoman.

Stunned and aggravated Black Cat looked up at the brave red head 

Black Cat: Who the hell are you? His sidekick? 

Mary Jane: I'm worse. 

MJ shoots again but Felica rolled back and dives off grappling away 

Mary Jane: Bitch didn't know what hit her. 

Mary Jane looks back and attends to Spider-Man who was still out cold

Mary Jane: Hey! Mr. Spider? Can you hear me? 

She checked his pulse on his wrist accidently pressing his web shooter shooting webbing at her face 

Mary Jane: Ew! 

Pete soon regained consciousness and soon saw MJ with the webbing on her face 

Spider-Man: Here! Here. Hold still. 

Spidey pulls the webs off her face and was surprised to see MJ he almost peeped out her name but held back to not give himself away 

Spider-Man: Uh....sorry about that....Ms. Uh.....

Mary Jane: Watson. Mary Jane Watson. And you must be the Amazing Spider-Man. The Spectacular Spider-Man? Or....is it just....Spider-Man? 

Spider-Man: Probably Spider-Man is for the best. But uh....how did you get up here? 

Mary Jane: Would you believe me if I told you I....kinda followed you here? 

Spider-Man: Say what?

Mary Jane: Lemme explain. 

~15 Minutes Earlier~

We roll to when MJ was riding her bike following another lead to find her father 

She happen to be in Townsquare just minutes before Spidey chased Cat here she parked by a Daily Bugle Standout 

MJ removed her helmet placing it on the left handle of the motorcycle and walked up to the Standline 

Man: Headline little miss? 

Mary Jane: No thanks. I'm actually wondering if you ever sold any papers to this man? 

MJ holds up a picture of a man who is her father Phillip Watson (Played by Tom Butler)

The man looked closely at the picture to get a familiarity but....nothing 

Man: Hmm...sorry I can't say I have. Who is he? Your old man or something? 

Mary Jane: Old man yeah. 

MJ walked off and went all over the square asking around and showing the picture of her father to other New York Socialites 

But sadly every answer was the same no one knew or ever saw the man in the picture her lead turned out to be a dead end for the past 5 minutes till.....she heard commotion everyone was looking up and then so did she

And happen to spot Spider-Man chasing the Black Cat in the air 

Mary Jane: Spider-Man.....

MJ saw this as an opportunity and ran for the building they landed on and once she got inside she pulls out her taser we saw earlier and running up stairs for the last ten minutes she had quite the cardio 

And then came just in time before Black Cat could unmask him and that's when we saw earlier when MJ tasered the Black Cat 

Brining us back to the present with MJ telling Spidey everything 

Mary Jane: When I saw you chase that masked woman up here I ran as fast as I could. She was about to pull off your mask till I tasered her off you. 

Spider-Man: Then I owe you for saving my identity. Even though she got away with whatever she stole you still did me a favor. 

Mary Jane: Then how bout a favor for me in return. Did you ever pick up this guy on any of your patrols? 

MJ showed him the picture of her father which Pete assumed that was him from what she told Peter Parker but as Spider-Man he had to act like he didn't know 

Spider-Man: I'm sorry I never have. Is he a relation of yours? 

Mary Jane: He's my father. He left mom and me when I was a child. And for some reason my Aunt Anna told me he was dead. But....I later found he wasn't from stash she kept from me. I wanna know why he left and....I asked a friend who you might know from the Daily Bugle. Did a....a man name Peter Parker ever tell you someone needed to talk to you for a favor? 

Spider-Man: Yyyyyes. Yes he did. And I take it you're who he told me about. 

Mary Jane: Yes. And I know you're a real busy man. But I know in my gut you're the one who can get around finding anybody in the city. So....if you can come across my father anywhere in the city....I'd....be mighty grateful. No one else will tell me about him not even my Aunt. So.....will you at least try and find him for me? 

Spider-Man: I'll.....do what I can. 

MJ smiles emotionally and hugs Spider-Man for his promise

And to Peter's surprise MJ pulls up half his mask 

Spider-Man: What'd you---?

Before he could finish MJ pressed a kiss to him unknown to her is Peter

(That's one way to steal a first kiss.....)
