Wisdom Teeth

Okay so I was reading this book. It was about the characters like wound opening again or something SO MY BRAIN WAS LIKE OH LIKE GETTING YOUR WISDOM TEETH TAKEN OUT BECAUSE THAT TOTALLY MAKES SENSE!

Yeah so Peter gets his wisdome teeth out.


Peter's POV

I was just sitting on the warm beach when all of a sudden I felt this wave of cold water wash over me.

I jumped and fall off the bed, I hear laughing coming from above me. I groan and open my eyes slightly.

"What the hell......" I grumble, pushing myself up off the floor.

"You wouldn't get up so I had to take drastic measures." An all to familiar voice speaks up.

I look up and see my fíance leaning over me with a stupid adorable grin on her face.

"I hate you so much." I glare at her as I walk towards the bathroom, rubbing my face.

"Uh huh, then why did you ask me to marry you?" She said.

"Because I love you......" I mumble walking into the bathroom.

She just hummed and layed down on the now slightly damp bed, (WHO TF DOES THAT BTW? WHEN THE BED IS WET YOU DONT LAY ON IT! IT'S LIKE A UNSPOKEN RULE OF BEDS!), playing on her phone.

After Peter gets ready~

I walk into the kitchen only to notice a big red circle marked on the calendar. Curious, I make my way towards it..... Only to see..... It was THAT day. I groan loudly, turning my head as I heard keys jingle.

"Let's go Mr. Wisdom Teeth." Michelle laughs as she shakes the keys in my face.

I grabbed them from her with a loud sigh, putting my coat and shoes on. We head out of the door, locking it after we exited of course, and into the elevator. We make our way to the car, Michelle laughing everytime I made a complaint about today.

We got in and drove to the dentist.

After surgery~

Michelle's POV

I was waiting for Peter when I heard my name get called, the dentist then informed me how Peter's surgery went and I signed the papers.

I walked into the room and the first thing I did was start laughing. The reason why is because Peter was just staring at the doorway with the biggest and goofiest smile I've ever seen. I took out my phone and started recording.

"Hi babe, you feeling okay?" I asked, trying to contain my laughter as he stared at me like a confused puppy.

"Mwchwllw! Hwi! Wm oway!" He replied, it was very muffled since the gauze was in the way.

I nod and helped him up. He started doing this funky thing with his arms and legs, I just turned my camera towards his body and ask what he was doing.

"Wm a chwckwn! Bwwk Bwwk!" He yelled, waving his arms around in a up and down wing motion. I just stifle a giggle and help him to the car, recording all of the funny things he said and did.

After the drive home~

We walked back into the apartment and Peter flopped into the couch. I sigh and help with change his gauze and gave him a drink of water.

(Uh i don't actually know what you're supposed to do and not do, i have a general idea because of youtube so im sorry if this isn't accurate.)

He starts laughing so I decide being the good future wife I am, im going to go on Instagram live because WHY NOT?

So I hit the live button, (idk how instagram works, I dont have the app 😅) and start watching as the watchers start rolling in.

"BWBEEE! IM HWNGWY!" Peter shouts, flailing his arms up and down. I start laughing as I skim over the comments.

Puppy_xoxo12: Is he drunk? 😂

"Oh right! I should tell you why im live! Okay so, my fíance here just had his wisdom teeth removed and was acting like an idiot so I decide to capture the moment by going live for my 32.7 million followers to see!" I explain, (Damn Mj so popular~ (also I actually searched how many followers Zendaya had and she has 32.7 million, OKAY QUEEN! POP OFF!))

I look over my shoulder and see Peter singing to baby shark but replacing the words with baby spider, "Baby spider doo doo doo, baby spider doo doo doo." He sang.

YouknowwhoIam(verified): Mj, why must you show his Idioticy to the whole world?

I laugh as I read (also why is it when you say read is the same as read like reading a book? It confuses me so much and annoys the shit out of me)  Tony's comment, "Because hes acting hilarious and this moment must be captured."

After a like 1-2 hours of being on live, along with many hilarious moments of Peter, I ended it and helped "sober" (which probably isnt the right word~~~) him up.

"Time for bed, babe." I say pulling him under the covers, cuddling into his chest.

"Night Em....." He dozes off, I kiss his cheek and fall asleep too.

Ah yes, my late night writing is complete! Its like 2 am and im tired. Goodnight! I hoped you liked it!

-Fuzzy ❤️😴
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