10k Special (A special thanks from the cast)

Fuzzy turns on her phone, and makes her way to Wattpad only to discover she has officially hit 10k reads on her Spideychelle and Avengers family oneshot book!

"AHHHH!!!!!" She screams, tearing up. She runs to the magic portal that appeared next to her bed.


Peter and Michelle were just minding their own business, ya know? Today had been a regularly slow day, nothing exciting. Until...... All of a sudden a portal appeared on the ceiling and a girl fell out, smashing into the glass table.

Not even Peter's spidey sense sensed it so both Michelle and him scrambled onto the floor behind the couch upon hearing the crash.

They peek over the couch to see a young girl, groaning as she got up and brushed the glass off her.

"Uh? Hi? Who are you?" Peter asked warily, staring as if trying to sense if she was dangerous.

"Oh shit....." She said. Uh yeah, oh shit, who the hell is this?

"Oh shut up irl me." She said aloud. Michelle looked at her as if she was insane, which technically she was but we don't talk about that, wait what? Why did Peter think that? He don't know me. 😡

"What the hell?" He said, looking around trying to find the mysterious voice talking.

"And..... CUT!" The director said. Everyone made their way out of the set. Peter and Michelle talked about the next scene (oneshot) they have to do, the thanksgiving special.

"OKAY EVERYONE GATHER AROUND! ITS TIME TO SAY THANK YOU!" Fuzzy yelled, gaining the attention of the cast and crew.

The crew consisted of her friends, @flvffyfry, @ashb_1432_, @ihaveaproblrm, @person28486950, spideycarpenter, @Lyriboo21. (This is all the people I see constantly on this book so they get a special shoutout! They are all sweethearts and are amazing, check them and their stories out!)

The cast consisted of Peter, Michelle, Ned, Betty, Flash, Abe, Cindy, Tony, Pepper, Natasha, Clint, Bruce, Thor, Loki, Steve, Bucky, Rhodey, Sam, Vision, Wanda, Pietro, Doctor Strange, Wong, Hope, Scott, Cassie, Nick, T'challa, Shuri, and everyone else because I can't remember everyone elses names at the time of writing this and was to lazy to search it up.

They all sat in rows looking into the camera (screen) and shouted,


"Fuzzy and us want to thank you all so much for supporting and reading this book." Michelle said, smiling happily.

"We all appreciate it and are so excited to bring you more stories to come!" Tony shouted from behind Peter.

"Fuzzy honesty never expected to reach this goal and actually cried when she did." Natasha explained, hugging Clint from behind.

"She was and is so excited to give you more stories, she also wants to hear what you guys want to see! Don't forget you can always comment or privately message her with requests." Peter said.

They all look to the middle of the circle where one quiet person had been sitting, tears streaming down her face and she smiles happily into the screen.

"I honestly never expected this to happen, my goal was to at least reach maybe 1k reads? But even I thought that was ambitious, I never in my life expected to reach, 2k, 4-5k, and now 10k reads.-" she wipes the tears off her face, "- Sorry, im a little emotional from shock. Okay anyway, 2020 has been a rough year, I haven't been able to see friends or family and it's been really hard. I haven't even been here for a year but ive already met so many amazing people and read so many amazing books. So really, with ALL of my heart, I want to say thank you. Thank you all for helping me reach this amazing achievement. I love and cherish all of you. You guys are the reason why ive become so happy, wattpad is the reason why my quarantine so much better. So thank you, I can't wait for more days to come." Fuzzy finish, smiling happily and waving.

The rest of the cast wave too, tears streaming down their faces as they gather around, in one big group hug.

And that's our 10k special, again seriously guys, gals, non-binary, not one gender, transgender, gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, queer, and all LGBTQ+( im so sorry if I forgot anyone, i did this to my memory and didn't look any up) (also we don't discriminate and you shouldn't either.) Thank you.

Thank you all. ❤️

