Im sorry and ill be back! A/N

Okay so as most of you know I haven't posted in a long time, (March 13th it's now April 6th) the reason behind that is because I guess I've become unmotivated to write or have started writing a oneshot then completely scrapped it because I didn't like the storyline. It's a complicated mess that I'm not going to rant about because this authors note would be like 5000 words.

Anyways so for the past few days I've like completely stopped writing because I just can't find the motivation to write right now. So I'm gonna put this book on hiatus for the time being.

No I'm not gonna abandon this book and not update for years. I'm just taking a break from posting and going back to what I first started doing when I joined wattpad, reading everyones amazing stories.

I'll most likely be back when I'm less stressed with school, have more motivation to write, and when summer vacation starts.

I thank you all for being on this journey with me since I started this book. I can't wait for more to come in the future.

Thank you! ❤️
Love and cherish you guys!


I just opened wattpad I saw everyone's sweet messages, thank you so much! ❤️
