Secret Relationship AU


That's what Michelle and Peter felt for each other. They've been dating since the middle of sophomore year. The reason that no one not even their families know that they are dating is because Peter is considered the "nerd" of the school and Michelle is considered the "rebel". Don't get them started on the stereotypes because that is time you won't get back, Oops! Anyways! Back to love!

~Skipping 2 years ahead~

On the last day of summer vacation, Peter and Michelle decided they would reveal their relationship to the world since they've been dating for 2 years now and it's their last year of high school.


Michelle's POV

I walked towards the clearing in the woods that Peter and I have unofficially claimed as 'our' spot. We usually meet here every other day but since it's the last day of summer vacation we decided to meet here and discuss school and stuff.

We were just talking about teachers and schedules when Peter brought up our little secret,

"Em.....why can't we tell everyone know we're together?" He whispered.

I look at him earnestly,
"I-....." I stopped because I realized something.

"Peter can I ask you something important?"

"Of course, Love."

"Are you ready for the world to know about us?"

He looks at me with that stupid goofy smile I fell in love with,

"Yeah Em, I really am because I know that nothing would happen to us considering we will always tell each other the truth and trust each other."

I look into those big brown eyes of his, I could see all of the honesty and sincerity in them.

I leant over and kissed him softly. He held my face and I lent into his hand. I move back and look him in the eyes,

"Okay.....let's tell the world."

He's smile grows wider and he grabs my face kissing me over and over again, in between saying-

"Yes! I! Can't! Wait! To! Tell! The! World! You're! Mine!"

I laughed at him softly, I held his wrist as he rub his thumbs on my cheeks.

"Okay, but.....let's do this....-" I said telling him our big plan.

He smiles mischievously at me, I mimic it.

"Great plan Em."

"Thanks love, now we better go before it gets dark. I love you."

"I love you too babe."

We share a short but passionate kiss. We part ways. Now I can't wait until tomorrow.


Walking into school SHOULD have been normal, ignore Peter all day and then talk to him all night as we do homework.

But today was different as we walked in I felt all stares on us because no one expected the 'nerd' and 'rebel' to walked into school laughing and smiling whilst/while talking to each other.

We eventually parted ways as I had Math and he had Chemistry. All through out the day as we saw each other we smiled and did small waves but made sure to make it noticeable this time as previously we did it in secret.

It was now lunch time, I walked in tray in hand as I looked around. I spotted my usual friends at my usual table, they beckoned for me to come over. I shook my head and I continued to search the cafeteria, finally I had spotted Peter sitting at his table with his friend Ned and Ned's girlfriend Betty.

I smiled inwardly and made my way across the cafeteria. I could feel the stares of some of the students but I didn't care. I saw Betty look up and her eyes widened, she elbowed Ned in the side,

"Ow Betts! What the hell!" he said rubbing his side.

"Look!" She whispered harshly at him.

He looked up and must of saw me because his eyes widened just as Betty's had just a few moments ago.

Peter turned around curiously, he saw me and gave me that sweet small smile of his. I smiled softly at him and sat next to him.

"Hey Pete."

"Hey Em, how was math?"

"Boring, Mr.Lopez honestly almost made me pass out with the amount of talking he did."

He laughed and I smiled. The cafeteria was now dead silent as everyone was wondering what the hell was going on!

I turned to face the table again,

"Oh I'm sorry, I'm Michelle." I say holding my hand out to Ned.

"Oh uh- Hi I'm N-Ned Leeds and this is Betty B-Brant my girlfriend." He stuttered out.

"Nice to meet you both." I smile softly at them. I'm guessing they relaxed because of me smiling at them.

For the rest of lunch we all talked and laughed together. I felt the occasion stare and heard the whispers but I didn't care one bit.


Shutting my locker I made my way outside. I had texted Peter just moments before telling him that the last part of our plan was a go.

"Em! Over here!" I hear and I glanced up just to see my 'nerd' bouncing on his heels. I swiftly navigate my way through the sea of students and I gave him a hug.

"Hey love" He whispered in my ear.

"Hi babe." I smile softly at him pulling away. We start walking to the gates when I felt him stop and grab my wrist. I look at him questionably until I felt him grab my waist and crash his lips onto mine.

I relaxed into the kiss and pulled away giving him a small peck on the lips one last time.

"That wasn't apart of the plan babe." I whisper softly.

"I know but it worked." He said tilting his head to the side. I turn to look that way and just see everyone frozen in shock, some stuttering or others just having their mouths hanging wide open, opening and closing every so often.

I laughed at their fish expressions and grab Peter's hand and turn to fully face the crowd.

"Ah yes, now you all know. If you don't understand what's happening here let me explain it to you, You see here Peter and I happen to be dating. We have been for the last 2 years. Your probably wondering why we kept it a secret for so long? Because we wanted to make our relationship last without all of your guys input and criticism. Okay now! Have a lovely day!" I shout. We walked away hearing a bunch of "How!!"'s and "What!!"'s.

Best first day of school ever.

Ah yes the end note. Well as you can see it was kinda short and simple. I think it's sweet. Next update WILL be the next part of 'Two Lovers and SHIELD'. Thank you so much for reading! See you next time I post!

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