That scary girl is pissed off.

Idek anymore spideychelle are 21 yrs old. The Avengers haven't met Mj yet and they're in for a rude/worrying introduction.

Also inspired by-


Peter's POV

Since I turned 21 a few weeks ago, the Avengers decided it would be fun to play Never Have I Ever. Nat filled up the shot glasses and we started.

"Never Have I ever....... Tried to pick up Thor's hammer." Tony said

Sam, Steve, and I took the shot. After a few more rounds it was Clint's turn.

"Never Have I Ever..... had a secret girlfriend." He said.

Sam, Steve, Bruce and I took a shot. (Btw Peter has only had 2 shots so he's not drunk at all) Everyone except me spit out their shot.


"Well have, she's still my girlfriend. Speaking of which I have to go meet up with her for dinner." I reply and get up but not before dodging a flying knife. I whip around while a shocked face.

"AUNT TASHA! WHAT THE HELL!" I scream. I then get bombarded with a bunch of questions and the occasional language from Steve, not realizing this took almost an hour we hear the elevator ding and we all turn our heads towards it.

-------POV CHANGE------


I am pissed, first Peter had to delay our date because of something he had to do with the Avengers but then he just doesn't even show up! I get on my motorcycle, put on my helmet which flattens my hair so theres another thing im mad about and drive towards the tower.

When I get there, I march inside and go towards the elevator and scan my pass.

"Michelle Jones, level 10 Pepper Potts assistant." Friday announced. A few employees turn their heads in shock and I just growl and send them death glares.

Oh Parker you're in major trouble.......

I arrived at the penthouse and march my way towards the living room.

"PETER BENJAMIN PARKER!" I scream turning the corner. When I do I see all of the Avengers staring at me, I glare and look for Peter..... Having spotted him I make my way towards him. I feel someone grab my arm and I turn around, it's Captain America.

"Let go!" I yell trying to yank my arm away.

"Not before you tell us who you are miss." Capt says sternly.

In the background you can hear a faint "oh shit here we go" from Peter and Mr.Stark. Not because they're worried for my safety, no it's because they're worried for Caps safety.

"What the hell did you just call me?" I whispered and stop moving all together.

"Miss?" He asked questioningly. (Is that a word?) I yank my arm away and pull out my knife from my pocket, pushing Capt down and held it towards his throat.

"Never. Call. Me. Miss. Again. Got it?" I stare him down, the fear in his eyes make me smirk slightly.

"Yeah okay....." He basically whispers.

I hum and pocket my knife. I swiftly turn around to see all the Avengers (except Peter and Stark who actually seem scared) dumbfounded.


I roll my eyes and make my way towards Peter whos looking around nervously.

"Explain." I simply say glaring at his fidgeting body.

"Well um...." He starts. After telling me the story ~

"Oh well.... You could have at least texted me saying something."

"I'm sorry Mj....." He says looking ashamed.

"It's okay" I kiss his cheek and turn around.

"NEXT TIME CALL ME!" I yell back as I leave.

--------POV CHANGE------

Peter's POV

I turn a light shade of pink as all the Avengers stare at me.

"THAT'S YOUR GIRLFRIEND?" Clint all but yells.

I nod, they bombard me with questions.


I shrug, "Well good night everyone." I leave and go to bed thinking that they like really like her.

Let's just say the Avengers LOVE HER, this resulted to many movie nights and dinners with the couple.

Okay so ik its pretty short and boring but its what I came up with. If anything of you have an idea on what would like to see please either comment or message me!

Lots of oneshot love,
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