Sensitive Kids (Pt.2)

Same info as first part.

No one's POV

Natasha, Clint, Tony, Peter and Bruce all walked into the medbay to give Michelle hee checkup.

Michelle clung onto Natasha like her life depended on it which to be fair in her perspective it did.

"Okay Nat just hop onto the table and have her face forward." Bruce calmly said.

So she slowly hopped onto the table still holding Michelle close to her, she then forward her forward.

When Bruce looked at Michelle, her big golden brown eyes were full of tears and her lip was quivering slightly.

He gave a warm smile, "Michelle can I see your head please?" he asked.

She shook her head no and tried to bury her face back into her mom's chest.

"Listen chelley it's okay, I'm right here. Nothing bad will happen with me here." Natasha said calmly stroking her hair.

Michelle nodded and turned around again, letting Bruce check her head.

"Well it seems like she doesn't have a bump so it was probably just caused by her ageing backwards. Maybe because she doesn't have powers like Peter she just honestly forgot. It seems short term though so when we fix all of this, she will get her memories back and probably forget all of this happened. " Bruce diagnosed.

"So she's gonna be fine after we turn her back into an adult?" Clint said.

"Yep. So just enjoy her like this because once she ages up again she's probably going to forget her turning into a kid again ever happened." Bruce explained.

Natasha nods and carries Mj back to the elevator with Clint and Peter trailing behind.

"Now that we're alone, what's really wrong with her?" Tony sighs.

"She's experiencing post-tramatic flashbacks, Tony.... I don't actually know if she's gonna remember us again. I didn't say anything because I could see all of the worry bouncing off of Clint and Nat." Bruce said calmly, putting his face in his hands.

"I know, I'm worried too." Tony said, looking towards the directions the rest went.


Peter's POV

Everyone, excluding Dad and Bruce, walked into the penthouse with nervous and exhausted expressions. Mj and I were the exhausted ones, I could barely keep my eyes open as I followed Natasha and Clint into the living room.

I glanced over at Em to see she supported the same exhausted and droopy look I did. I walked over to the couch and lied down. My body only taking up half a cushion.

Right before I fell asleep I saw Nat walking over to me and placing Em next to me, setting a fluffy blanket on top of us.

Then I felt a light object fall onto my arm and soft snores escape it. I glanced over to it to see that Em had fallen asleep on me. Her shoes (which became tiny heels when she shrunk) fallen and forgotten on the floor.

I soon fell asleep to the soft snores and ticklish hair of her.


Natasha's POV

I saw Peter had fallen asleep so I put chelley next to him, in the matter of seconds they were cuddled up.

I squealed, "If you tell anyone I will cut off your fingers." I said glaring at my husband. He just put his hands up and walked away towards the kitchen.

"Friday, when the kids wake up send me an alert please." I asked. "Of course Miss Romanoff-Barton." Friday replied. I just nod and help Clint in the kitchen, making lunch for everyone.

Okay so this is short, yes I know but its my deadline today so this is what I have. Now the next part wont be for a LONG while so dont expect it anytime soon. Thanks for reading!

(626 words)
