Two Lovers and S.H.I.E.LD Part 2/?

(Mj's POV)

Making our way to the main office was kind of hectic due to the fact that there was literally hundreds of students shoving and pushing passed us.

Peter was getting quite annoyed since every so often my hand would slip from his and he would have to stop and wait for the crowd to move so he could grab it again.

He looked at me giving me the 'act-your-part-babe-or-we-won't-convince-anyone'.

I smiled tightly before breathing in and getting into my character.

Once I opened my eyes I nodded towards Peter. He put on his overly sweet smile and I just frowned giving the occasional eye-roll.

We were about to enter the main office when I was harshly shoved to the floor by some jock.

"Oh sorry, looks like I couldn't see the loser with a book in her hand." He laughed and his supposed friends laughed along.

I saw the fire in Peter's eyes but I gave him the 'stay-in-character' look.

I sighed and grab Peter's outreaches hand, once doing so I turned towards the rude ass jock.

"Listen whoever you are, I've got so many better things to do but here I am having to talk to your ugly ass because you shoved me. Honestly it felt like a light pushed, oh wait are those supposed to be muscles? Pfft! Ha! Hilarious. Now have a great day you waste of energy." I stated giving him the 'don't-respond-or-I'll-roast-your-sorry-ass' look.

He just gaped at me, the hallway falling silent.

"Let's go Pete." I grabbed Peter's hand has he put on a fake shocked look.

"Mj! That was rude! Cmon you didn't need to say all that!" He fake scolded.

"Loser listen, waste of brain cells or whatever his name is started it. I just finished it, now let's just go before we're late." I said raising my eyebrows.

He didn't question me and we walked into the office. Once inside I could hear everyone whispering about the girl who put Thompson in his place.

I smirked and made my way to the front desk.

"Oh hello! Welcome! My names May, how may I help you kids?" A women with a sweet smile stated. I could tell she actually liked her job and it showed.

"Hi! My names Peter Parker and this is Michelle Jones, we're new and need to pick up out schedules." Peter asked putting on his innocent puppy facade.

The secretary now known as May just grinned back and typed into her computer.

"Alright sweeties, here are your schedules. It seems as if you both have the same classes. We have two students coming down to show you around for the day." She said

"Okay thank you, Ms.May." Peter said sweetly.

"Yeah, thanks." I said.

"No problem dears, have a great day!" She beamed back.

Time skip to lunch bc why not?~~~

(Peter's POV)

"Hey Petey, how was gym?" Mj asked me.

"Boring, I couldn't use any of my training so I had to fake a lot of things." I replied, she gave me a soft smile and we made our way into the cafeteria.

Okay yes I know this was short as hell but I wrote over 1000 words and I didn't have time to rewrite all of it so I promise when I update this mini story I'll make it longer. Also this mini story is going on hold because I'm still figuring out the plot and I want to have it set before I completely continue. Thanks for reading! Love you all! ❤️

