Mj as Stark's daughter ✌🏼

Hi everyone reading! So our oneshot's background is that Mj is Tony and Pepper's adoptive daughter. She was adopted at the age of 3 even if they aren't biological she still considers them her parents. They decided to keep her last name as Jones so she could lead a normal life. I know this isn't Spideychelle but I thought it was cute! I'm so excited to write this oneshot! Enjoy! ❤️
"." means speaking.
Words with out "." are whats happening or what the character is thinking.

Mj's POV

Today was the last day of junior year and I was excited because that meant I could train will Aunt Nat more. I only had to wait for the bell to ring. I chanted in my head-

"5.....4....3...2..1." and the bell finally rung. Everyone was running out to their lockers and then out the door. I just walked slowly since I wasn't in rush. As I got to my locker I saw loser #1 and loser #2.

"HEY MJ!" Ned shouted as they walked closer to me.

"Hey loser #2." I said. He frowned at his nickname.

"Hey Em." Peter said to me. He called me Em! Oh no here comes the flying things in my stomach again.

"Hey loser." I said ghosting a small smile. Your probably wondering why I'm kinda- not really smiling at Peter well I kinda have a small, tiny crush on him. But I doubt he even thinks of me in any romantic way......

-----POV Change-----

Peter's POV

Gosh Mj's so pretty... They way her rich brown hair flows down her back and her glowing eyes and skin are just gorgeous not to mention her hilarious attitude and rude comments. I really want to ask her on a date but I know for a fact she doesn't like me that way.......

"Peter? HELLO?" Ned said snapping his fingers in our faces. Mj gives him a quick glare and I pout slightly but quickly turn it into a small smile. After Mj closed her locker, we walked to the front of the building and said our goodbyes. Ned and I walked left while Mj walked right. When we got back to my apartment, I changed into my suit and told my guy in the chair-

"Okay I'm going to ho patrolling if anything happens alert me."

" K dude, I'm going to play on your ps4 while I wait." Ned said whilst starting up my ps4.

"Okay but don't mess with my saved games like last time." I give him a quick glare and left out the window but not before hearing a sarcastic Yeah whatever from Ned and I just rolled my eyes.

-------POV CHANGE------

Mj's POV

I once I saw Happy in the car, I quickly sprinted and hopped in the back.

"Hi happy." I said rather sweetly. Your probably wondering why its because I just up my sarcastic and rude attitude a bit in public but in private at home I can actually be sorta nice well until you piss me off.

"Hey kid, how was your last day?" Happy said while pulling up to the driveway of the Avengers Tower.

"It was boring because we did all the same stuff Uncle Bruce taught me last week." I said bored.

Happy grunted and we made out way home. Once we got there I ran up to the elevator.

"Hey Fri! Can you tell me what floor Aunt Nat is on?" I said while looking up at the camera.

"Black Widow is on floor 96, would you like we to alert her of your presence?" FRIDAY asked while bringing me up to the 96th floor.

"No thanks Fri." I smirked and came up with a plan to surprise attack her.


I sneakily walked into the room she was training in and jumped on her back. Surprised she fell down and pushed me off ready to fight. I giggled as the fierce look wiped off her face into a sweet happy one.

"Mj! You Подлый девушка!(Sneaky girl)" She laughed and helped me up.

"Извините тетя Nat просто хотел посмотреть, если я хотел бы удивить вас, и я сделал!" (Sorry Aunt Nat just wanted to see if I would surprise you and I did!) I said in perfect russian. Aunt Nat taught me russian so we could make fun of eveyone who didn't understand.

After talking a bit more I headed to my room and changed so we could spare. This will be fun 😏


I waved bye to NAT and headed to my room. Walking into my bathroom, I felt something slimey and pink fall on my head. I screamed- "SAM! CLINT!", Running out I saw them both rolling on the ground, at first I was confused since it wasn't that bad....... I judged way to quickly.

I suddenly felt glitter fall onto my head and around me. I could hear them practically going ballistic from laughing so hard.

"Friday...." I whispered.

"Yes Ms. Jones-Stark?" FRIDAY chirped.

"Activate protocol Birdbrain screwed up." I hissed. Now noticing my silence, they stared at me in fear.

"Gladly, Activating protocol Birdbrains screwed up." You could practically hear FRIDAY smirking.

You could see the fear in them when shearing this.

"Oh shi-...." Sam screeched.

"LANGUAGE!" Steve yelled looking at the two with the eyebrows of disappointment™️.

"You guys really screwed up." Steve said backing away slightly hearing the elevator ding.

Out walked Nat, Pepper and Tony. They looked pretty confused until they saw what had went down.

"Mj! Sweetie what happened!" Pepper yelled as she rushed over to me.

"Birdbrain #1 and #2 thought it would funny to dump pink slime and glitter on my head as a prank." I practically hissed.

"You guys do realize she could kill you in her sleep with all the training she's been doing with Nat, right?" Tony said smirking proudly.

You could see them gulp and beg for mercy. I wiped off all the slime and glitter from my face and looked towards them.

"Watch your back....." I trailed off and went to my room. You could hear Pepper and Nat yelling at them for the mess and telling them to watch there backs from them as well.

And that's basically how my night ended. With the scolding of 2 dumbasses, a very long shower, and me knowing I have 2 of them most powerful females in the world on my side.

--------------------------------Thanks for reading! I know this wasn't really Spideychelle but I had the idea so I just went with it.

-Fuzzy ❤️
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